Real Life Adventures

Welcome to a world where Logan and Marie are normal people. There are no mutants, Marie can't kill with a touch and Logan was never "enchanced".... That doesn't mean their life is a calm one.

Rated NC-17

I. Mugging
II. Wipeout
III. Car-ride Conversations
IV. Familiarizations
VI.Confusions Galore
VII. Meshing Time
VIII. Family Comes A Knockin'
IX. Comfort Zone
X. Mr. Tough Guy
XI. Relaxation
XII. Night Of Truths
XIII. Repercussions
XIV. Alone Time
XV. Right-Side Up
XVI. Old Life New
XVII. Feel The Love
XVIII. Out Of My Sight
XIX. Out Of My Mind
XX. Waltz With The Devil
XXI. Screaming on the Inside
XXII. Arms of an Angel
XXIII. Spoils of War
XXIV. Weary Warrior
XXV. Outside Forces
XXVI. Mutants From Oz
XXVII. Weak Defenses
XXVIII. Unbalanced
XXIX. Free At Last
XXX. Snake Attack
XXXI. For The Record
XXXII. Nightmare Unfolding
XXXIII. Little Known Calm
XXXIV. Family Affair
XXXV. Peace Is A Foreign Concept
