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Adventures in East Anglia
Monday, 10 March 2008
windy city

It has been very windy these last few days.  Something like 'March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb' comes to mind.  Nevertheless, one still has to go outside to brave the gales, and much of the time, it seems as though a lot of pedalling goes on but not much forward movement happens.  At this point, I've learned to not believe the weather forcast when it says 'the forecast will be predominantly sunny'.  On the other hand, when it says 'the forecast will be predominantly windy' I do take it seriously.  Cold is relative, in my mind, as the winter has been very mild, though many here say it has been cold.  There may have been one or two legitimately cold days in February, but nothing very far from freezing. 

Much work on at the moment, which is why posts have been few and far between.  I assure you, much time has been spent in the library (quiet, and only third year undergraduates allowed, not to mention the graduate students) and not in the pub (too many tourists and undergraduates)!  Somehow, in a moment of insanity (or clarity), I got it into my head to perform an analysis of baptisms and burials for fenland and nearby parishes, as it would be the key to an original contribution in my dissertation.  I haven't been able to talk myself out of it, as it still seems like a good idea... much work awaits me.

Posted by Cynthia at 3:00 PM BST
Updated: Monday, 10 March 2008 3:03 PM BST
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