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Look! She's waving! (11 and a half weeks along)

I think she knew we were spying on her that day, because you can see her tongue sticking out! And look at that belly, I think Parker's gonna be a little chunk. :) (11 and a half weeks along)

A frontal view of Parker at 20 and a half weeks gestation (August 21, 2001).

Another frontal view of Parker at 20 and a half weeks gestation (August 21, 2001).

My little girl's butt and legs. Aint she cute? (September 5, 2001, 22.5 weeks gestation).

APRIL: Parker was conceived sometime in the middle of April. It's hard to believe she was just a few cells, now look at her!
MAY: On May 2nd, during what now seems like a dream, I took the first home pregnancy test thinking it would be negative. After the 3 minute wait was up, and I turned around and saw two lines on the test, I freaked out! Boy am I glad that's over with! :) At the end of the month we moved from New York to Virginia to be with our family.
JUNE: On June 19th, Parker got her first picture taken by Dr. Archangeli. She was very cooperative with us, waving her arms and legs around. I could see the heart beating, and I could even see the individual little fingers. I fell in love!! She was 11 and a half weeks gestation at the time.
JULY: On July 2nd, I felt my first "flutter" while typing on my computer! On July 3rd, I got to take another peek at Parker on ultrasound because we couldn't hear her heartbeat by doppler. She was asleep during this ultrasound, but I could tell she's gotten bigger since last month! On July 21st, I felt two little thumps/kicks! On the 29th, they were stronger and more frequent. On the 24th, I had an uneventful doctor appointment. I found out I gained 13 lbs! On the 27th, I had my first baby shower, and it was fun, and I got a lot of useful baby products. I find out the (official) sex of the baby on the 21st of August. I love to listen to Parker's heartbeat using the babybeat monitor (check it out at
AUGUST: So far, I think I am having karate kid, she loves to kick and punch, until I put my hand on belly that is! It drives her nuts to hear me type on the keyboard or use the calculator at work. I like to lay down on my back and watch her kick because I can see my skin move!!! August 18th marked the half way period for us. Only 20 more weeks to go!! She really kicks and punches up a storm now! On August 21st, I had another ultrasound. The good news (and most important of course) is that Parker is healthy. Unfortunatly, she is also SHY and MODEST!! We tried to determine the sex and even moved her around to see if she'd open her legs, but it didn't happen! I was dissapointed, but, like I said, everything looked good. Heart, kidneys, brain, etc., were all doing their jobs. The Dr. said "Wow she's just moving around everywhere!" The one cute thing I saw was a tiny little fist balled up, so now I know whats been punching me! LOL.
SEPTEMBER: On September 5th I had another ultrasound done to determine the sex. I'm impatient, what can I say? At first, the legs were only open a little, then we wiggled her, and she opened her legs and there was nothing inbetween there. LOL. The Dr. said "Looks like a girl!" I got some cute pictures of the butt and open legs. All this time I thought I was having a boy, I was actually having a girl! I'm really happy and excited, and I can't wait to meet my little girl!! I'm naming her Parker Juliana. :) The month of September is almost over, and I can't believe how fast time is flying! She will be here before I know it! I am having some trouble sleeping early in the morning and late at night because she kicks and punches me, and she hits hard! LOL.

Parker is due on the 5th of January, 2002, but we are hoping she'll make her grand appearance before Christmas!


This is me when I was about four years old.

My senior (pre-pregnancy) picture.

Another senior (pre-pregnancy) picture.

Me with the beautiful baby blanket that Holly made me (July 27, 2001, 17 weeks pregnant).

Me with a Pooh bib from Chasity (July 27, 2001, 17 weeks pregnant).

Ahhh... the essentials :) (July 27, 2001, 17 weeks pregnant).

Sitting: Chris Reynolds. Standing: (left to right) Alicia Underwood, Amanda Hamilton, Chasity Horn, Holly Gearheart, Me, and Cynthia Vess. Not pictured: My Mom and neighbor Pam Ayers (July 27, 2001, 17 weeks pregnant).

Sitting: (left to right) My Mom, Chris Reynolds, and Me. Standing: (left to right) Alicia Underwood, Amanda Hamilton, Chasity Horn, Holly Gearheart, and Cynthia Vess. Not pictured: Pam Ayers (July 27, 2001, 17 weeks pregnant).

Me with all my gifts afer the baby shower(July 27, 2001, 17 weeks pregnant).

This picture didn't turn out very well, but you can see my belly has gotten alot bigger! (September 14, 2001, 24 weeks pregnant).

My first award for this page!! I received this on August 4, 2001 from Shirley, a.k.a. Gran Gran.

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