The Barkley Library

Tempted: Part III

By Keesha

Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.

This is set after shortly after Trial of the Heart (fanfic) Force and Violence (show).



Jarrod invited Carmella back to the ranch again, this time for a week. She had to take an extended vacation from her position at the mercantile; but her boss was happy to oblige as it was the slow season. When Heath found out she was returning to the ranch for a visit, he vowed to avoid her at all costs. He was still ashamed of their last meeting. He knew he should talk to Jarrod, tell him about their past and assure him it was that, the past, but he couldn’t seem to find the right time; probably because he didn’t want to face Jarrod. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to convince his brother, the lawyer, it was all over between him and Lupe.


After dinner one night Jarrod and Carmella took a stroll in the moonlight.

"Beautiful night," Jarrod commented looking up at the clear night sky.

"Yes it is, especially with you by my side," Carmella responded sweetly.

Jarrod took Carmella in his arms. "Did anyone ever tell you how lovely your are?"

"Well perhaps once to twice," Carmella answered teasingly batting her eyes at him.

Jarrod bent his head down and kissed her with gentle passion. Carmella returned his kiss with enthusiasm, then broke off and held him tight. Carmella pretended to shiver.

"Are you cold darling? Take my coat and we’ll return to the house," Jarrod said as he tenderly slipped his jacket around her shoulders. He left his arm around her shoulders as the started back towards the house.

"Your mother was showing me some pictures this afternoon. She showed me a family portrait with your father in it. He was a handsome man."

"Yes, I suppose he was." Jarrod replied.

"Your brother Heath, he was not in the picture. When I asked your mother she said he came to live with you later. When I said I didn’t understand, she had said that he was only your half-brother," Carmella said.

"Yes. Heath came to live with us almost a year ago. It seems our father, well, was also Heath’s father but our mother’s are different," Jarrod answered.

"I see," Carmella said knowingly. "I will be sure to apologize to your mother for bringing up such a indelicate subject."

"You did nothing wrong Carmella. Heath does not make a secret of his parentage. He doesn’t have to. He is a Barkley, like the rest of us. I think of him as much as my brother as Nick or Eugene," Jarrod replied empathetically.

"And your whole family feels this way," Carmella asked in mock-surprise. "I mean, it is very understanding of you to be willing to give your hard-earned land to a stranger. In Mexico, brothers fight brothers over very small pieces of worthless land."

"Well, we are a little more civilized in this country," Jarrod replied tickling her under the chin. "Besides, this ranch is big enough for everyone."

"I think Heath was lucky to find such a fine family as you … as was I." Carmella stood on her toes and gave Jarrod a quick kiss. Yes, thought Carmella, everything was falling into place nicely.

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Victoria walked into the drawing room before dinner. As she sat down, Jarrod offered to pour her a glass of sherry. She declined.

"Carmella went to town with Audra?" she asked

"Yes, they wanted to do some shopping. Women’s shopping they informed me making it quite clear I was not invited," Jarrod said mock-hurt tone.

"She quite a woman Jarrod," Victoria said

Jarrod smiled indulgently at his mother. He couldn’t hide anything from her "That she is. Mother. I’m thinking of asking her to marry me."

Victoria paused for a moment to reflect. How many times had she thought about this day, the day when her sons, one by one would become another woman’s responsibility. It was a bittersweet moment. She was happy for Jarrod, so very happy he’d found what he was looking for. She was also sad, because she knew he would eventually be leaving her. "Are you sure this is what you want," she asked gently.

Jarrod smiled at his mother’s concern. "Yes mother, I am."

"Then I’m very happy for you. When do you plan to ask her?" Victoria queried.

"I thought to propose tomorrow, in Sky Meadow, out by the old trees. I was always fond of that meadow," Jarrod said contently.

"It is a very nice place and very appropriate." Victoria threw her arms around her son, "I’m so happy for you."

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Jarrod had Silas pack a picnic lunch for he and Carmella the next day. The weather was iffy, heavy clouds hung in the East but they decided to risk it anyway. Jarrod tethered the horses under the trees while Carmella spread out the blanket. Together they unpacked the basket and Jarrod smiled when he came across a bottle of champagne and two of his mother’s favorite wineglasses. Obliviously, his mother had helped Silas pack this lunch knowing it was more than just a normal picnic.

Carmella thought Jarrod was up to something. He wasn’t his usual suave self. He seemed flustered and kept patting his pocket as if to reassure himself. Carmella wondered if her dear Jarrod finally got up the courage to propose to her.

Jarrod kept waiting for just the right moment to propose. Somehow, when they first arrived it seemed too soon. Then while they ate, it seemed, well, inappropriate. Finally he decided he would ask her to go for a walk and do it then; yes that seemed right.

As they strolled hand and hand through the meadow along the babbling brook’s edge, the wind started to pick up. Carmella clutched her bonnet to keep it from blowing off. Jarrod reached down and plucked a handful of wild flowers and handed them to Carmella. She thanked him as the rumbling of thunder sounded.

"Carmella, I love you," he said gently tilting her face up to kiss her ripe lips. He dropped to one knee and gently held her small delicate hand in his masculine one. "Would you marry me?"

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Later that evening after Carmella had gone to bed, Jarrod cornered Nick in the billiard room. "Care for a game Nick?" Jarrod asked as he shut the door.

"Sure, why not," Nick replied picking up a stick and chalking the end. "You break."

Jarrod got his own cue and walked to the end of the table. He bent over and took careful aim on the ball. His shot, neatly scattered the balls across the table, but placed none in a pocket. "So," he asked casually as Nick setup for his shot. "What do you think of Carmella."

"Seems like a nice girl," Nick mumbled as he sunk the red ball in the corner pocket. He straightened and looked for his next shot.

"She seems to be enjoying herself her on the ranch," Jarrod said.

"Guess you could say that," Nick replied absently as he took his next shot. The cue ball smacked soundly spinning the yellow ball into the side pocket. He bent and sighted for his next shot.

"She seemed to like Stockton too," Jarrod added.

Nick stood up and looked at his brother. "Jarrod, are you going anywhere with this conversation?"

Jarrod laid his stick down on the table and walked over to the window. He gazed out for a moment and then turned back to his brother. "Nick, I asked Carmella to marry me and she accepted," Jarrod said in a rush.

Nick threw down his stick and gave his brother a big bear hug. "That’s great Jarrod," he said heartily slapping his brother on the back. He hugged Jarrod again so hard his brother winced.

"Easy there Nick, you’re gonna crush me," Jarrod wheezed.

Nick eased up still grinning at his brother.

"I take this to mean you approve," Jarrod asked catching his breath.

"You don’t need my approval," Nick replied

"No, but I value you opinion," Jarrod replied seriously

Nick was touched. "If it makes you happy Jarrod, then it makes me happy."

The brothers embraced warmly again.

"When are you going to tell the rest of the family?" Nick asked

"Tonight, after dinner."

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Jarrod’s plans to announce the engagement to the rest of the family had to be put on hold. An old friend of the family had some legal troubles that Jarrod had to attend. He left in the afternoon telling Carmella he probably wouldn’t be home until late. Carmella assured him she understood.

She accompanied him down to the stable and waved as he rode off. As she turned to head back to the house, she saw Heath, alone. Carmella smiled to herself. He had been avoiding her all week.

Now that she safely had Jarrod’s proposal in hand, she could try to get one from Heath. Then she could choose who to marry.

She quickly looked around to reassure herself they were alone. Spotting no one she stepped into the stable, smelling the sweet scent of the fresh hay. She moved over to where Heath was currying a mare. He saw her coming, she was sure, but he didn’t look up from his work.

"That mare is lucky," she said seductively, "to have you run your hands all over her body."

Heath fumbled with the brush but kept on working. Carmella moved closer.

"I remember a time when you used to run your hands all over me, and yes I think perhaps once or twice it was in a stable," Carmella said enticingly. "Perhaps, you would like to do it again?"

"What do you want?" Heath asked brusquely.

"You," she enticingly. She moved behind him and placed her hands around his waist. Laying her head against his back, and reaching her arms around to tickle his chest she whispered, "Only you, like it was, back in Mexico."

Letting go of the mare, Heath spun around and pushed her away. "What’s the matter with you. Why are you doing this? You belong to Jarrod," Heath said, his voice full on anguish.

The mare ambled out of the barn.

"But I want to belong to you." Carmella turned away from Heath and started to spin her web. "When you I saw you again at the hotel, I knew I still loved you." She said in a mournful voice. "Oh, I tried to deny it and tell my heart it was Jarrod I loved, but I couldn’t lie to myself." Carmella turned back to face Heath, her big brown eyes moist with tears. "It is you I want, now, forever and always," she said as she slowly moved towards him. Stopping inches from him she looked up into his eyes and said soulfully, "However, I can see I must be wrong, that you no longer feel for me as you once did, as you wrote in your letter. I am sorry I have bothered you." She slowly reached up her hands and cupped his face. "One last kiss before I go," she whispered. She kissed him using all of her skills to arouse his passion. She leaned hard against him causing him to stumble and they both fell into a pile of straw. She kept running her hands through hair and down his broad back as she felt him start to respond.

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Nick whistled as he went outside. He was in a good mood, happy for Jarrod; all was right with the world. He noticed a loose mare wandering in the yard and wondered how she got there. He soothingly talked to her as he approached and took hold of the halter. Nick led her back to the stable and when he stepped inside her heard rustling. He spotted Heath pressed on top Carmella in the straw and his blood boiled. He released the horse, rushed over, pulled Heath up by his belt and backhanded him repeatedly across the face. Carmella gave a little scream, sprung for the hay and ran for the house.

Nick didn’t even notice her leave. He was too intent on beating Heath. Nick crushed his brother against the wall. "What the hell is a matter with you!" Nick roared as he punched Heath again. Heath’s head snapped back and made sharp contact with the barn wall. Nick grabbed him by the collar and slammed him repeatedly against the wall. "Your own brother. How could you do that to you own brother!" Nick let go and Heath slid to the floor. Nick took a step back and looked down at his brother with contempt. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself," Nick growled menacingly.

Heath reached a hand up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He had no answer for Nick. He knew what he did was wrong. He sat there in silence.

Heath’s silence infuriated Nick even more. He reached down and dragged him to his feet. "I should run you off the ranch you mongrel." Nick backhanded him again. Heath didn’t even try to defend himself.

"Jarrod loves her. He asked her to marry him and you, you…" Nick was so furious he couldn’t even finish his thought. He viscously cuffed Heath again.

Heath was shocked by what Nick said. "You mean Jarrod asked her to marry him?"

Nick punched him again knocking him to the floor. "Last night and she accepted," Nick snapped.

"Last night," Heath echoed in a daze.

Nick yanked Heath up from the floor and pinned him against the wall. "That’s right, she accepted," Nick growled. "Now, you better stay away from her. If I even see you looking at her I will beat your sorry hide off this ranch. Do I make myself clear?" Nick said slamming him harder against the wall.

Heath stared at him numbly.

Nick gave him a final shake and released him. Heath sunk to the floor as Nick strode angrily out of the barn. Heath couldn’t think straight, partially from the beating Nick gave him and partially from the way Lupe had behaved. She had said she loved him... after she accepted Jarrod’s proposal? Heath tried to rise but the world swam and he passed out on the stable floor.

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Nick marched through the front door and headed for the stairs. Victoria called after him.

"Nick, what is going on. Carmella just came running in the house. She looked very upset."

"Don’t worry mother. It is all right. I took care of it," Nick responded continuing up the stairs.

"Nicholas, you come back down here right this instant and tell me what is going on," Victoria demanded.

Nick stopped on the step and turned. He walked back down and put his arms on his mother’s shoulders.

"Mother, let it be. It has been taken care of. Please, leave it at that," he said.

Victoria sighed in frustration. She knew Nick had no intention of telling her what was going on.

"Goodnight," he said gruffly as he kissed her on the forehead and went to bed.

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Victoria wandered back into the drawing room and sat down, disconcerted. What on earth happened to upset the girl? She could also tell Nick was upset too, very upset. From the way his hair was messed up and the way he was sweating, she’d swear he’d been fighting. But fighting with whom. And how did Carmella fit in the equation?

She sat in her chair and pondered. Getting no where she tried to read her book but her mind kept wandering. Finally she gave up and decided to go to bed. As she entered the upper hallway, she heard the front door quietly open. Thinking it might be Jarrod she stopped and looked down into the foyer. She saw Heath walk in, holding his side. He checked to see if anyone was around and Victoria melted back into the shadows. When he was satisfied he was alone, he came in and slowly made his way across the foyer. As he climbed the stairs she caught a glimpse of his face. There was no doubt he’d been in fight, and on losing end from what she could see. She hurried down the hall and quietly slipped into her room. Her intuition said he was the third piece of the Carmella, Nick triangle. But why were Nick and Heath fighting and what was Carmella’s role?

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Heath tried to sleep but he couldn’t. He kept running the scene from the barn in his headd. Lupe had come on to him, encouraged him all while knowing Jarrod wanted to marry her. Perhaps I misinterpreted what she was saying. Maybe Nick is right, it was my fault and I forced my intentions on Jarrod fiancée. Heath paced around his room again trying to figure out if he been wrong. He had to go speak to Lupe again and it couldn’t wait until morning.

Heath silently opened the door and peered into the hallway. He could see no one around. In his stocking feet, he padded up the hall to Lupe’s door. Heath could feel himself start to sweat. Nick’s room was right across the hall from Lupe's. If Nick caught him… Heath shuddered at the thought of what he’d do. However, the need to know was greater than the fear of his brother’s wrath so Heath turned the doorknob and entered Lupe’s room.

In the dim light, Heath could make out Lupe lying in the bed. He quietly went over and covered her mouth with his hand. Her eyes flew open in fright and she let out a scream that was muffled by his hand.

"Quiet," Heath whispered. Lupe shook her head in agreement and Heath removed his hand.

Lupe sat up in her bed, clutching the sheet to her body; she had to tread carefully.

"Why Lupe. Why didn’t you tell me Jarrod asked you to marry him?" Heath demanded.

Lupe didn’t reply just lowered her head and stared at the sheets.

Heath grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to look at him. "Did you mean it? Those things you said in the barn about still loving me?" Heath asked in desperation.

Lupe gambled and slightly shook her head yes. Heath gathered her in his arms and crushed her to his chest. "Oh Lupe," he said as he stroked her hair. "Let’s leave tonight. Get married and start a life together somewhere else with fresh start."

Lupe’s body tensed. No this was not what she wanted. She had no intention of walking away from the Barkley money. She would not run off and be penniless again. No, she was too close to winning, to living the good life.

"No Heath," she said. ‘We will not run off, we will stay here and face your family. Make them understand we are in love; they will accept us as they accepted you," she said with conviction.

Heath released Lupe and held her at arms-length. "No. Don’t you see? We can’t stay here, with Jarrod. To make him face you every day. No. I can’t do that to my brother. We have to leave. It is the only way," Heath said with certitude.

Lupe looked into Heath eyes and saw he was serious. She had misjudged this man. She had chosen incorrectly and she now had to recover. She took a deep breath and screamed. Heath let go of her and stood up, staring at her in shock. Lupe rent the front of her nightgown and screamed again.

Nick heard Lupe scream, bounded from his bed and ran to her room. He shouldered the door open and saw Carmella sobbing on the bed as Heath standing there mutely staring at her. Lupe looked up at Nick with tears streaming down her face. "Please, please make him go away. He, he…" Lupe broke into a fresh fit of crying.

Heath looked from Nick to Lupe. "Nick, I…" he didn’t get to finish his sentence as Nick’s fist slammed into his face. Heath stumbled backwards and put up his hands to protect himself. Nick closed in and grabbed him by his shirt propelling him into the hallway. He shoved Heath into the table causing the glass lamp to shatter sprinkling both men with the shards. Heath tried to regain his feet as Nick rammed him again, like a charging bull. Heath floundered trying to get his balance. He reached out for the draperies to steady him but only proceeded to rip them from their moorings as Nick tackled him again. Both of them ended up on the floor tangled in the heavy draperies.

Victoria and Audra came out into the hallway. Lupe, wrapping herself in a sheet moved to the doorway and watched the two brothers’ struggles. Victoria gave a quick glance in her direction and was shocked to see a little self-satisfied smile on Carmella’s face; as if she was enjoying what was going on. Victoria screamed at the boys to stop but in the heat of the battle, they didn’t even hear her.

Nick worked his way free of the drapery’s clutch while his brother still battled with them. Nick used his brother’s disadvantage to land a few more well placed punches on Heath’s torso. Heath finally broke free of the draperies and flung them back over Nick. The weight of the drapes brought Nick to his knees as Heath scrambled for the staircase. Nick, pulled the drapes to one side and dove after his retreating brother, proceeding to knock him to the floor again. They grappled on the floor at the edge of the stairs. The two, locked as one, overbalanced and went tumbling down the long curved staircase. Heath slammed against the newel post at the bottom, with Nick sprawled on top of him. Heath lay still as Nick crawled off him. Nick forced himself to his knees, shaking his head to clear it when the door burst open.

Jarrod looked in shock at his brother’s. He also he stood there, a gun pointed at his head.


"It is him, Senor. The lawyer. The one said to be marrying Lupe. The jeweler in town told me this. Said he bought her a ring and everything." the Mexican man relayed eagerly to his boss. The boss held up a hand to silence the first man. They watched as Jarrod mounted his horse in the dark and headed out of town. "We will take him on the road. Tell the rest of the men."

Jarrod had an uneasy feeling as he road back to the ranch. When the group of 10 men emerged from the darkness and surrounded his horse, he wasn’t truly surprised. The leader, Jarrod assumed, a well-built dark hair man sporting a moustache, moved his horse close to Jarrod’s.

"I am unarmed," Jarrod stated raising his hand.

"Si Senor, I see that and I have no intention of shooting you, as long as you cooperate. We will ride back to your hacienda. Please do not try anything foolish."

"What is this about," Jarrod demanded.

"In time Senior, in time." The leader took the reins of Jarrod's horse and the group headed for the ranch.

To top

Nick froze when he saw the gun pointed at Jarrod's head. Six more men scrambled in the door and rounded up the other members of the household. Victoria, Audra and Lupe were lead down stairs at gunpoint. Heath, who propped himself up against the newel post stayed where he was. One of the men stood next to him, a gun pointed at his temple. The leader forced Jarrod further into the room and shut the door.

Victoria started to move towards her son but the man roughly pushed her back. Nick started to raise but stopped when he heard the gun cock.

"Senors, Senoritas. I have no wish to harm anyone but the guilty. Please, remain as you are and do not try to escape or my men will shot."

"All right, we’re cooperating. Now explain what is going on," Jarrod insisted. The leader gestured one of his men to move Jarrod over by his mother and sister. Jarrod complied.

The leader turned his attentions to Carmella. "Lupe, come over here."

Nick started to say there was no Lupe when Carmella moved forward and stopped in front of the leader.

"Carlos," she spat.

"Lupe, is that any way to treat your brother. The brother who has been looking for you for so long," the leader returned civilly.

"Hello Lupe," a man to the right of Carlos said. Lupe ignored him.

"Now, now sister dear, is that anyway to greet you husband. After all, he too has been looking for you since you disappeared."

Jarrod was stunned by what Carlos had said. Married? Victoria and Audra gasped and held each other tighter. Nick said "Preposterous." Only Heath’s face remained unchanged, accept for a slight narrowing of his eyes.

"My little sister. Did you forget to tell your fiancée that you were already married? Perhaps he did not believe you?" Carlos asked. Carols looked hard at his sister. "Has he touched you, improperly my sister?"

Lupe didn’t answer but lowered her head and stared at the floor.

Carlos’ face-harden. "It is no matter. He will pay anyway."

Jarrod took a step forward. "I assure you I did not know Carmella or Lupe, whatever her name is was married. I only had the most honorable intentions towards your sister. I love her and would never hurt her."

Carlos waved his hand negligently. "But as you see, Lupe is married, to Miguel. She has been married to him for more than five years, a marriage, arranged by our dear departed parents may they rest in peace. A marriage blessed by the church with sacred vows. A marriage you despoiled Senor, with your very presence." Carlos said venomously.

Heath stumbled to his feet. Lupe was married, for more than five years! That means when he and she first met and they were together she was a married woman. He’d slept with another man’s wife!

"How could you Lupe. Why didn’t you tell me? I never knew, in Mexico." Heath said plaintively.

Carlos’ eyes narrowed.

Heath took a step towards Lupe. His guard viciously pushed him back.

Carlos spun his sister around to look at him. "Lupe, him too?" he asked questioningly. One of Carlos men walked up and whispered something in Spanish in his ear. Carlos’ eyes widened. He pushed past his sister, walked towards Heath and stopped right in front of him.

"Senor, please tell me I am mistaken. But Hector said he thinks he has seen you before. Perhaps in Mexico."

Heath remained silent.

Carlos continued. He turned his back on Heath and started to walk around the room examining the trinkets on the table. "You see, it came to my attention that my sister was being, how shall we say, indiscrete while her husband and I were out of town on business. It was said this man saw a lot of my sister and caused a lot of trouble in the town, beating upon the poor inhabitants. When this news reached our ears, Miguel and I immediately rushed home but arrived to late. The gringo had gone."

Carlos tossed a small ceramic figurine up in the air and caught it. "Hector was the man that came to tell me of my poor sister’s plight. And he saw who this gringo was and says he looks suspiciously like you." Carlos whirled and threw the figurine at Heath head, smashing it on the wall behind him. He seized Heath by the front of the shirt and with his face, inches away demanded, "I ask you once and once only, was that you Senor?"

Heath stared defiantly back at Carlos.

"Don’t try my patience." Carlos gestured with his free hand to the gunman standing near Audra. He pushed the gun to Audra’s temple and cocked the hammer. "Well?"

"Yes, it was." Heath relied quietly, his eyes never leaving Carlos’ face.

Victoria and Audra gasped. Nick glared at his brother.

Jarrod's mind reeled with Heath’s revelation. He had known Carmella before and hadn’t said anything? Known her well enough to have slept with her. This had to be wrong. There had to be a mistake. How could Heath do this too him, to not tell him. And Carmella, no Lupe, Jarrod corrected. Who was she really? Certainly not the nice girl Jarrod had fell in love with.

Carlos released the front of Heath shirt and walked away. He directed a few of his men to get some rope. Stepping to the center of the room he addressed Victoria. I regret Senorita, that I will be taking two of your sons with me."

"No, " Victoria cried as she stepped forward. "No. Please."

Carlos gave her a little shove back. Audra steadied her mother.

Nick tried to break free. Carlos signaled one of his men who clubbed him with his rifle butt. Nick slumped to the floor.

"Again, Senorita, I apologize for disturbing you. However, this is a manner of honor and both your sons must pay."

Victoria started to speak but Carlos cut her off. "Save your breath, it will do no good to argue or plead."

The men returned with the ropes and tied and gagged the two women, securing to chairs. They dragged the unconscious form of Nick to the newel pole and tied him to that. Jarrod and Heath’s hands were tied behind their backs and they were forced outside. Carlos men brought two saddled Barkley horses from the barn and the men were slung across the saddle, hands and feet tied securely under the horse’s belly. The horses were lead by two other people and the party started off into the night.

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The band made there way south, moving as fast as they dared in the darkness of the night. They made quick rest stops, only allowing the horses a quick chance for a breather. Finally, they made a camp to escape the heat of the day. Jarrod and Heath were untied from the horses and allowed to slide to the ground. There feet were untied but their hands left securely fettered behind their back. Two men with rifles vigilantly watched over them.

Jarrod groaned as he made his way to his feet; the circulation returning to his legs. It felt like millions of needles were being stabbed into his lower body. He walked around a little trying to easy the pain.

Heath didn’t move when they dropped him to the ground. Jarrod went to his brothers’ side and tried to shake him awake. Heath opened his eyes and looked about in confusion.

"How are you doing." Jarrod asked. Heath struggled to his knees and rested there, probably experiencing the same needles that had tormented him. Heath slowly raised his head to look at Jarrod. He found he couldn’t look him in the eye and instead looked over his shoulder. "I think I recracked those ribs," Heath replied absent-mindedly as he looked about the camp.

"I assume you mean fighting with Nick. What were you two fighting about," Jarrod asked pretty sure he knew what the answer was.

Heath endeavored to make it the rest of the way to his feet. Jarrod lent a hand as best as possible. Heath stood there painfully sucking his breath in. "Nick caught Lupe and I kissing in the straw and her bedroom," he answered Jarrod. He moved over to a nearby tree and sunk back to the ground using the tree as a brace. Heath laid his head on his knees and didn’t move.

Jarrod looked at his brother sickened. Heath had been kissing his fiancée! Had there been more that Heath was not saying. There must be if Nick was so upset.

He moved away from his brother and sat down He tried to sort through events of the recent past. Apparently, Lupe had known Heath from Mexico, intimately known from what Jarrod could gather. Why didn’t Heath say he knew who she was the first time he brought her to the house? Jarrod could fathom no rational for his brother’s silence. He thought about going over and demanding Heath explain his actions to him. He looked at his brother sitting silently, with his head resting on his knees. No, thought Jarrod. This wasn’t the time or place, but someday, he would have his answer. Now, they had to concentrate on survival.

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That night Jarrod listened and watched as Lupe spun tales of how she was confused and didn’t know what she was doing with Jarrod. Her story sounded so false to his ears but her husband and brother ate it up. He saw how skillfully she manipulated them both as, he thought bitterly, she had manipulated him. Jarrod did not like to be made the fool. He glanced over at Heath who was also watching the show. He felt a little pity for his brother. Perhaps, Jarrod the lawyer thought, Heath was just as much a pawn of this game as the rest of them.

To top

Nick tried to stretch as he slowly gained consciousness. He realized he could barely move. He opened his eyes and scanned the room. Out of the corner of his eye he could see his mother and sister tied to chairs. The memories flooded back into Nick’s mind. He struggled to break free of the ropes binding him to the stairs. After a few moments of fruitless struggling he calmed downed and thought about the situation. His feet were tied together but were otherwise free. His arms were tied behind his back to the newel post at the bottom of the stairs; the very sturdy newel post. Nick was pretty sure he couldn’t pull the newel post loose from it’s mooring or break it off. No, he had to find another way. He thought about the banister. Perhaps if he could break that, he could slide the rope off the top of the post. Nick scrounged down and rolled on his back, swinging his feet over his head. He pounded on the underside of the banister with his feet. He thought he felt it give a bit before he had to take a break to regain his breath. Gathering his strength anew, he battered at the railing again. He could really feel it starting to give. A few more powerful kicks sent it splintering free. Nick rolled back down and struggled to his feet. He slowly inched his arms up the post until he reached the broken banister. Giving a might heave he wrenched his arms upwards and broke through the rail. The force caused him to stumble to his knees, but he was free, at least from the stairs.

He crawled over to the wall and using it as a support, inched his way upright. Being as his feet were still tied, he had to hop across the floor like a rabbit. Under other circumstance it might be humorous, but now it was deadly serious. His brother’s lives might depend on how quickly he got free. He proceeded into the kitchen to find a knife. Wedging it, he turned around and slowly sliced through the ropes binding his hands. It took awhile but eventually he felt the last strand break free. He rubbed his wrist to bring back the circulation. He reached down and untied his feet and then hurried back to untie his mother and sister. Neither was harmed just stiff from being immobile for so long.

"Oh Nick, you must go after them," Victoria cried.

"Well, at least one of them," Nick mumbled. "Don’t worry mother. I’ll get some men and start on their trail. You and Audra go into town and tell the Sheriff what happened. He can organize his own search parties."

"Be careful," she admonished. "And bring them home safely."

Nick gave her a quick kiss as he glanced at the clock on the table. They had at least a 16-hour start. If he didn’t hurry, he might never find the trail.

He ran out the door and hurried to the bunkhouse to round up the men. Most were still missing from their Saturday night escapades. Nick rounded up the ones that were there and gave them the bare facts on the kidnapping. They mounted up and found the trail of the horses and followed it.

Nick pushed the horses as quickly as he dared. He knew that if the horses went lame they would be in trouble. So as much as he chafed at the delay, he took a few breaks to rest them. He paced about as the horse rested, worrying the whole time.

The trail was easy to follow. As they moved along it ominous clouds rose in the east. Nick pushed the men and horses even harder, fearing the gathering clouds. Without warning, it happened. The heavens broke loose in a flurry of rain and lightening. The men were forced to take cover from the storm. When the storm finally abated an hour later Nick slapped his leg with frustration. The trail had been wiped clean. Nick went through his repertoire of curses, perfected over the years. With his rage somewhat abated, he started off in the general direction he believed they would head. He was pretty sure they were on their way back to Mexico.

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