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The Vengeful Man
By Janet H
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Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No infringement is intended in any part by the author, however, the ideas expressed within this story are copyrighted to the author.

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Sequel to Without A Trace. Dace Jones comes back to exact his revenge on Tom and Jarrod.
"No!" Jarrod screamed in the middle of the night. "Don’t! Please!"

Tom heard his son’s screams. He bolted from his bed running to Jarrod’s room. He opened the door hurrying inside. He gently shook Jarrod’s shoulders.

"Son," Tom said very softly, "wake up. You’re dreaming."

Jarrod finally opened his eyes. He was covered in sweat as well as breathing heavily. He looked up at Tom and then reached up and put his arms around him. Tom held Jarrod for as long as he needed the security that his father provided. Then he pulled the boy back where he could see his face.

"Jarrod," he asked, "you were dreaming about Dace Jones again weren’t you?"

"Yes sir," Jarrod answered his voice cracking. "I keep seeing him every time I close my eyes. I can’t rest. He keeps telling me that I’m going to die."

"I know that son," he said. "Can you go back to sleep?"

"I don’t think so," Jarrod replied. "I’m so scared."

"I’ll stay with you," he told Jarrod. "That man is never going to hurt you as long as I’m here."

"All right," Jarrod said lying back in the bed.

Tom covered him up sitting on the side of the bed until Jarrod had gone back to sleep. Then he quietly left the room. When he walked back into the bedroom, Victoria was sitting up in bed.

"Another nightmare?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered.

"This has been going on for over a week," she said. "I don’t know how to help him anymore."

"I don’t either," he replied. "I thought that after the mess with Dace Jones was behind him the nightmares would stop. But they haven’t."

"Tom," she told him, "we’re going to have to do something to help him. It could be that he lived through a terrible ordeal at the hands of that man. We’ve never really asked Jarrod what happened other than you finding him hanged in the barn."

"I know," he said looking at her. "But what? If we try to get him to talk about it, he gets so upset that it scares me. He could end up hurting himself from this. I love my son but I can’t help him with this."

"I don’t know right now," she replied. "Let’s get some sleep and we can decide in the morning."

"All right," he told her climbing into bed.

But Tom didn’t go back to sleep. He laid there thinking about his son.

It had all started the day that Victoria had taken the boys over to the new house. She wanted them to pick out their bedrooms, which they did, so she could pick out colors that would go with each boy. Then they had gone downstairs to play in the living room. One of the workers was up on a ladder when Nick running around the room knocked it over by accident. The man had lost his balance falling and twisting his ankle. The man was very angry and when Jarrod had tried to apologize, he had grabbed Jarrod by the front of his shirt. He struck Jarrod across the side of the face twice before Tom walked into the room. But it hadn’t ended there. Tom had fired the man telling him never to show his face here again. The man vowed revenge.

Jarrod had been kidnapped from the barn that night after the family had returned home. Dace Jones, the man from the house and his brother, Jeb, had taken the boy to a cabin on the other side of Stockton. There Jarrod was abused. Finally, Jones hanged him by the neck. That was when Tom found him.

Tom could still see that image in his mind of his young son tied to the wall of the stall with a noose around his neck. Tom would never forget that sight for as long as he lived. But Jones wasn’t finished. He had come back and tried to kill Jarrod again. Now he was loose and Tom was worried. Not only for his son’s life but also for his son’s mental stability. Could Jarrod overcome this? Would he be a normal boy again?

The next morning, Tom was sitting in the kitchen at the table when Victoria walked in.

"Tom," she asked, "what is it? Have you come up with something that will help Jarrod?"

"I’m very worried about Jarrod," he answered. "He’s scared to death. I can see it in his eyes. He is deathly afraid of Jones."

"Don’t you think he has a right to be scared?" she asked. "That man almost killed our son."

"Of course," he answered. "But he’s not doing anything else."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean that he doesn’t want to go to school," he answered. "He can’t sleep at night and he won’t go anywhere by himself."

"I know," she said. "What can we do to help him?"

"I think we should take him to Dr. Merrar’s," he replied. "Maybe he can help Jarrod. If he can’t I don’t know what we’ll do."

"All right," she told him. "We’ll go as soon as he’s up and dressed. I’m sure he can help Jarrod Tom."

Jarrod walked out of his room a short time later. Victoria could tell he hadn’t slept much the night before. She walked over to him.

"Jarrod," she said, "we’re going to town."

"We are?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered. "I want to do some shopping."

"All right," he said.

She hated to lie to him but she was afraid if she told him the truth he would refuse to go. This way they could get him to town before he pitched a fit.


Chapter One

The family left the ranch heading for town in the buggy. Jarrod laid his tired head against his mother as they rode. She knew that he hadn’t slept much the night before and helped him get comfortable. When they rode up in front of Dr. Merrar’s, Jarrod became very upset.

"No!" he cried. "I don’t want to go!"

"Son," Tom said trying to calm his son down, "you’re not sleeping, you’re hardly eating and you won’t even go to school. Let’s see if the doctor can help you."

Jarrod was crying as Tom picked him up carrying him inside.

"Tom," the doctor asked when the Barkleys walked inside, "is something wrong?"

"Yes doc," he answered. "Jarrod is not sleeping or eating."

"Why?" the doctor asked.

"Because he still has nightmares about his abduction," Tom answered. "Victoria and I don’t know what else to do to help him. He screams out in the middle of the night and then won’t go back to sleep because he is terrified."

"I see," the doctor said. "Let me have a look. Come on Jarrod. I want to examine you."

"Do I have too?" he asked looking up at Tom.

"Yes," Tom answered. "Go on."

"Yes sir," Jarrod said.

The doctor took Jarrod by the hand, after Tom sat him down, leading him into the examination room. He thoroughly examined the boy. Finding nothing physically wrong, he next decided to see if he could get Jarrod to talk about his ordeal.

"Jarrod," the doctor said as Jarrod was putting his shirt back on, "I want you to tell me what happened when you were held by Dace Jones."

At the mention of Jones’ name, Jarrod became very upset. The doctor knew what had to be done.

"Jarrod," he said very softly, "please tell me. I want to help you."

Tom and Victoria were sitting in the room listening to Jarrod relay the story of his abduction and imprisonment. As they listened, they couldn’t believe what had been done to their son.

"I’ll try," Jarrod replied even though he was crying. "I tried to tell him I was sorry for Nick knocking over the ladder but he wouldn’t listen. Then he slapped me two times. Father came in before he could hit me again. He told him to leave. But he said he would get even. That was at the new house. When we got home, I went to the barn to do my chores and he grabbed me. He sneaked up on me before I knew he was there. He and his brother took me to this dirty cabin where he threw me in the corner. I tripped hurting my leg. He took me out to the barn and tied me there because I wouldn’t stop crying. He made me stand on my hurt leg all night. He also hit me in the mouth. The next morning he told me to get water and wood. I did fine with the water but I stumbled with the wood and spilled it all over the floor. He whipped me in the barn and left me tied with a rope around my neck, but his brother untied it, until the next morning. His brother brought me another shirt to put on and some water. Finally, he told me that they were leaving the next day. He tied me with a noose around my throat. I knew I was going to die."

Jarrod was really crying by the time he finished. Victoria held him on her lap trying to comfort him and trying to understand what would possess a man to treat a boy in that horrible a manner. Tom was also trying to control his anger toward the man.

"Jarrod," she said, "it’s all behind you. That man will never hurt you again. Your father will protect you."

"You promise?" he asked looking up at her.

"Yes," she answered.

"Doc," Tom said, "we haven’t been able to get much sleep because he wakes up in the night screaming."

"I don’t doubt it," the doctor replied. "I’m going to give him a sedative to help him rest. After a good night’s sleep then maybe we can go on from there. And getting him to not be afraid of everything around him will take time. He has been through a very traumatic experience. If we push him too hard it may do more harm than good. There is one thing."

"I understand what you’re saying doc," Tom told him. "What?"

"Jarrod said that Jones’ brother untied him and brought him another shirt," he said. "Was he nice to you Jarrod? Did he try to help you?"

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied through his tears. "He seemed to care about me. He kept telling me not to make his brother mad. But I would have to have stopped breathing to do that. He wanted me dead."

"I suspected as much," he told them. "Jarrod, as soon as you’ve had a good rest I want to talk to you again. I’m going to try to help you overcome this."

"Thank you doctor," Jarrod said. "Will it hurt?"

"Just a little," he replied.

The doctor filled a syringe and walked over beside of Jarrod. He rolled up the boy’s sleeve injecting the medicine into his system through his arm. Jarrod grunted when the needle went into his arm. He finally stopped crying and closed his eyes.

"He’ll sleep for the next several hours," the doctor said. "Take him home and put him to bed."

Thanks doc," Tom replied picking up Jarrod. "I hope this helps my boy. He needs to be a normal ten-year-old boy."

"Remember Tom," he told them, "I want to see him when he is feeling a little better. I want him to talk this entire episode out. It could really help him begin to heal."

"All right," Tom said turning to leave. "One thing, Jones is on the loose. I’m afraid he may come back for Jarrod."

"We’ll handle that too," he replied.

Tom carried Jarrod out to the buggy laying him in the back seat. Victoria climbed in beside of him laying his head on her lap. She covered him with her shawl so he wouldn’t get cold. Nick climbed in next to his father. They rode back to the ranch in silence. Nick kept looking back at Jarrod. Victoria could tell that he was very worried about Jarrod as was she and Tom.

"He’ll be fine after he gets some rest," she said very softly. "Try not to worry."


Chapter Two

When they arrived back at the ranch, Tom eased Jarrod up into his muscular arms carrying him into the house. He took Jarrod to his room laying him down on his own bed. Victoria followed removing his boots and covering him up. Then they left the room. But Nick stayed right beside his brother. He wouldn’t leave.

"Nick," Victoria said as she started to walk out of the room, "come on. Jarrod will sleep for a while."

"No," he replied. "I want to stay. Please."

"All right," she told him. "But don’t you wake Jarrod up. He hasn’t been sleeping much at night."

"I won’t," he said sitting down beside of Jarrod.

Tom and Victoria sat down on the couch in the living room.

"I hope this helps him," Tom said. "I don’t want him to be afraid of his own shadow."

"I know," she replied. "But we have to give him time. After what I heard in the doctor’s office, it’s no wonder he has nightmares."

"That’s for sure," Tom told her. "It makes me so angry that Jones did that to my son but to a boy. Prison is too good for him. We need to find the tallest tree and hang the man."

"Yes," she said. "It shouldn’t happen to a man let alone a ten-year-old boy. Tom, do you think he’ll ever be caught?"

"I don’t know," he replied. "I certainly hope so. I don’t wish this to happen to anyone’s son."

"That’s for sure," she told him. "Tom, I’m afraid of something else."

"What?" he asked.

"I wonder if he will continue to have problems from this," she answered. "Maybe he’ll always be afraid."

"I don’t see how he could have continued problems," he said. "He’s a Barkley and he’s tough."

"That’s not what I mean," she replied. "Jarrod is a boy Tom. He is bound to be affected by what he went through with Jones. He won’t be able to forget it like we would."

"I see what you mean," he told her. "Maybe the doc can help him. At least we can hope."

"I hope so," she said.

Back in Stockton, Dr. Thomas Merrar sent a wire to a man in San Francisco who worked in the hospital there. He was a well-known doctor who had worked with frightened children after a traumatic experience whether it is a fire or an attack of some kind. He was hopeful that this man could help Jarrod. Because he knew he couldn’t. The telegram said:

Dr. William Mead

San Francisco Hospital

Dr. Mead,

I have a young boy here in Stockton who has had a very traumatic experience. He was kidnapped by a very vengeful man and abused. Would you please come here to see him? I will explain everything when you arrive.

Dr. Thomas Merrar

Stockton, California

If this doctor wasn’t able to help Jarrod, the boy would probably end up in a sanitarium for the rest of his life.


Chapter Three

Jarrod slept most of the day. Nick never left his side. He was so worried about Jarrod. He watched Jarrod sleeping and thought about what he heard in the doctor’s office.

"Jarrod," he said, "I wish I was big like that man. Then I could beat him up so he would never hurt you again. But I’m not. All I can do is say that I love you and I will be there with you through the good and the bad. You are a wonderful brother."

Jarrod’s eyes began to open as he fought through the haze of the medicine. When he finally did open them, he saw Nick and smiled.

"How long have you been here?" he asked.

"Since father carried you in from the buggy," Nick answered. "I didn’t want you to be alone."

"Thanks Nick," he said trying to sit up. "I don’t know what I would do without a brother like you."

"You would survive," Nick replied helping Jarrod to finally sit up.

Jarrod still looked drowsy but he pushed the covers back. He stood up nearly falling over except for the fact that Nick helped to steady him. Both boys walked out to the living room.

"Jarrod," Tom said getting up, "I thought you were still asleep."

"I woke up," he replied still not very steady.

Tom picked Jarrod up carrying him to the couch. Victoria sat down beside of him.

"Jarrod," she said, "we’re both very sorry. We had no idea that Jones did all that to you. I don’t blame you one bit for being scared. You will get over it soon."

"I know," he replied looking up at her. "It would be easier if he wasn’t on the loose."

"He’s not going to hurt you son," Tom told him. "I won’t let him."

"I know," he said again then his eyes starting to close.

"Lay your head down here," she replied indicating her lap. "You can sleep a while longer. Tom, bring me a blanket to wrap him up in."

"Yeah," Tom told her heading for Jarrod’s room.

He returned a few minutes later with a blanket, which he handed to Victoria. She wrapped it around Jarrod and he slept for another two hours. As he woke up, he looked toward the window that showed the barn in the background. He turned white as a sheet when he saw a face in that window.

"Jarrod," Victoria said when she noticed his face.

He didn’t speak but kept his eyes trained on that window. Tom became very concerned as well.

"Jarrod," he asked, "what is it?"

He still didn’t say a word. He couldn’t stop looking at that window. Finally, Tom looked but didn’t see anything.

"There’s nothing out there," he said.

"There was," Jarrod replied.

"What?" Victoria asked.

"That man was in the window," Jarrod answered. "He was looking at me. He’s out there and he’s going to kill me."

"You just think you see him," Tom said. "He’s not anywhere around here. Believe me son, he’s not out there."

"But I saw him," Jarrod replied. "He looked right at me."

"Son," Tom told him, "you’re letting your mind play tricks on you. There is no one out there."

"Are you sure?" Jarrod asked.

"I’m sure," he answered.

"Honey," his mother asked, "how about some supper?"

"All right," Jarrod answered but he would glance to the window every few minutes.

Jarrod was positive in his mind that he had seen Dace Jones but no one would believe him.


Chapter Four

Jarrod didn’t sleep much that night. Every time he closed his eyes all he saw was Dace Jones’ face leering at him. Tom went in to check on Jarrod and found his son awake.

"Jarrod," he said, "you should be asleep."

"I can’t father," Jarrod replied. "I see his face every time I close my eyes."

"I told you he’s not around here," Tom told him. "I think you need to try."

Jarrod looked up at him with his vibrant blue eyes starting to cry.

"Why won’t anyone believe me?" he cried. "I saw him. He’s coming after me."

"No he’s not," Tom said trying to control his voice. "You’re exhausted."

"I don’t care," he replied. "I’m not closing my eyes."

"I give up," Tom told him leaving the boy’s room.

Jarrod watched him go and started to cry harder as he realized his father didn’t even believe him.

"Was it my imagination?" he asked. "Maybe I was thinking too hard about him. Now father is mad at me."

Tom had heard Jarrod’s comment and walked back into his son’s room. He sat down on the bed.

"Son," he said, "I’m not mad at you. You are very tired and the medicine has made you drowsy. I’m sure it was the medicine that made you see his face in the window."

"I guess," Jarrod replied looking away still crying.

Tom reached over picking up his son and sat him on his lap.

"I love you son," he said. "I won’t let anything happen to you."

"I believe you sir," Jarrod replied holding tightly to Tom.

"Hold on for as long as you need to," he told his son.

Tom held Jarrod until he heard the boy beginning to lightly snore. He laid Jarrod back in the bed covering him up. Then he left the room.

"Did you get him calmed down?" she asked as he sat down.

"I hope so," he answered. "I believed he saw something but I don’t think it was Dace Jones."

"I hope so," she said. "I hope so."


Chapter Five

Early the next morning in Stockton, Dr. Merrar received an answer to his telegram. It read:

Dr. Thomas Merrar

Stockton, California

Dr. Merrar,

Will be arriving Stockton on the 16th. Meet me at station.

Dr. William Mead

The 16th was tomorrow. He knew that there was hope for Jarrod. He also knew that the boy would have a rough couple of days until this doctor arrived.

Jarrod slept most of the night. He woke up several times thinking he heard something. But when he went to the window and looked out, he didn’t see anything. So he dressed and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Hello honey," his mother said as he walked into the room. "Did you sleep well?"

"All right," he replied. "Mother, can I go to the fishing hole?"

"You mean alone?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered. "I want to prove to father that I’m not afraid. Last night he didn’t believe me. I know what I saw and I’m going to show him that I am a true Barkley."

"I don’t see why not," she said. "Are you sure you want to go alone? Your father does believe you saw something but not Jones."

"Yes," he replied.

"Be careful," she told him.

Jarrod left the house. He walked slowly and deliberately looking around as he walked. The closer he came to the fishing hole, his fear began to leave and he began to enjoy himself. So much so that he forgot to pay attention to his surroundings. He heard a noise from behind him and when he turned, he looked into the face of the man who had kidnapped him. Dace Jones smiled down at the boy who was scared to death.

"Did you miss me boy?" he asked.

Jarrod didn’t say a word. He just stared at the man. Jones picked him up carrying him to his waiting horse. Then he mounted up and rode away with Jarrod once again as his hostage.

When Jarrod failed to come home for lunch, Victoria became very concerned.

"Tom," she said the minute he walked into the house, "Jarrod is gone."

"What do you mean he is gone?" he asked.

"He asked me if he could go fishing," she answered. "I told him yes. I didn’t stop to think that Jones is still on the loose. He never came home."

"I’ll go look for him."

Tom mounted his horse riding off toward the fishing hole. As he rode, he called for Jarrod.

"Jarrod!" he called. "Jarrod!"

When he could find no trace of his son, Tom headed straight for Stockton and the sheriff. He knew that Jones had Jarrod again.

"Why didn’t I believe him?" he asked himself. "Why didn’t I tell him his fears were justified?"

Jones took Jarrod to a campsite in the woods a mile from the Barkley Ranch. He pushed the boy to the ground.

"What are you going to do to me?" Jarrod asked very frightened.

"I’m going to use you as bait," he answered. "Your father will come running when he realizes you are gone."

"How will he find us?" Jarrod asked.

"I’m going to send him a note," he answered. "If he wants to see you back again, he has to pay $10,000. Or I’ll kill you. Meanwhile, I owe you something for living boy."

Jones walked over to Jarrod picking him up by the left arm. He pulled so hard on Jarrod’s arm that it separated from the shoulder. Jarrod cried out and Jones slapped him hard across the face.

"Shut up!" Jones screamed at him. "You’re going to give us away."

"I can’t," Jarrod said. "You hurt my arm."

"I’m going to hurt you more than that if you don’t shut up," Jones replied.

Jarrod stopped talking but he wasn’t about to give in to this man. Then Jones dragged him kicking and stomping to a tree nearby. He tied Jarrod to it putting more pressure on his separated shoulder. Tears were flowing down Jarrod’s face as he looked up at Jones. He just sneered at the boy.

"Yep," he said, "you’ll bring a good price. But this time when your old man finds you, you’ll be dead."

"Dead," Jarrod repeated.

Jarrod knew his time was short. How could he get word to his father?

Tom walked into Harry’s office in Stockton. He was scared to death for his son. If Jones did have Jarrod, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill him. Harry was looking over wanted posters and looked up when Tom came in.

"Tom," he asked when he saw his face, "is it Jarrod again?"

"Yes," Tom answered. "He went out by himself this morning to prove to me that he wasn’t afraid and he never came home. I’m scared Harry. Jones has him again. I’m sure of it. He’s going to kill my son."

"Calm down Tom," Harry said. "We’ll start a search. Where is Nick? We’ll need him to help pinpoint the area where Jarrod is."

"He’s at the ranch," Tom replied. "I’ll pick him up when we leave."

"Good," he told Tom. "Let’s go."

They headed out in search of Jarrod. After stopping at the ranch to pick up Nick, the group started looking but where was Jarrod and would he be found in time?"


Chapter Six

Dace Jones took a knife out of a sheaf he had on his belt. He walked over toward Jarrod who tried to recoil but couldn’t because of the tree. Jones stood right in front of him with the knife gleaming in his hand. He looked down at the boy.

"I told you," he said, "that you wouldn’t live long. Now I’m going to finish you for good."

"Please," Jarrod begged. "Don’t hurt me."

"Your pleas won’t help you," he replied.

He squatted down in front of Jarrod.

"You know you would have brought a wonderful price," Jones said. "But I think I’ll get rid of you once and for all. But you will suffer. I promise you that."

"My father will find me," Jarrod replied.

"Not before you are dead," Jones told him.

Reaching over with his right hand that held the knife, he stuck it with force into the lower right side of Jarrod’s chest. Jarrod cried out as the knife cut into his skin. Jones twisted it as he watched Jarrod’s face begin to drain of color. Then he pulled the knife out. Jarrod’s wound was bleeding and he was going into shock as he fought to live.

"Please," he gasped. "Father."

Then mercifully Jarrod passed out. Jones left him tied and stood there watching the blood flow from the knife wound.

"You’ll never leave here alive boy," he said. "I’ve made sure of that."

Just then Jones heard horses hoofs trudging through the leaves and underbrush. He tried to get away before anyone arrived but he didn’t quite make it. Tom, Harry and Nick rode up just in time to see Jones try to leave. Tom spurred his horse and jumped onto Jones. He began to pummel Jones once he had him on the ground as he realized that his son might already be dead. Harry jumped from his horse and managed to pull Tom from Jones.

"Tom," he said, "leave him alone. Let the law handle it."

"He’s killed my son," Tom replied. "He’s going to pay."

Nick had dismounted and gone to Jarrod. He untied his brother laying him on the ground. He put his hand on his brother’s heart and felt it beating. He looked up at his father.

"Father," Nick called. "Father."

"What is it?" Tom asked still trying to get his licks in on Jones.

"Jarrod’s alive," Nick answered.

Tom rushed over to his son leaving Jones lying on the ground bleeding from several cuts on his face. Feeling for a pulse, he found a faint one.

"He’s alive Harry," Tom said. "But he’s been stabbed. I’ve got to get him back to the ranch."

"Father," Nick replied, "I can bring the doctor."

"All right son," he told Nick. "Ride back with Harry."

"Yes father," Nick said.

Harry had Jones tied and mounted on his horse. He climbed up getting a hold of the other horses’ reins. Nick mounted up and the three of them headed for Stockton. Tom eased his arms under his son’s motionless body. Standing up, he sat the boy up in the saddle and then climbed up behind him. He spurred the horse and held on to his son as well as trying to put pressure on the wound to stop the blood as they rode toward the ranch.


Chapter Seven

As Tom rode up to the house, Victoria came running out. When she saw Jarrod, she was relieved. But then she saw the blood on the front of his shirt.

"Tom," she said.

"He’s been stabbed," he replied. "He’s still alive but barely."

"Bring him inside," she told him. "Has the doctor been sent for?"

"Nick’s on his way," he said. "Jones is in custody."

Tom eased Jarrod off the saddle and into his arms. He carried the boy inside to his bed where Victoria and Tom both got a good look at the knife wound. It was still bleeding and Jarrod was unconscious.

"It’s for the best that he is unconscious," he said. "If he were awake, he’d be in misery."

"Why Tom why?" she replied. "He’s only a boy. Why did he have to do this?"

"I don’t know," he told her.

"I wish the doctor would hurry," she said.

At that moment, the door opened. Nick followed by Dr. Merrar walked into the house. Tom walked out of his son’s room.

"He’s in here," he said.

The doctor hurried into Jarrod’s room. He closely examined the wound.

"It’s deep and he’s lost quite a bit of blood," he said. "I need to give him a transfusion."

"I’ll do it," Tom replied rolling up his sleeve.

"Fine," the doctor told him.

After he started the transfusion, he examined the severity of the wound, then bandaged it. He examined the boy thoroughly finding his separated left shoulder.

"He also has a separated shoulder," he said. "I’ll slip it back into place."

The doctor finished up and when the transfusion was over, he stood up.

"Now we wait," he said. "I’ve done all I can for Jarrod. Jones twisted the knife in the wound but there was no other damage done except to the skin tissues. No vital organs were hit. He was lucky. They will heal if Jarrod is able to live."

"What do you mean if he lives?" Tom asked for the first time realizing that his son might die.

"I mean that it’s up to Jarrod now," he answered. "I have done all I can for him. I’m thinking about the force of the knife and losing so much blood. He might not be able to survive."

Tom nodded as he looked down at his son. Jarrod’s chest was bandaged and his face was devoid of color. His breathing was shallow as he lay on the bed fighting to live.

"Doc," he said, "I don’t understand. Why did he have to stab Jarrod?"

"He wanted to take something important from you Tom," the doctor replied. "Jarrod is your son. When you saved his life the first time Jones felt cheated. Then he came back and you saved Jarrod again. This time he wanted to make it so and to also punish you for saving your son’s life."

"Will he make it?" Tom asked again still hoping that his son would live.

"I can’t answer that," he answered. "The wound was deep and he did lose blood but he is young and strong. Only time will tell."

So they sat by Jarrod’s bed waiting to see if he would wake up or forever sleep.


Chapter Eight

As the day turned into night, Jarrod was still unconscious. Tom and Victoria were very worried for the longer Jarrod stayed unconscious; the more the odds were against him ever waking up. Nick sat beside the bed holding his brother’s hand. It was cold in his hands but he refused to believe that his brother would die.

"Jarrod," Nick said, "I want you to get better. That man will never hurt you again. He is locked up in jail. Please Jarrod. Wake up. Come back."

Tears welled up in Nick’s hazel eyes as he continued to watch Jarrod for any sign of life. Victoria put her arm around her son’s shoulders.

"I’m sure he heard you sweetheart," she said softly. "I’m sure he knows you’re holding his hand."

"I want him to get better," Nick replied. "I need him mother."

"We all need him," she told him tears coming into her own eyes as she watched her son fighting.

By the time the first rays of daylight descended on the Barkley Ranch, Jarrod was still unconscious. The doctor examined him again. Looking up, he shook his head.

"No change," he said.

Tom walked over to the bed sitting down beside of Jarrod. He looked down at his son.

"Jarrod," he said his voice cracking with emotion, "I’m here for you. Just reach out."

Tom lowered his head shutting his eyes praying for some kind of a miracle. He felt something touch his arm. Opening his eyes, he noticed that Jarrod’s hand was on his arm. He looked at his son’s face.

"Son," he said softly. "I’m here."

Jarrod’s eyes opened a slit.

"Father," he croaked.

"I’m here," Tom said again reaching over touching him.

"I was so scared," Jarrod replied.

"You don’t have to worry about him," Tom told him. "He’s in jail. He’ll never hurt you again."

"I’m glad," Jarrod said. "I’m so tired."

"You rest son," Tom replied. "We’ll be here when you wake up."

Jarrod let his eyes close. Tom looked up at Victoria as they realized their son was going to make it.

"Tom," the doctor said, "he’ll be all right physically. But mentally..."

"It doesn’t matter," Tom replied.

"I’ve wired a doctor in San Francisco," he told Tom. "He’s a specialist with children who have had something terrible happen to them. He’s going to see Jarrod to see if he can help him."

"All right," Tom said. "But right now, all I want to do is help my son get better."

"I know," he replied. "I’ll come by tomorrow with Dr. Mead."

"That will be fine," she told him.

The doctor left. Tom and Victoria continued to stay with Jarrod as he slept.


Chapter Nine

As the morning wore on, Jarrod’s breathing began to get stronger. He was still very weak but he was going to get better. Finally, by around noon, he opened his eyes again. When he tried to move, he grunted from the pain of the stab wound. Tom was at his side along with his mother.

"Son," he said, "you have to stay quiet. You were stabbed."

"I remember," Jarrod replied starting to cry at the memory. "He stood there with the knife in his hand. Then he squatted down and thrust the knife into me."

"Don’t think about it honey," Victoria told him. "It’s all over now. You’re going to get better."

"I can’t help it," Jarrod said. "I walked right into his lap."

"When you went out by yourself?" Tom asked.

"Yes sir," Jarrod answered. "At first, I kept my eyes and ears open. Then I started to relax until I guess I was lulled into a false sense of security. The next thing I know he’s standing there looking down at me. I was so scared."

"Son," Tom said trying to calm him, "it’s all right."

"No it’s not," Jarrod replied. "I should have been paying attention but I didn’t. I..."

Jarrod stopped talking as the pain from his chest hit him. He tried to shut his eyes to it but it wouldn’t stop.

"Son," Tom said.

"It hurts," Jarrod croaked. "Help me."

"I will," Tom replied. "Calm down. Try not to think about what happened. You’re safe now. Concentrate on that."

"I’ll try," Jarrod told him.

Jarrod let his eyes close and soon he was asleep. Tom looked over at Victoria.

"He can’t forget," he said matter of factly.

"No he can’t," she replied. "He needs help and maybe this doctor can help him."

"I hope so," he told her. "I want my boy back."


Chapter Ten

The next time Jarrod opened his eyes, which was late that afternoon, the pain had lessened considerably. He looked up at his parents.

"Hi," he said.

"How do you feel?" Victoria asked.

"I don’t hurt quite as bad," he answered. "Mother, will I ever forget?"

"I don’t know honey," she said. "But there is a doctor on his way here who may be able to help you."

"Who is he?" he asked.

"A Dr. Mead from San Francisco," she answered. "He has worked with children who have had something horrible happen to them so he should be able to help you."

"Is he nice?" he asked.

"I don’t know," she answered. "I would imagine he would be to work all the time with children."

"Can I get up?" he asked.

"No," she answered. "Let the doctor tell you whether you can get out of bed yet."

"OK," he said trying to smile but not completely succeeding.

Victoria leaned over kissing Jarrod on the forehead. She smiled down at her little boy hoping that he would be able to put this incident behind him.

"Frank and Matt stopped by this morning to see how you were," she said changing the subject. "They said to tell you that they were looking forward to your return to school."

"Oh," he replied. "I can’t go back."

"Why on earth not?" she asked.

"Because I have to go by myself," he answered.

"Nick will go along with you," she said.

"He’ll get caught too," he replied starting to cry again.

"Dace Jones is locked up," she told him.

"He’ll get to me," he said. "I know he will."

Victoria was at a loss as to what to do to help him. She tried to be as comforting as possible.

"Would you like something to eat?" she asked.

"Maybe something," he answered.

"I’ll go fix you something," she said.

"You’re leaving?" he asked starting to cry harder at the thought of being left alone.

"I’m only leaving the room not the house," she answered. "It’ll be all right."

"No!" he screamed trying to come out of the bed.

Victoria gently held him down.

"Tom!" she called. "Tom!"

Tom hurried into his son’s room.

"What is it?" he asked.

"He won’t calm down," she answered. "I was going to fix him something to eat and when I said I was leaving he got very upset."

"It’s all right son," Tom said moving to the bed. "I’ll stay with you."

"Thank you," Jarrod replied relaxing slightly.

Victoria left the room. Tom sat down on the bed beside of his son. He looked at the boy’s frightened face.

"Jarrod," he said very softly, "it’s all right. No one is going to hurt you. Dace Jones is in jail."

"I know," Jarrod replied. "But it’s hard father. I just can’t stop being scared."

"I guess you have a right to be scared," he told his son. "You were abused by him."

"I’m sorry I couldn’t be brave like you," Jarrod said. "I guess I’m not a true Barkley."

"That’s utter nonsense," he replied. "You’re more of a Barkley than I am because you endured all that Jones dished out to you. I’ve very proud to have a son like you."

"Father," Jarrod told him, "I don’t deserve your praise. I was scared to death."

"I would have been too," he said. "You were very brave."

Victoria walked in carrying a tray of food. She sat it down on the bed in front of Jarrod. Tom helped her prop him up so he could eat. He picked at the food eating a very small amount. Tom and Victoria looked at each other as they realized just how frightened their son was.


Chapter Eleven

The next day, Dr. Merrar brought Dr. Mead out. As the two doctors walked into Jarrod’s room, Mead put out a hand to stop Merrar.

"Let me take it from here," he said.

"I need to check his wound," Merrar replied.

"Can you give me a few minutes?" he asked.

"Certainly," Merrar answered waiting at the door with the boy’s parents.

"Hi Jarrod," he said as he walked over to the bed. "I’m Dr. Mead. I came here to see you."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied not sure whether or not to trust this man.

"I understand that you were kidnapped by a man named Dace Jones," he said.

"Yes," Jarrod answered.

"Did he hurt you?" he asked.

"Yes sir," Jarrod answered.

"Please tell me about it," he said.

"Do I have to?" Jarrod asked.

"It would help me to know," he said.

"All right," Jarrod replied. "He kidnapped me from the barn one evening while I was doing my chores. He said he wanted to get even with me and my father."

"I see," he told the boy. "Please continue."

"I tried to do every thing he told me to do," Jarrod continued. "But I tripped and hurt my ankle the first day I was there. He became very angry and made me stand on it all night long. I was in pain. Then I was told to bring in water and wood the next morning. When I carried the wood in, I tripped. He whipped me in the barn leaving me tied there with a rope around my neck. But his brother came in untying me and giving me another shirt because mine had been ripped to shreds. The final thing was tying me to the stall and hanging me."

"Go on," he said.

"Yesterday," Jarrod replied, "he kidnapped me again. First, he pulled my shoulder out of the socket and he stabbed me. He was so scary. I knew I was going to die."

"But your father saved you," he told him.

"Yes sir," Jarrod said. "He said that he was locked up."

"But you still don’t feel safe," he replied.

"No sir," Jarrod told him. "I don’t."

"That’s perfectly normal," he said. "I’ve seen a lot in the twenty years I’ve been practicing but never a man as vindictive as Dace Jones. You will be all right in time. For right now, I’m going to help you."

"Thank you sir," Jarrod replied. "I hope you can."

"I won’t guarantee it," he told him. "But I’ll try."

"OK," Jarrod said. "What do you want me to do?"

"Try not to think about the abduction," he replied. "I know that will be very hard but you can do it. Next, don’t show him that you are afraid. Go about your normal routine like you did before this ordeal started. And finally, confront him. Look him right in the face."

"I don’t think I can," Jarrod told him.

"You have to," he said. "In order to heal you have to confront your fears head on."

"I can try," Jarrod replied.

"Son," Tom told him walking over to the bed, "there’s one more thing."

"What?" Jarrod asked looking up at him.

"You have to testify against Jones in order for him to be put away," he answered.

"What!" Jarrod cried. "Are you crazy? I can’t do it!"

"Yes you can," Mead said. "You have to do this for the healing to be complete. If you don’t you will be a coward for the rest of your life."

"He’s right Jarrod," Tom replied.

"I know," Jarrod told them trying to control his emotions. "I’m afraid."

"I’ll be right there in court with you through it all," Tom said. "No one will harm you."

"All right," Jarrod finally gave in. "I’ll try."

"Good boy," Tom replied.

As the trial date approached, Jarrod became very quiet. He hardly left the house for fear that Jones would try to kill him. No matter how hard Tom and Victoria tried to convince him that everything would be all right, the more frightened Jarrod became. Then one day something happened


Chapter Twelve

Jarrod was walking outside in the backyard when he heard a noise coming from inside the barn. He walked to the barn door, peering inside. He didn’t see anything so he walked inside. As he turned to check behind him, he felt an arm around his neck. He tried to free himself but the grip was tight.

"Boy," a man with a brown beard said, "you testify and your family dies. You understand?"

Jarrod nodded. His mouth was so dry he couldn’t utter a sound.

"Just to prove my point," he said, "I’m going to give you something to remember me by."

He turned Jarrod where he faced him, and then he took his fist hitting Jarrod right in the right side near his wound. Jarrod cried out as he fought the pain from the punch. The man looked down at him.

"Remember," he said. "You testify and you’re dead."

Then he was gone. Jarrod struggled to get to his feet. He staggered and fell.

"Father!" he cried but his voice was only a croak. "Father!"

He tried to crawl to the house but the pain and the blood from the open wound slowed him down. He finally dropped to the dirt trying to drag himself to help.

Tom, who was working in the farthest corral, thought he heard his son’s cry. He headed for the barn spotting Jarrod right in front of the door. Rushing to his side, Tom rolled Jarrod over, seeing the blood.

"What happened?" he asked.

"A man threatened me and the family," Jarrod answered faintly, "if I testify. He hit me in the stomach."

"You’re bleeding again," he said picking his son up carrying toward the house.

Tom opened the door carrying Jarrod inside. When Victoria saw him, she gasped.

"What happened?" she asked.

"He said a man punched him," he answered. "Somebody working for Jones I bet. He threatened Jarrod."

"Lay him down on the couch," she said. "Have you sent for the doctor?"

"Not yet," he replied. "But I will. Stay with him."

"Don’t worry," she told him. "I will."

He left the house.


Chapter Thirteen

Tom rode to Stockton, stopping first at Dr. Merrar’s office.

"Doc!" he called as he walked in the office.

"What is it?" the doctor asked.

"Jarrod’s been injured again," he answered.

"I’ll get my bag," the doctor said.

"I’m going to talk to Harry," he replied. "I’ll join you later."

"All right," the doctor told him.

Tom went to Harry’s office. When he walked inside, Harry knew something was wrong.

"Harry," Tom said not waiting for Harry to speak first, "my son needs protection."

"Tom," Harry asked, "what are you talking about?"

"A man got Jarrod just a few minutes ago threatening him if he testified along with the rest of the family," he answered. "I want my boy to be safe."

"But Jones is locked up," Harry said.

"He may be locked up but his friends aren’t," Tom replied. "Someone got to Jarrod."

"How is he?" Harry asked.

"His stab wound was opened up again," Tom answered. "But I believe he’ll be all right."

"That’s a relief," Harry said. "I’ll assign a deputy to keep Jarrod safe."

"I can do that," Tom replied.

"You didn’t," Harry told him.

"I didn’t know he was outside," Tom said. "I won’t let him out of my sight."

"All right," Harry replied. "But keep a watch for other men. We don’t know how many are out there."

"I know," Tom told him. "I better get back."

Tom left the office, mounted up, riding toward the ranch. When he walked into the house, the doctor was still working on Jarrod.

"He has to have stitches," he said. "The wound has to be closed. Jarrod, this is going to hurt."

"I understand," the boy replied trying not to cry as the doctor worked.

Jarrod cried out a couple of times when the pain was too much but he was relieved when the doctor finished.

"There," the doctor said standing up. "You’re going to have to take it easy for a couple of days. But then you can start doing more."

"Thank you," Jarrod replied looking up at him. "Father, when is the trial?"

"Next week," Tom told him.

"That soon," Jarrod said tears welling up in his eyes. "I have to do it."

"You’re the only one who can put him away," Tom replied.

"I’ll do it," Jarrod told him trying to be brave.

Tom knew his son was scared but he was proud that Jarrod was going to try. He smiled at his son.


Chapter Fourteen

The day the trial started dawned for the Barkley family. Jarrod didn’t sleep much the night before. He kept remembering in vivid detail everything that had happened to him while being held captive by Dace Jones. Tom walked into his room.

"You about ready son?" he asked.

"I guess so," Jarrod answered. "I’m scared."

"All you’re going to do is talk to the judge," he said. "They might ask you some questions. Just be honest and tell the truth."

"I’ll try," Jarrod replied. "But he’ll be in the room. He’ll see me."

"Yes he will," Tom told him. "But he can’t hurt you anymore."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Positive," Tom answered.

Tom escorted his son out of his room. Victoria took one look at him knowing that he had hardly slept.

"How about some breakfast Jarrod?" she asked.

"No thank you," he answered. "I don’t feel much like eating."

"You have to eat something," she said handing him an apple. "Take this."

"All right," he replied taking the apple.

Jarrod walked out the door. Tom kept a close eye on the boy but didn’t follow him out. As Jarrod took a bit of the apple, he started to vomit. Tom saw him rushing outside.

"Son," he said.

"I feel sick," Jarrod replied continuing to vomit.

Tom felt his forehead.

"You feel a little warm," he said. "Let’s go back inside."

He helped Jarrod to his feet and they walked inside together. Victoria hurried over to him.

"Lie down honey," she said helping Jarrod onto the couch.

"He feels warm," Tom replied.

Victoria felt Jarrod’s forehead.

"It’s not high," she said. "It’s probably his nerves. He’ll be all right."

"Don’t you think I should get Doc Merrar?" Tom asked.

"I don’t think that will be necessary," she answered. "He’ll be fine."

"I hope you’re right," he said.

Tom stayed close to Jarrod. After an hour, he stopped vomiting and his fever disappeared.

Let’s get a move on," he said. "We’ll be late for court."

"I’m sorry father," Jarrod replied. "I didn’t mean to get sick."

"It’s all right honey," Victoria told him. "It’s very understandable."

The family walked out to the buggy. Jarrod didn’t say much. He was worried about sitting in court telling what had happened to him. They left the ranch heading for Stockton.


Chapter Fifteen

The family entered the courthouse, taking seats at the front. Jarrod sat very quietly trying to keep his emotions under control. Tom walked to the judges’ chambers to speak to Judge Lawson.

"Tom," the judge said as he walked inside, "this is a pleasure."

"Judge," Tom replied, "I need you to let me stay very close to Jarrod during his testimony. He’s very frightened and I believe that it will help him to have me close."

"All right," the judge told him. "I know he’s just a boy."

"That’s right," Tom said. "And he’s deathly afraid of Dace Jones."

"That is understandable from what I’ve heard," the judge replied. "Don’t be too worried. He’s going to do just fine."

"Jarrod’s emotional state as well as his mental state are not good," Tom told him. "There is a doctor from San Francisco that has been working with him. He’s having a hard time living with what happened to him at the hands of Jones. I’m afraid that he might collapse or worse."

"Try not to worry Tom," the judge said. "Jarrod will do fine."

"I hope so," Tom replied walking out.

Tom took his seat as the court was called in session and the judge came out sitting down behind the bench. When Dace Jones was escorted into the courtroom, Jarrod saw him and he saw Jarrod. He just leered at the boy. Jarrod was terrified and tried to look at something else.

"All right Mr. Watkins," he said. "Call your first witness."

"I call Jarrod Barkley to the stand," the district attorney replied.

Gerald Watkins was a man of around fifty whom had been practicing law for the last twenty odd years. He was brown haired with brown eyes and a short heavyset man. His adversary, James Potter, was several years younger, taller and thinner than Watkins with jet-black hair and brown eyes.

Jarrod looked at his parents, then stood up. He walked slowly to the witness chair not looking over at the man, who had hurt him, placing his left hand on the Bible and raising his right hand.

"Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?" the bailiff asked.

"Yes sir," Jarrod answered.

"Be seated," the bailiff said.

Jarrod sat down. The district attorney walked up to stand right in front of him.

"Jarrod," he said, "I want you to tell me what happened when you were kidnapped by the defendant, Dace Jones."

"I was kidnapped from our barn after father had fired him," Jarrod began. "Nick and I were playing in the living room of our new house one day before it was finished. The defendant was working on a ladder. Nick was running around the room and accidentally knocked the ladder over. The defendant fell to the floor hurting his ankle. I tried to apologize for my brother but he wouldn’t believe me. He grabbed me, slapping me across the face twice before father stopped him and then fired him. He said he would get even. Then after I was kidnapped, I was pushed through the door of a cabin, which was dirty and smelled bad. I tripped hurting my ankle. He got angry with me for crying out, taking me to the barn. He tied me so I had to stand on that leg all night. The next morning he released me telling me that I had to get water and wood. I did fine with the water but tripped when I brought the wood in spilling it all over the floor. He whipped me, ripping my shirt to shreds. Then he tied me up in the barn and put a rope around my neck. His brother released the rope from my neck, gave me a clean shirt and some water. He told me not to make his brother mad. I tried not to but everything I did made him mad. Finally, he tied me to the stall and hanged me. Then they rode off. My father found me."

"Thank you Jarrod," the DA said. "I want you to tell the court what he did two weeks ago to you."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied. "I was taking a walk alone. You see I’ve been having nightmares since father rescued me and I wanted to prove to him that I wasn’t afraid of being alone. He grabbed me, taking me to his camp. He tied me to a tree and stabbed me along with dislocating my shoulder. He told me that I would never leave there alive. He stood over me looking down at me with a scary smile on his face. I knew I was as good as dead."

"Your witness," he told the defense attorney.

"All right Jarrod," Porter said. "Now according to what my client told me, he never hurt you. Isn’t that correct?"

"No sir," Jarrod replied. "I already told you what he did to me."

"Have you ever told a lie?" he asked.

"Yes sir," Jarrod answered.

"Didn’t you tell a lie about what happened to you?" he asked.

"No sir," Jarrod answered trying not to cry.

"But you did lie," he said.

"No I didn’t," Jarrod cried. "I told the truth."

Tom and Victoria could see Jarrod beginning to lose it up on the stand. Tom wanted to run to his son but Victoria held him back.

"Jarrod," he asked, "you stated that Mr. Jones’ brother helped you."

"Yes sir," Jarrod answered calming just a little. "He was very nice to me."

"You were not hurt by this man," he said. "You made it all up. You lied. Didn’t you?"

"No sir," Jarrod replied crying harder. "I didn’t lie. I didn’t."

Jarrod couldn’t stop repeating I didn’t. Tom rushed up to the stand, squatting down in front of his son.

"Jarrod," he said softly, "it’s all right. Calm down son. You’re all right."

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied, but he was still crying.

"Do you have any more questions?" the judge asked.

Tom returned to his seat but he was still worried for his son.

"Yes your honor," Porter answered. "Jarrod, did you ever get whipped before?"

Jarrod looked at Tom. He looked at his mother.

"Yes sir," he answered lowering his head.

"Who did it?" Porter asked.

"My father," Jarrod answered unable to look at his father.

"Why?" Porter asked.

"Your honor," Watkins said, "I object to this line of questioning. What is the connection?"

"Mr. Porter," the judge replied.

"I wanted to show the court that the witness has been hurt by someone other than the defendant," Porter told him.

"I’ll let you proceed but very carefully," the judge said. "If you step over the line I’ll have the testimony stricken from the record."

"Yes your honor," Porter replied. "Jarrod, why did your father whip you?"

"Because I knocked my brother to the ground," he answered.

"Is your father a violent man?" Porter asked.

"No sir," Jarrod answered.

"But you just said that he whipped you," Porter said. "Which is it?"

Jarrod was getting confused and more upset. Dr. Mead stood up.

"Your honor," he said. "The boy has been under my care for the last three weeks. I don’t think he’s up to all this questioning at this time."

"I see," the judge replied. "Any more questions?"

"Yes your honor," Porter told him. "Jarrod, do you still love your father?"

"Of course," Jarrod said.

"Your honor," Watkins argued, "I object. The boy is not on trial here. Mr. Porter is trying to confuse the issue and the witness."

"Sustained," the judge agreed.

"But he whipped you," Porter replied. "I wouldn’t love someone who had whipped me."

"But he’s my father," Jarrod told him starting to cry again.

"Yes but you stated that Mr. Jones whipped you," Porter said. "Do you dislike him?"

"Yes sir," Jarrod replied but he was still crying. "Sir, I can’t answer his questions anymore. I don’t know what he wants from me.

"Your honor," Mead told him. "Please."

"All right," the judge said. "Court is in recess until 2p.m. this afternoon. Mr. Porter, I want to see you in my chambers."

"Yes your honor," Porter replied.

Tom tried to pick Jarrod up but the boy pushed him away.

"You hurt me," he said. "I can’t trust you."

Dr. Mead took Jarrod by the hand leading him out of the courtroom and took him to Dr. Merrar’s office. Jarrod went with him willingly but he was still crying and very confused.


Chapter Sixteen

When they walked inside, Jarrod burst into tears and cowered in the corner of the office. It took Tom, Victoria and Dr. Mead to coax him out. He was terribly upset.

"Honey," Victoria said, "it’s over. You’re all right."

"You whipped me," Jarrod replied. "Why? I told you I was sorry."

"Son," Tom told him, "you’re confused and upset. I haven’t hurt you."

"Jarrod," Mead said, "come with me. I’ll take you somewhere where you can rest."

Jarrod finally nodded, standing. He followed the doctor back to the examination room. Tom and Victoria followed him.

"Doc," Tom said.

"Just a minute Mr. Barkley," Mead replied. "Jarrod, Dr. Merrar is going to give you something to help you rest. Will you let him help you?"

"Yes sir," Jarrod told him sitting on the table.

Dr. Merrar walked over to the table. In his hand was a syringe. He injected a sedative into Jarrod’s arm. The boy closed his eyes and Victoria eased him down onto the table.

"Now," Mead said, "we can talk. Your son has to continue to deal with what happened to him. He is reliving horrible incidents from his past. He will heal but we have to take it one step at a time. And Porter didn’t help him. He tried to answer his questions but he wouldn’t stop asking about being whipped. I’m very worried."

"How long?" Tom asked.

"I can’t give you a timetable," he answered. "I’ve seen boys bounce back as early as the next day and then I’ve seen them never come back."

That statement hit Tom like a slap in the face.

"I’m not saying that that is going to happen to Jarrod," he said. "I’m just giving you the facts. Your son needs rest and he needs a lot of love."

"He’ll get it," Tom replied. "I knew he wasn’t ready to testify. Now Jones will go free because Jarrod can’t testify any more."

"Not necessarily," Mead told him. "Talk to the judge. Explain what I’ve told you."

"I’ll try," Tom said leaving the room. "Stay with him please."

"We will," Mead replied. "We’ll move him to a bed."

Dr. Merrar carried Jarrod to the back room and put the boy to bed. Victoria and Nick stayed by his side. Nick was worried. He knew what his brother had been through.

"Nick," Victoria said, "he’ll be all right."

"I hope so," he replied.

In the judge’s chambers, Porter stood before the judge.

"I don’t believe what you just did in the courtroom Mr. Porter," he said. "Jarrod Barkley is just a boy. He has been horribly abused at the hands of your client and we both know it. Now, bringing in the incident about his father was totally uncalled for. I know what you were trying to do. But I won’t have that kind of behavior in my courtroom. Is that understood?"
"Yes sir," Porter replied. "But I was only trying to show that the boy had been mistreated before by his own father."

"Right now that boy is in the doctor’s office," he told him. "I want you to tread very lightly or I will have you locked up. The boy and his father aren’t on trial."

"Yes sir," Porter said and left.


Chapter Seventeen

Tom walked into Judge Lawson’s office. He looked up.

"Tom," he asked, "how’s Jarrod?"

"Not good," Tom answered. "The doctor said that he has a problem with incidents from his past especially violent ones. He said he thought Jarrod would recover but he wasn’t sure."

"I see," he said. "And you’re worried about Jones being acquitted."

"Yes," Tom replied. "I don’t want that man to get near my son again."

"I don’t think you have anything to worry about," he told Tom. "The case against him is good. Watkins can wrap it up. But..."

"But what?" Tom asked.

"He’ll need yours and Nick’s testimony," he answered.

"Mine and Nick’s," Tom repeated. "Nick won’t leave Jarrod."

"He’ll have to," he said. "Nick is scheduled to testify at 2. I’ve already talked to Porter about his questions concerning the whipping incident. He won’t go there again."

"I see," Tom replied. "I’ll see what I can do."

Tom left the office heading back to the doctor’s office. When he walked into Jarrod’s room, Victoria looked up.

"How is he?" Tom asked.

"He’s asleep," she answered. "How did it go?"

"Nick," Tom said, "you have to testify this afternoon."

"But father," Nick replied, "I want to stay with Jarrod."

"You have to do this son," he told him. "I also have to testify."

"Oh Tom," she said. "I’ll stay with Jarrod."

"We’ll be back as soon as we’re through," he replied. "Take care of my boy doc."

"I will," Mead and Merrar both told him.

Tom and Nick walked back to the courthouse. They took their seats. Court reconvened and Nick was called to the stand.

"Nick," Watkins said, "you were with your father when Jarrod was found. Is that correct?"

"Yes," Nick replied but his mind was on his brother praying that Jarrod would be all right.

"How did you know Jarrod was hurt?" he asked.

"I have always known," Nick answered. "We both have."

"You told your father where he was," he said. "Didn’t you?"

"Yes," Nick answered. "I could see the area in my mind."

"Your witness," he said.

"Nick," Porter asked, "do you love your brother?"

"Yes," Nick answered.

"You would protect him wouldn’t you?" he asked.

"Yes if I could," Nick answered.

"No more questions," Porter said.

Nick stepped down returning to his seat.

"I call Tom Barkley to the stand," Watkins said.

Tom took the stand.

"Mr. Barkley," Watkins said. "You rescued your son three times from this man. Is that correct?"

"Yes," Tom replied.

"Tell us about them," Watkins told him.

"The first time was at the new house," Tom began. "I walked in and heard Jones yelling at my son. I told him to stop, that I was the only one who punished my sons. He said something back to me and I fired him. Then when we returned home, Jarrod went to the barn with Nick to do his chores. Nick came running into the house a short time later to tell me Jarrod was gone. He was missing for three days. I searched everywhere but couldn’t find him until Nick kept seeing the image of a cabin and a barn. When I told the sheriff, he recognized the place. We rode out there and that’s when I found my son hanged in the barn. He was barely alive. That image will stay with me for the rest of my life."

"The last time you rescued him," Watkins said. "Please tell the court about that."

"I didn’t know he had left the house," Tom replied. "I came home for lunch and my wife met me at the door. She said that Jarrod didn’t come home for lunch. I knew that he had been captured by that man because the day before he swore he had seen him in the window. I asked Nick if he had any idea where they were and he led the sheriff and me to Jarrod."

"What did you do when you arrived?" Watkins asked.

"I saw the blood on my son’s shirt and figured he was dead," Tom answered. "I jumped Jones and began to beat him with my fists until Nick told me that Jarrod was alive and the sheriff pulled me off of him."

"Thank you," Watkins said. "Your witness."

"Mr. Barkley," Porter replied, "you love your son."

"Yes of course," Tom told him.

"Have you ever been angry with him?" he asked.

"Mr. Porter," the judge said.

"I’m just asking a question," Porter replied.

"Answer Mr. Barkley," the judge told him.

"Yes," Tom answered.

"Have you ever struck your son?" Porter asked.

"Yes," Tom answered. "What parent hasn’t. I love my son and would never do anything to hurt him."

"No more questions," Porter said.

Tom stepped down walked down the aisle and left with Nick heading back to the doctor’s.

"The prosecution rests," Watkins said.

"Mr. Porter," the judge asked, "any witnesses?"

"Just one," Porter answered. "Dace Jones."

Jones walked up to the stand and sat down.

"Mr. Jones," Porter asked, "did you try to kill Jarrod Barkley?"

"No," Jones answered. "I only slapped him for his brother knocking the ladder out from under me."

"No more questions," Porter said.

"Mr. Watkins," the judge replied.

"Mr. Jones," he asked, "you hated the boy didn’t you?"

"I didn’t like him," he answered. "He was a brat."

"You deliberately tried to kill him didn’t you?" he asked.

"No," Jones answered.

"You hated him because his father had fired you from your job," he said. "You wanted to get even with Tom Barkley so you kidnapped his son and tried to break him. When you couldn’t, you tried to kill him. Isn’t that correct?"

"No," Jones replied.

"You kept tabs on him," he told Jones. "When he was rescued you decided to try again. You waited for your chance and you took it. Then you stabbed him watching the life drain from that boy."

"Yes!" Jones said. "I did it and I’m proud I did. He was a brat. He thought he was safe and I took him. I wanted him to pay for what his old man had done. I enjoyed beating him and stabbing him. I only wish that he had died so Barkley would be without something he loved. I’m proud of what I did."

"Sheriff," the judge replied, "take him into custody."

Harry came forward putting restraints on Jones’s hands. He led him back to the table.

"I find you guilty of kidnapping and attempted murder," the judge said. "I sentence you to spend the next twenty-five years in prison. And if you are lucky enough to survive and be freed, I hope you will leave other boys alone. Take him away."

Harry escorted Jones from the courtroom.


Chapter Eighteen

Tom, Victoria and Nick stayed by Jarrod’s side. Gerald Watkins paid a visit to them to give them the verdict.

"Jones got twenty-five years," he said. "The judge gave him the stiffest punishment for what he did. He blurted out in court that he had kidnapped Jarrod and tried to kill him."

"I’m so glad he isn’t going to ever hurt my son again," Tom replied.

"So am I," Watkins told him and then left.

"Son," Tom said, "it’s all over. Now you can get better."

Jarrod slowly opened his eyes and looked around the room.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"You’re in the doctor’s office," Tom answered. "How do you feel?"

"I’m tired," he said.

"You were given something to help you rest," Victoria replied.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked.

"No son," Tom answered. "You were upset."

"I remember," he said. "What about that man?"

"He will be locked up for the next twenty-five years," Tom replied.

"He won’t hurt me anymore?" Jarrod asked.

"No he won’t," Tom answered.

Jarrod began to heal. After a few more weeks of intense therapy with Dr. Mead, Jarrod was a normal ten-year-old boy. He was finally able to put the episode with Dace Jones behind him and go on with his life.

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