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- Okay, you are here, because you have peanut butter on yo... uh, PG13?? Okay, well just Sign my gues Book, and be sure to check out my Music page!

Okay, let me explain myself, I am *dramatic pause* a local music junkie, So here I give you what I value most. Just hit the show above, and let me take you away.

Okay, so here is just some junk about me,
Im a Scorpio and I like long... uh.. oh, uh... probobly not what you had in mind. Hmm, I am 18 years old and a freshman at tri-state University. I love drag racing, as gay as it may seem, It is totally cool. I like to do everything from Tennis,to hockey, to skateboarding (or at least pretending to skateboard *smiles*).I am (being a region rat and shunning my actual Indiana Residence)a hard-core Chicago fan! I love the lake, I love my beach (expecially at night)I love to write, if you have a chance, check out some of my crappy poems and stories. A few of my faviorite bands include Blink182, EveSix,The Eagles,Steve Miller, Metallica,Lucky Boys Confusion,Stabbing Westward,Dave Mathews,STP,The Dog and everything, Bare Naked Ladies,311,Papa Roach,Alien Ant Farm,Chicago,Lit,Live,The living end. A few that are new to the list include Sponge, Sum41, and the tragicly hip. Im sure I will think of ten more as soon as I load this page, but It is a good start. I was born in New Orleans and as a result am somehow better with heat than cold. (In moderation of course)uh... Cubs rule, Sox Suck. Corvette gooood, Mustang baaaad. Citizin Rocks, Fossil is a nice try, but no cuban cigar!!!

To waste your time reading some shitty poetry, click the logo above

If you want some more of my Poor quality art work, just click the chick above!

eh, im a dork, what can i say?