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Street Kids

Southern California

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Street Kids
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Ricky - 14 years old

Jorge - 17 years old

Marcos - 18 years old

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Homeless Teens


~ California Street Kids ~
They live under bridges, in parks,
and on the Streets of Southern California.
They survive on Sex & Drugs.
Sex to make a quick buck, and,
Drugs to kill the pain.
Each month we will introduce you to 3 more
California Street Kids -
You can see their Photos and read a brief Profile on each of the
Homeless Teens -

California has a large homeless population.
Many teenagers are drawn here by the lure of the glitzy lifestyle that they see on TV.

But, once they arrive in California, it soon becomes a cold reality that what they saw on TV only exists in the make believe world of movies and TV. Now they are faced with the real challenge of trying to survive in a State of over 40,000,000 people!

That's where Set Free Street Ministries comes in.
We can't help them all, but helping even one a day is better than not helping any at all.

Street Kids

About Us

Set Free Street Ministries is love without a hook! Giving without asking for something in return.
It's the GREATEST FEELING in the world!

We can't save the world -
But, with your help we can make a difference in the lives of
Homeless Teens each month!

Please join us.

~ Updated September 2003 ~

HomelessTeens a Service Of - - Southern California
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