Momisms - yo mama ain't this cool!
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While riding in the car with my dad driving:
....."He's gonna make a U turn - that's a definite no-no!"

To me, at a 4th of July party:
....."Kristin! I can see your nipples! Are you wearing a bra?"

While driving to watch fireworks on the 4th of July:
....."Roll up your windows so nobody throws a firecracker in the car!"

In the parking lot at a restaurant:
....."Smells like urine out here... reminds me of France."

About the parking lot at Blockbuster:
....."Whoever designed this should be shot!"

Threatening my brother and myself:
....."I'm one mean mofo!"

In response to harassment about driving under the speed limit:
....."This is where that animal committed suicide in front of my car."

To my brother:
....."You are no fun. You are never going to have a girlfriend because you are so boring."