
The Black Rose by J Oddo

A black rose grows in my garden
In memory of you.
When you met and loved me,
You broke my heart too.
The smiles that I smiled for you,
Have turned to gloom.
And, everyone notices when I walk into a room,
The joy was apparent.
The laughter was superb.
The peace was astounding,
without uttering a word.
Then my world sadly crumbled
and now it lies in heaps.
And, no one seems to rescue me.
I lie helpless at your feet.
You helped me and you kissed me.
You gave me tender moments.
But the pieces you left behind were not what I need.
I thought you really wanted me, and I thought we'd agreed.
I need someone that is constant
Whose love is real and true.
And until my heart was broken
I thought that one was you.