. The Barkley Library

Victory in Defeat

By Keesha

Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.

Heath and Nick vie for a stallion.

"What do you mean yours! I spotted that stallion first and he's mine. You just get any idea of riding him out of your head," Nick finished as he followed on Heath's heels through the front door.

"You spotted him first!" Heath replied incredulously. "You couldn't see the broad side of the barn if it were painted bright red. No, I spotted that pony first and I aim to catch and break him."

"Is that a fact." Nick growled back. "We'll see just how far you get catching that stallion with a broken arm," he continued as he advanced menacingly on Heath.

"Will you stop shouting in the house," Victoria commanded as she came down the staircase. "And explain what all this commotion is about."

Nick swung around and faced his mother. "I'll be happy to tell you what this is about."

Victoria turned and walked into the sitting room with Nick and Heath trailing along behind her. She calmly settled herself on the couch. "Go ahead Nick."

Nick started pacing up and down in front of his mother. "We were up in the North Meadow, rounding up our band of mares. All of the sudden, out of the foothills, comes the most magnificent wild stallion I have ever set eyes on. Oh Mother, he was a beauty. One look at him and you could see he had it all. Beauty, speed and stamina. And I aim to catch him and make him into the finest riding horse this side of the Rockies."

"Gee, that's awful nice of you brother Nick, to offer to break that stallion for me. But I'd prefer to do it myself," Heath drawled leaning on the fireplace mantle.

"You go anywhere near that stallion and I'll give you the beating of your life," Nick replied.

"I'd like to see you try," Heath shot back.

"Why you…," Nick growled.

"Both of you stop it," Victoria scolded. "You are behaving like children. Nick, stop threatening your brother. Heath, stop needling Nick. I'm sure you two can work out a perfectly reasonable solution."

"Did I hear someone say a reasonable solution?" Jarrod said cheerfully as he came through the front door. "Sounds like a job for a lawyer," Jarrod continued as he walked into the parlor. "Good evening Mother," he said as he gave her a peck on the cheek and then went to pour a glass of sherry.

Nick and Heath stood glaring at each other. "And good evening to you too my brothers. Care to stop glaring at each other long enough to join me in a glass of sherry? No? Well then, can I be of any assistance in some other matter?" Jarrod asked.

Breaking eye contact with Heath, Nick turned to Jarrod. "You just stay out of this. This is between me and him," he said stabbing a finger in Heath’s direction.

"Why Nick, that is the first smart thing you've said all day," Heath goaded.

Nick spun back to face Heath. "And you, this is not over yet. You leave that stallion alone." Nick turned on his heels and angrily stomped up the stairs. Pausing at the landing he turned and shouted down to Heath. "And I mean it boy!" Nick continued down the hall, entered his bedroom and slammed the door behind him.

Victoria sighed looking at Jarrod. "That boy," she said, "has got his father's temper." She turned to address Heath who was moseying towards the kitchen. "Heath. I don't know where you are going, but I suggest it better not be to visit the North Meadow. I expect you two to solve this civilly. I don't want you sneaking around behind each other's back."

Heath stopped and cocked an eyebrow at Victoria. "Mother, I'm surprised at you. I plan to be very civilized about the whole matter," Heath said. "Yep," he added under his breath as he walked out the door, "Every time I ride by Nick on that stallion I’ll tip my hat in a most civilized manner."

Victoria looked at Jarrod again, who had watched the whole escapade with an amused smile. "And Heath," Victoria continued, "inherited his father's stubbornness. Oh Jarrod, I sometimes think you are the only sane son I have."

"Don't worry mother. I'm sure after they have each had a chance to cool down, they'll work this whole thing out amicably," Jarrod replied.

"I hope your right," Victoria said looking from the kitchen to the stairs. "I hope you're right."

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Silas placed the platter of eggs on the table. Victoria, Nick and Jarrod were already seated as Audra made her way down the stairs.

"Good morning everyone," Audra said as she slipped into her place. "Where's Heath?"

"I saw him early this morning Miss Audra," Silas answered. "He stopped by the kitchen before he left."

Nick's head flew up from his plate. "What! What do you mean left? Did he say where he was going Silas?"

"No Mr. Nick. He just grabbed something to eat and left," Silas replied.

"Thank you Silas," Victoria said. "That will be all." Silas nodded and exited the room.

"Why that low down rattlesnake. If I find him up there with that stallion," Nick growled as he pushed back from the table, shoving the last of his breakfast into his mouth. "Just wait 'til I get my hands on him," he muttered as he hurried from the room.

"Why Nick is so upset?" Audra said in a confused tone. "Is something wrong?"

"Audra, my pretty little sister. Don't worry about it. This is something Nick and Heath need to work out between themselves," Jarrod told her. "And you best stay out of it young lady. Now, pass me the eggs please."

Audra tossed her head and said "Humph."

Victoria spoke up. "Audra, Jarrod is right. This is something Nick and Heath do need to work out themselves. Though, I think this is about more than a stallion."

Jarrod put down his fork. "Why do you say that Mother?"

"Women's intuition, I guess. Ever since Maria Montera, the two of them have been edgy with each other. It is like they are still competing, except it has grown from competing for her to competing about everything. Think about it Jarrod. Over the last two weeks, how many times have the two of them been at odds about something? Why, even that checkers game the other night. I thought they would come to blows over it."

"I think Mother's right Jarrod," Audra chimed in. "Yesterday in the pasture when they were roping and branding the calves, it turned into a competition. They kept trying to out do each other to see who was quickest. The way they were going at it you'd have thought it was for first prize at the State Fair."

"Well, I defer to the fairer sex," Jarrod said gallantly with a slight bow of his head. "And I still say it would be best if we stayed out of this and let them settle it themselves. However, if you want, big brother will have a talk," Jarrod offered.

"Perhaps that would be best," Victoria replied.

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Heath took off his hat and wiped his sleeve across his forehead. Boy, was he hot. This stallion had been leading him on a merry chase since early this morning. Seemed he could never get close enough to get a rope on the darn critter. Heath replaced his hat and urged Charger forward. Well, he thought, I finally have him now. He'd been able to maneuver the stallion into a box canyon. Should be able to get a rope on that pony now, he thought.

He loosened his rope and started towards the stallion. The stallion was standing at the far end of the canyon, his chestnut coat glistening like burnished cooper in the sun.

"Easy boy, easy fellow," Heath intoned in a soft voice.

The stallion snorted and tossed his head in the air.

"Easy boy, easy." Heath let the rope fly and it landed squarely around the stallion's head.

The stallion let out a furious squeal. He reared and pawed trying to free himself of the rope around his neck. Heath hitched the other end to his saddle horn, while trying to talk calmly to the stallion. The stallion wasn't pacified. Heath got out a second rope to toss around stallion's feet. Heath let it fly but it missed the intended target. The stallion fought harder when he felt the second rope brush his flank. Infuriated, the stallion changed tactics and charged at Heath’s horse. Charger scurried to get out of the stallion's path, but got tangled in the ropes, tumbling himself and Heath to the ground.

When he realized what has happening, Heath quickly unhitched the rope from his saddle horn. But by doing that, he didn't have time to clear himself from the saddle and when Charger went down, he landed partially on Heath’s right leg. The wild stallion tore off down the canyon, ropes trailing behind him.

Heath slowly sat up, watching the stallion disappeared. Boy howdy, he thought. That is one mean son of a gun. In all his time working with horses, Heath couldn't remember when one had ever tried to ram him. Shaking his head, he attempted to stand and stumbled. He felt feeling a sharp pain shoot through his right calf. Slowly, he tried to make his way to his feet again. It was painful, but it didn't feel like anything was broken. Glad I don't have to walk home on this leg, he thought. Turning, Heath looked for his horse. Oh no, he thought. Charger was up on its feet, but the gelding was holding his right front hoof off the ground. Heath limped over and felt the fetlock. He didn't think the horse had broken any bones either; it was probably just a bad strain. And, thought Heath grimly, he shouldn't be ridden; not if he is ever to be a good cutting horse again. Heath sighed and picked his hat up off the ground. He made a few cursory swipes at the dirt on his pants. Grabbing the reins he patted Charger on the nose saying Come on old fellow. Looks like you and me got some walking to do. As a team, the two slowly limped home.

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Nick flew to the stable and saddled his horse, the whole time cursing his brother under his breath. He led Coco out of the stable and quickly mounted. Riding over to the bunkhouse, he bellowed for the foreman and left him with instructions for the day. Nick turned his horse heading at a full gallop towards the North meadow. He took a short cut up Sutter's Ridge and started scouting for the stallion.

Nick was furious when he spotted the stallion. There was a rope around his neck, which had snagged in some trees halting the stallion’s progress.

"So Heath, you did try a hand at getting this pony," Nick said angrily to no one in particular. "And it looks like you didn't do so well. Though, come to think of it, you did make it easier for me, leaving him tied nice as can be to a tree." Nick chuckled. "I'll have to be sure and thank you when I'm riding by on this beautiful horse."

Nick got down off Coco and advanced on the stallion. He figured to rope the stallion's feet, force him to the ground and place a halter on him. Looking at the powerful beast, Nick decided he'd put a second rope around the stallion's neck as an added precaution. With a few adept flicks, Nick had the stallion's feet tied. He forced him to the ground. Taking the halter from his saddle pack, he slowly advanced on the stallion's head. He slipped the halter over nice and easy. Pulling out a knife, Nick cut the original rope from the stallion's neck that was tethering him to the trees. The stallion grunted but could not rise as his feet were still tied. Nick gave him a friendly pat on the neck and headed back to Coco. He got a second rope and looped it around the stallion's neck. There, he thought. One on the halter, one on the neck. That should do it. He slowly untied the stallion's feet.

The stallion lay there for a moment, not realizing he was free. Nick mounted Coco and gave a tug on the rope. When the stallion felt the rope pull on his neck, he leapt to his feet with an angry squeal. Nick tugged harder trying to get the stallion under-control.

One thing that could be said about this stallion was he had a good memory. Last time he had felt the tug of a rope, running at the source freed him of his hindrance, so, he did it again. Screaming a challenge, the stallion charged at Coco. Rearing up, he delivered a glancing blow to Nick's arm and Coco’s neck with his front hooves. Coco stumbled out of the stallion's way as he bolted around them to freedom; ropes flapping behind him in the breeze.

Nick cursed under his breath as he examined his forearm. The damn stallion's hoof had cut through his shirt to the skin. The wound wasn't serious but his arm ached from the impact. He glanced down at Coco’s neck and saw the hooves of the stallion had marked him too. Nick took a piece of cloth from his saddle pack and bound his arm.

As he rode back towards the ranch he thought to himself, this is not over yet. Originally, this was about beating Heath, and it still was. But now, it was also about teaching that stallion who was boss. No animal is going to get the best of me, Nick thought. No brother and no horse.

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Jarrod smelt the pungent odor of disinfectant as he walked past the half-open door to the bathroom. Wondering who was hurt, he stuck his head in. He was treated to the sight of Nick grimacing as he gingerly dabbed disinfectant on his forearm.

"Need a hand?" Jarrod inquired.

"Sure," Nick replied. "It's kind of hard to do with one out of commission."

"That's nasty looking," Jarrod observed as he generously wiped the solution over the wound. "How did you get it?"

"Trying to catch that stallion. But before you go lecturing me, let me tell you Heath also went there trying to capture it. Though," Nick said with an evil chuckle, "he didn’t have too much luck I suspect."

"I wasn't going to say a thing," Jarrod said as he finished wrapping a clean bandage around Nick's forearm. He walked over and perched on the edge of the bathtub, watching as Nick flexed his arm, testing it. He could see it was painful.

"You know Nick," Jarrod said, "You and Heath seem to be butting heads a lot this days."

"Humph," Nick grunted flexing his hand.

"It wouldn't have to do with a certain girl who fancied Heath over you would it?" Jarrod inquired.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Nick replied.

"Well, let me be blunt. It seems to me this competition between you and Heath started after Maria chose Heath over you. I can’t help wondering it you are mad about that," Jarrod said.

"You're crazy," Nick said. "This has nothing to do with any girl. I saw that stallion first and that is all there is to it. End of story. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to tend to," Nick said as he stormed out of the bathroom.

Jarrod picked up the medical supplies and put them back in the cabinet. Well, he thought to himself. That didn't go very well. He sighed as he finished tidying up the bathroom. Maybe I'll have better luck with Heath.

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When the family sat down to dinner, one chair was empty; Heath's.

"Nick," Victoria said. "Have you seen Heath today?"

"I've seen his handy-work on that stallion, but no Mother, I haven't seen him," Nick replied not looking up from his plate.

"Well, I'm a little concerned. Shouldn't he be home by now? You don’t suppose something happened," Victoria continued.

"I wouldn't worry about him Mother. He's a big boy and can take care of himself. He certainly was man enough to go after that stallion after I specifically told him not to. I'm sure he'll be man enough to find his way home, and just wait 'til he gets here. With him being gone all day, I had to do his work on top of my own," Nick complained.

"Nick, I seem to remember something about you visiting that stallion today too," Jarrod said looking pointedly at Nick’s bound arm.

"Maybe so. But, I got back early. That boy hasn't put in an appearance all day. His responsibility is to this ranch! When he became part of this family, he was suppose to pull his own weight and I'm saying he not doing that. He may have been use to doing whatever he wanted to in the past but if he plans to work on this ranch, he better learn to take orders. And that means from me," Nick angrily retorted.

"Nicholas, I don't…," Victoria started to say when the front door opened and Heath hobbled in.

Nick bound from the table. "And speaking of the prodigal son, here he is now. And just where have you been all day?" Nick asked and then continued on before Heath could reply, "Oh, you don't have to answer that. I'll tell you where you've been. You've been chasing that stallion and don't deny it. I saw a rope on him today. Your rope. I told you to leave him alone and you flat out disobeyed. Then you're gone all day leaving me to do all the work on this ranch. Well. What do you have to say for yourself boy?" Nick said.

The rest of the family had moved from the table and was standing in the foyer behind Nick.

"Nick," Heath spoke in a low voice, wrought with anger. "Get out of my way. I have a long, hard day. And I don't have to explain to my actions to anyone, especially you. I just want to go upstairs, take a nice hot bath and get some sleep. Now get out of my way."

Victoria came up and laid a restraining hand on Nick's good arm, as he started to step towards Heath. Heath ignored him and limped slowly towards the stairs. Reaching the bottom step he turned and said, "Nick, I won't let anyone tell me what to do. And that includes you." He turned and continued his way up the stairs, leaning heavily on the banister.

Nick started forward again, but Victoria tightened her grip his arm. "Let's go back and finish dinner," she said calmly as she propelled Nick back towards the table.

Nick let himself be led by his mother. But, he thought to himself, this is not over yet. Not by a long shot.

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Jarrod stayed up late working on some legal documents. The evening had been tense and had not gotten any better as the night wore on. Everyone sat around in uncomfortable silence until Nick announced he was turning in and the rest of the family decided to join him. All but Jarrod, who had documents to read.

Jarrod looked up from his desk. He thought he heard someone moving around the parlor. Wondering who was up at this late hour, he strolled out to investigate. He saw Heath slowly making his way into the kitchen. Jarrod decided to join him.

He must not have heard him come in, for when Jarrod cleared his throat, Heath spun around quickly to see who it was. Heath winced as he twisted on his leg.

"Looks like you hurt your leg there Heath," Jarrod said as he leaned against the door jam. "Want to tell me what happened?"

Heath stared at him and Jarrod thought he was going to refuse. Then he sighed and sat down heavily on a kitchen chair.

"It was from chasing that stallion but I suspect you already know that. I had a rope on him when that son of a gun charged at my horse and knocked us to the ground. Charger landed on my leg. Then to top it all off, Charger came up lame and I had to walk him all the way home. What a pair we made, Charger and I, hobbling home. All because of that stupid stallion. Boy, I wish I'd never laid eyes on that horse," Heath concluded.

"Then why not let Nick have him? You don't seem all that enamoured with him anymore," Jarrod asked.

"Oh, don't get me wrong Jarrod. He is a great horse and I'd love to have him as a mount. It just, well, I'm not sure he worth all the trouble," Heath replied as he stared at the tabletop.

"Do you mean the trouble between you and Nick?" Jarrod inquired.

Heath looked Jarrod squarely in the eyes, "Look Jarrod. I meant what I said to Nick earlier. I don't let anyone tell me what to do, and if someone doesn't like that well tough. It's just I'm not sure that stallion is worth all the effort it's going to take to break and train him. He got a mean streak," Heath replied.

Jarrod moved to sit in the chair opposite Heath at the table. "You want to know what I think it is," Jarrod said in his lawyer voice. "I think you're still trying to prove something. I think Maria refusing to stay shook up your confidence. I think you’re trying to prove to Nick and the world you are just as much a man as anyone else" Jarrod voice softened as he continued. "Heath, you're a part of this family and you don't have to prove yourself. Not to me, Mother, Nick or anyone. And," Jarrod said as he rose from the table, "not yourself either. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go to bed."

Heath pondered what Jarrod said as he watched him go up the stairs.

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The next morning found the whole family gathered at the table for breakfast; Nick with his forearm still bandaged and Heath limping.

"Nick." "Heath," both brothers started at once.

Nick cleared his throat. "Go ahead."

"I was thinking Nick. That stallion is pretty wild and maybe it would be better if we went out together and tried to capture him. Not that I'm saying he'd be yours after we get him," Heath stated.

Nick glared at Heath.

"Or mine either," Heath continued quickly. "I'm just saying it might be a good idea if we both bring him in and then decide who gets him. After all," Heath said with a wiry grin, "judging by your arm and my leg, we didn't do so good on our own. I don't know about you, but I ain't hankering to lose the use of any more limbs," Heath concluded.

Nick slowly grinned back at his brother. "You got a deal. We'll go out together this morning and bring that ornery critter in. Then we'll decide who gets him."

With that, the tension broke as the brother traded stories on how that stallion abused them, each brother making wilder claims then the next. Victoria sat back quietly in her chair. It was good see the two of them getting along.

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Between them, the brothers made quick work of bringing the stallion in. It wasn't easy, the stallion was one heck of a fighter, but working as a team, Nick and Heath managed to capture him.

They put him in separate corral near the house. The stallion battered at the fence with his hooves. They wondered if the rails would hold. They did and eventually the stallion calmed down and stopped kicking.

The next day, at first light, Nick and Heath made their way out to the stallion’s corral. The rest of the household was still asleep.

"You ready to try riding that bronc," Nick inquired of Heath.

Heath looked longingly at the stallion. He dearly wanted to ride him, he thought to himself. Wanted to show Nick he could do it. Heath stopped, realizing what he'd just thought. Maybe Jarrod was right. Maybe he was trying to prove himself to Nick. When he thought about it rationally, he knew with the condition his leg was in, that he'd never be able to stay on that stallion. But a part of him wanted to try so badly, just to prove he could do it. To prove to the world he was …what? A fool. That is all he would prove if he tried to ride that bronc today.

Swallowing his pride, Heath said, "No Nick. You go ahead."

Nick started with surprise. He expected an argument from Heath, not agreement. Nick puzzled this over. Well, he thought, he does have that bum leg. I guess it makes sense to let me try to ride the stallion. Nick glanced down at his bandaged arm. Of course, I have this bum arm, but I guess, it's not as bad as his leg, he rationalized.

"Ok," Nick said, taking off his gun belt and hanging it on the corral post. "Let's tie him down and saddle him up."

The brothers roped the stallion and placed the saddle on his back. Keeping a tight hold of the rope, Heath tried to steady the stallion as Nick climbed on.

"Ok Heath," Nick shouted. "Let him go."

Heath freed the rope and scrambled to the top of the fence favoring his sore leg. The stallion gave Nick one heck of a ride. He seemed to be able to buck and spin his body in ways that should have been impossible according to the laws of physics. Nick was having trouble riding him, his sore arm effecting his balance. Heath slid down on the outside of the fence as the stallion came by trying to rub Nick against the rails.

Boy, thought Heath, that is one mean horse. Heath wondered again whether there was any sense in trying to break the stallion. Occasionally, you came across a rogue horse that could never be broke. Even rarer, one that would attack humans. The only safe thing to do with that type of animal was to shoot them.

Nick was fighting a losing the battle with the stallion. He could feel himself coming lose and prepared to be tossed. The stallion dug his head down and bucked with all his might, flinging Nick over his head.

Nick landed heavily in the dirt, his bandaged arm giving out as he tried to break his fall. The wind got knocked out of him. Heath scrambled over the fence to help Nick up. He was half way there when the stallion stopped bucking and headed in Nick's direction. Heath dove towards Nick, pulling him to safety as the horse screamed and reared up on his hind legs. The stallion came down, slamming his hooves into the ground where Nick had laid seconds before. The stallion squealed and charged at them again. The brothers scrambled to get out of the way. Nick reached for his gun and then remembered he had hung it on the fence before mounting the stallion. Heath hadn't worn his either as it bothered his injured leg.

Jarrod woke at the sound of the screaming stallion. That stallion sounds mad, he thought as he groggily made his way over to the window. Wonder what those two are up too? Jarrod peered out the window into the morning light. He cried out as he saw the stallions hooves come crashing to earth, barely missing his brothers. He turned and ran for the door.

The stallion came down again, narrowly missing the boys with his wicked hooves. Heath was trying to get to his feet but was being hampered by his injured leg. Nick grabbed him with his good arm propelling him towards the fence. Nick climbed over and then turned and grabbed Heath’s arms to help him over. A shadow fell over the brothers and glancing up Nick saw the hooves of the stallion coming right towards them. The hooves grazed Nick; the impact knocking him backwards off the fence. Heath started to fall back into the corral as Nick lost his grip on him. The stallion's hooves finished the job flinging him across the corral and knocking him senseless.

Nick scrambled to his feet, running for his gun. There was no other way. Nick knew this horse would trample Heath if not stopped. Nick grabbed his gun, took aim and fired. The bullet entered squarely between the horse's eyes dropping him in his tracks.

Nick leapt over the fence and ran over to where his brother lay silently. He knelt in the dirt and cradled Heath's head.

"Heath," Nick said with a sense of urgency. "Heath, are you alright? Answer me boy!" Nick looked with concern at the red stain spreading across the front of Heath’s shirt. The stain kept increasing in size. Nick unbuttoned the shirt to get a better look . What he saw made him gasp. It was serious, very serious. Oh God, he thought. This can’t be happening.

Jarrod bolted into the corral, coming to a stop next to Nick.

"It’s bad Jarrod," Nick said, his voice catching. He watched as the lifeblood slowly ebbed from Heath. Nick suddenly realized that he cared about this man, as much as he cared about Jarrod or Eugene. He didn’t know precisely when, but somehow he’d accepted this boy as his brother, his real brother. And now, well it might be too late.

Jarrod yelled to one of the men to go get the doctor. He looked at Nick’s contorted face. Gently placing a hand on his brother’s back, he said, "Come on. Let’s get him up to the house."

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Victoria shut the front door after thanking the Doctor. She leaned heavily against it as she looked up the stairs at the room; the room where one of her son’s lay fighting for his life. She too, like Nick, finally understood how far this boy had managed to work his way into the family and her heart. Yes, she thought. I think of him just as I do my own flesh and blood. Though, Victoria realized, she had come to love Heath for himself, and not because he was Tom’s illegitimate child or out of some sense of guilt. No, she loved him for who he was. That was reason enough.

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Jarrod and Nick made their way down to the billiard room. There was nothing more they could do upstairs. It was just a matter of waiting to see who won, Heath or the grim reaper. Jarrod poured a couple of drinks, handing one to Nick. Nick took it and sank into a chair. He set the drink on the floor and cradled his head in his hands. Jarrod sat too. Time stood still as the two contemplated the meaning of life, each in their own mind. Eventually, Nick picked up his drink, chugged it down and leaned back in the chair.

"If you told me three months ago, I would be sitting here worrying about that boy, a boy that showed up out of nowhere, claiming be my brother, I would have said you were crazy!" Nick paused. "Well, I’m telling you this now. I am worried, hell I’m scared to death that boy up there is gonna die. Die never knowing that, that I…," Nick voice broke and trailed off.

"That you cared about him," Jarrod said finishing his brother’s sentence. Nick nodded his head quickly, got up and walked over to the billiard table; his back to Jarrod.

"We all feel the same way Nick," Jarrod said addressing his brother’s back. "It’s funny, how you come to care about somebody. It’s not like one day you just make up your mind and say, today I’m going to start caring. No, it kind of creeps up on you and before you know it, that person is part of your life. A part you can’t imagine living without."

Nick’s shoulders drooped. "I feel responsible. All this because of a stupid horse. Because I had to prove something. I had to be the big man,."

Jarrod rose and walked around to the far side of the table to face Nick. "Nick, you saved his life by shooting that horse."

"It should have never come to that. I should have seen right away what that animal was; that he was no good; a rogue. But no, I let my need to win, to prove I was the better man, cloud my judgement," Nick said as he pounded his fist on the table causing the balls to jump. "I had to prove to this stranger who came out of nowhere, who claimed to be my brother, who earned the respect of my men, who saved our cattle, who beat me out for a beautiful women."

"Nick, stop it," Jarrod said. "It’s not your fault he is lying up there. It’s, I don’t know," Jarrod said frustrated. "Maybe it’s all our faults. I know at times Heath felt like he didn’t belong, that he had to prove he was entitled to wear the Barkley name the same as you or I. And maybe, unconsciously, we wanted him to prove it to us too. After all, it is kind of shocking when a 24-year-old stranger shows up claiming to be your brother. Whatever the case, that is the past, and it can’t be changed. We must look to the future"

Nick looked his brother straight in the eye and said, "If he has a future. Our brother." Nick spun around and walked quickly out of the room, brushing past Victoria on his way out.

Jarrod sunk against the table. Victoria walked over to him. "I think, under that gruff exterior, that your brother feel more deeply about things than any of us." She paused. "He’s taking it hard?"

"That, mother, is an understatement," Jarrod replied.

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Over the next couple of days, Heath drifted in and out of consciousness. Victoria and Audra took turns sitting by his bed. Jarrod would spell them in the evenings. Nick popped in so frequently that Victoria promised to send a special messenger if Heath so much as moved an inch.

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Nick had just dropped in for one of his umpteenth visit when Heath opened his eyes and appeared lucent for the first time in days.

"Hey, there stranger. Welcome back," Nick chided.

Heath looked up at Nick, the events of the other day flooding back into his memory.

"How long?" Heath asked.

"Near about four days," Nick replied.

Heath thought again. "The horse?" Heath asked.

"Dead. I shot him," Nick replied.

Heath weakly gestured to his chest. "How bad."

"Fine, you’ll be fine," Nick said cheerfully.

"Truth?" Heath asked.

"Would I lie to my own brother?" Nick asked in a mock-hurt tone.

Heath studied Nick’s face. "Thank you." Heath said.

"For what," Nick asked clearing his throat.

"For saving my life," Heath stated.

Nick tussled Heath’s hair. "Get some rest," he said gruffly as he left the room.

"Thank you … brother," Heath replied softly.

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"Well," Jarrod said. "It’s nice to see you out and about again Heath

Heath looked up from his checkers game with Nick and grinned. "Boy Howdy," he said "I think I could happily forgo ever being kicked by a horse again for the rest of my life," Concentrating back on the checkerboard Heath moved a piece and said, "King me."

Nick growled as he kinged Heath's piece. "You're just milkin' that injury to git out of work. I'm out there bustin' my back and you're in here lollygaging about. Just when do you plan on joining me in the running of this ranch?" Nick asked.

"Soon brother Nick. Soon," Heath replied as we took the last of Nick's pieces. "My game. That's three to two I believe. My favor."

Jarrod and Victoria slowly drifted out to the verandah. Victoria turned and looked back at the two brothers, blond and brown arguing over the checkerboard. Nick was trying to get Heath to play another game to even the score. Heath was teasing him back, saying he'd already won fair and square and Nick should know when he was beat.

"You know Jarrod. I think there always going to be like that with each other," Victoria sighed.

"Like what Mother/" Jarrod asked.

"In competition with each other, at least at some level," she answered back.

"Mother. Competition is good and its natural. And for them, it’s an expression of the feelings they have for each other. And while they might compete, they will always be there for each other too. They will risk their lives for each other and for any member of this family. And that is what makes us a family."

Victoria leaned back against her son's chest. "Jarrod, how did you become so wise," she asked.

"By watching you dear Mother. By watching you," Jarrod replied with a laugh and they both went back indoors to join the family.

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