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Please send me pics of yourself or friends dressed
as the Harbingers, Gatekeeper, Soul Rangers, etc...
Or anything you might want to see posted here.
JPEG and GIF files are best. Thanks!
Here are some cool ideas that artist Chase Shumway of Juneau, Alaska sent to me about what he thinks Nightmare V and VI ahould look like. Pretty Cool. And he says that hes working on others. Cant wait to see them Chase.
Nightmare V
Nightmare VI
Well, Chase sent us another one. We couldnt forget our beautiful little temper-tantrum throwing sweetheart, now could we?
Nightmare VII
Chase is now coming up with ideas for a Nightmare VIII and VIIII. Who would the new Harbingers be? Any opinions? Email them to me, and Ill pass them along to Chase. I have an idea Chase, How about Leeds, The Jersey Devil???
Well Heres the newest member of the Harbingers as seen through the eyes of Chase...
Chase even came up with the story of his new Harbinger, Readovear(Red-ah-veer) the Gnome...
Readovear, the Gnome

Readovear (Red-ah-veer) the Gnome

Red and Dark Green

Toad stool

A sickly mushroom patch near Gevaudan’s forest.

Most gnome’s are kind gentle creatures with magical powers. They often use their powers for good. However, since they are so small they’re often cautious of larger creatures. G nomes normally only become aggressive when provoked.

However, this gnome needs no such persuasion. Banished for killing his wife out of jealousy, Readovear may never return to the peaceful realm where gnome s live in harmony. Over time he has become senile and evil. His bitterness extends far across the provinces. Like a goblin, he is mischievous, and somewhat irritating towards the other Harbingers. He has a strong dislike for Soul Rangers and Baron Samedi, and has, on many occasions used his magic against them. Don’t let his small size fool you. Readovear is the worst of the worst, and unlike the other Harbingers, Readovear holds a grudge, and never forgets! He’s a maste r at torture. For when the gnome asks: Give in? You must reply: I do, Readovear!

Readovear, the Gnome

Readovear (Red-ah-veer) the Gnome

Red and Dark Green

Toad stool

A sickly mushroom patch near Gevaudan’s forest.

Most gnome’s are kind gentle creatures with magical powers. They often use
their powers for good. However, since they are so small they’re often cautious
of larger creatures. Gnomes normally only become aggressive when provoked.

However, this gnome needs no such persuasion. Banished for killing his wife
out of jealousy, Readovear may never return to the peaceful realm where
gnomes live in harmony. Over time he has become senile and evil. His
bitterness extends far across the provinces. Like a goblin, he is mischievous,
and somewhat irritating towards the other Harbingers. He has a strong
dislike for Soul Rangers and Baron Samedi, and has, on many occasions
used his magic against them. Don’t let his small size fool you. Readovear is
the worst of the worst, and unlike the other Harbingers, Readovear holds a
grudge, and never forgets! He’s a master at torture. For when the gnome asks:
Give in? You must reply: I do, Readovear!

Well, Our friend Chase has come up with another Harbinger along with her discription. We welcome Bea Anne Sidhe - The Banshee

Bea Anne Sidhe (Be-a Anne Sid-e) the Banshee

Light Blue

Broken Glass

The Haunted Hills

In ancient Ireland she was known for her haunting shrieks in the rolling hills near by. She signified death. Summoned when local villagers passed on, she was there to howl them into their journey to the other side. Bea Anne is here to scream in your face as she leads you into her game by her rules. Some banshees were rumored to ride pale headless horses, while others were said to contain great beauty, and wear crimson veils stained by blood.

Her screams are heard across the provinces. And she has often plotted against the other Harbingers sharing spells with Anne De Chartraine. In her game obtain ing keys will not save you, only your powers as a Harbinger will. One thing is certain, Bea Anne will terrify you with her ghostly looks, and haunting shrills, ban shees only come for the dead, so is she here for you?

For when Bea Anne asks: Call for me!!! You must scream as a banshee would as loud as you can!

Bea Anne Sidhe (Be-a Anne Sid-e) the Banshee

Light Blue

Broken Glass

The Haunted Hills

In ancient Ireland she was known for her haunting shrieks in the rolling hills near by. She signified death. Summoned when local villagers passed on, she was there to howl them into their journey to the other side. Bea Anne is here to scream in your face as she leads you into her game by her rules. Some banshees were rumored to ride pale headless horses, while others were said to contain great beauty, and wear crimson veils stained by blood.

Her screams are heard across the provinces. And she has often plotted against the other Harbingers sharing spells with Anne De Chartraine. In her game obtaining keys will not save you, only your powers as a Harbinger will. One thing is certain, Bea Anne will terrify you with her ghostly looks, and haunting shrills, banshees only come for the dead, so is she here for you?

For when Bea Anne asks: Call for me!!! You must scream as a banshee would as loud as you can!

Thanks to Chase, I actually have some pics to put up here, and you definitly dont want to miss the latest of his ideas..........
Click Here For More Pics!!!
Click Here For A Pic Of THe CoverSheet For Atmosfear!!!
Click Here For An Inside View Of The Coversheet!!!