2001 Photo Album

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2001 Camp Pictures

Our 2001 camp theme was "Grounded".

Many Lifelong friendships are made during camp!

Campers prepare for music time!

Vicar Karl leads his cabin in a round of pushups!

2001 Camp Staff

2001 Camp Counselors

Pastor Drew Utecht teaches us to be missionaries!

Camp Director Pastor David Otten distributes camp bank cards.

Boji Bay Water Park...

...it was the highlight of the week for many campers.

Evening devotions at Breezy Point!

Campers having a good time while learning the tale of Jonah!

2001 "Spirit of Okobiji" Award winners...

...Congratulations Winners !!!

Cabin 8 wins clean cabin award!

Girl's Basketball Game

Boy's BojiBall (Softball) Game

Girl's Volleyball Game

Campers outside the craft building.

A camper paints her wood craft project.

Several campers making their bracelet during crafts.

One of the best parts of camp is Lake Okoboji itself. Not only is the camp area beautiful, but the swimming is great. Camp Okoboji Lutheran Camp, the site of Camp Minne-boji, was dedicated on June 2nd, 1940

Morning exercises are a fantastic way for campers to wake up & greet the "Son".

The Christian Life Center is the hub of camp. It was dedicated on June 19th, 1977. We worship, study, & sing there as well as respond to the ringing of the bell outside, the ringing marks the beginning of each new activity throughout the day. The 3 panels of the bell tower represent the Holy Trinity.

Pastor Kurt leads us in bible study lessons. We learned of all the ways that we are GROUNDED in Christ.

Campers praise & celebrate during music time.

Pastor Aaron Asmus leads in our music worship.

Pastor Pat Sparling begins the wave during morning execises.

Campers gather after the carnival.

Camper Adam Klumb having fun during some free time.

Several campers sign up for prizes during the carnival.

Campers race and play games at the carnival.

A popular game at the carnival is the balloon stomp.

Another is the sponge toss.

A camper throws a football through a swinging tire to win a jail ticket. A very popular prize, If a camper collects enough jail tickets they can send a friend or counselor to "camp jail".

The dance is great time for all!

It is a chance to have a ball with your friends...

...and to work off some energy.

Funny though how most all the boys are on one side, while most all the girls are on the other.

A dance favorite -- YMCA!!!

Every year the counselors vs. staff volleyball games are a highlight. Counselor Jeremy sets the ball.

Many campers gather to cheer for their counselors.

Pastor Kurt sends the ball over!

As always, the counselors fight valiantly...

...but the staff team seems to ever prevail!

Cabin 8

Cabin 9

The cabins at Camp Minneboji. Home away from home for the week.

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