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Hey guys. This is Imagen, and I'm the site host. I hope this is going to be the best page Ina and I have made yet! There's lots of stuff to do and see, and be sure to visit the whole new Vin site, Vin~Central. I'm working on a new spin-off site, called Pet Corner, which should be up in a couple of days, so look out for more coming soon! IN THE MEAN TIME, PLEASE VISIT THE REST OF THE PAGES. WE'VE UPDATED ALL THE LINKS THAT HAVE UPDATED BY THEM. THERE ARE GAMES TO PLAY, STORIES, POLLS, PICS AND NOW CHAT AND MESSAGE BOARDS!

Last Updated July 15, 2001

Here are the features you can enjoy at College Corner. Feel free to take a look around, and don't for get to sign the guestbook and tell a friend about us. BE SURE TO VISIT THE VIN~CENTRAL PAGE SO YOU CAN SIGN OUR ECARD FOR VIN. LOTS OF COOL PICS AND INFO TOO!

Want to e-mail me? Just click on the pic!

Want to know more about this little guy? He's a virtual pet from P.F. Magic. You can own your own or just come and visit mine here! Learn all about them on my new site, Pet Corner coming soon!

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Poll will end August 1st and I will post the results, so get your vote in now!

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Don't hear any music? Click here to download the Crescendo midi and mp3 playerfrom Live Update. It's FREE!

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Get~Linked Features Coming Soon

  • Get~Linked to the coolest pets website, Pet~Corner!

Get ~Linked: The coolest sites on the web

Vin Rules the Web! The ultimate Vin Diesel fan site.
Get~Linked to the webs coolest free virtual pets! Play games, send mail, Get~Linked!
Get~Linked to the latest news and weather, connect with friends, and even chat live with your fave celebs!
The best site to find all your fave mp3's.
