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Al Waddell    online art gallery

Political illusion   (Al Waddell 1980)

Inflation, taxes, government funds, the threat of war, human needs minorities, industries, abortions, and the equal rights amendment -- nourish the illusion.

While the public and politicians are lead by the nourishment and confusion, morals become a religious intrusion.

The path of the illusion will darken with many, many promises along the way.

As the path progresses, many will stray.

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The sand dollar represents the uniqueness of Cape Cod, what I felt and still feel about the special inner beauty of the Cape. The representation of the brain, which somehow shows what I saw was coming and where the world was spinning toward, reveals what I felt at that time about men's activities in the earth.
The Sand dollar The mind of the world Sensuality in the eyes
The courageous speaker and the courageous boxer spoke their minds in spite of the threats against their lives and their livelihoods. They will be fixed in my mind forever as my greatest heroes.
The herring run The great boxer and the great speaker The basketball player 1
The basketball player 2 Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill The Senator and the children
The girl in blue The girl in the mirror The pet
Little Miss Sunshine from Memphis The Marine and his mother The Lady from Alabama
Champagne Pieces A Cape Cod Gadfly
Mother Teresa and Princess Diana reached my heart in a very special way, through their deep concern about defenseless human beings. It impressed me very much that they passed away almost at the same time; I felt them welded together.
An experience in Harwich Death Lady Di and Mother Teresa
Self Portrait

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