A.J. McLean- The Love Of My Life- For 11 Years!

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A.J. McLean- The Love Of My Life- For 11 Years!

This page is dedicated to my 3 favorite people who inspire me more than anyone:
  • Alexander James McLean- For being the love of my life and shining happiness on me with your smile. I have loved u 4 11 years baby and I am not going to stop now!! U have put the sun in my universe and I wake up every morning just to look into those beautiful brown eyes. God I love you baby. I thank God everyday for making you the way he did! SKUNKY!!
  • Chelsea Littrell- Sweetie, I have known u since the day u were born. We have had lots of fun together. Keep all the love for me. U r my bestest friend til the end hon. *huggles* So...dont u...forget about me!! ha ha ha. POUR SOME SUGAR ON ... AJ!!
  • Well, I would have to say that 3rd is all my Backstreet Girls... Chelsea Littrell, Vicky Carter, Betsy Richardson, and Alicia Dorough. You guys are my hero's... You make me so happy!! Let's K.T.B.S.P.A.!! We symbolize Backstreetiness... Lets NEVER forget that!! We need to uphold the standards for BSB fans everywhere!! Keep all of the future children educated about the sexiness and importance of picking the BSB over N'Stync!! DOWN WITH N'STYNC!!

Please Support Howie and his sexiness. Keep Howies beautiful Tears from running. Some people are so mean to sweet Howie D., come on, hes adorable!! He's One Beautiful...Shut cho Mouth!!! I'm Just Talkin Bout Sweet Howie D.!! Open Your Eyes... (Thanks Alicia!) Plus, he's my Alex's Best Friend!!

Open Your Eyes... He Is Beautiful!

Come To Bonedaddy's Room

Well, thanks for coming to my site. Guess what?? I became a web genius... kind of... I studied real hard, it only took me like a year... LOL... If you have visited my site before, then you know what I am saying... Not, it is back, and BETTER THAN EVER.. (It wasn't hard to top before...) If you Like my A.Jiggity, then LEAVE!! He is mine. If you like Brian, Hi Chelsea!! ha ha. If you like Sweet Howie D. or Kevin, pull up a chair. If you like Nick...WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? J/K. I guess u can come in too. Love Always, Hugs, Kisses, and Cookies. K.T.B.S.P.A.

Mrs. Jennifer McLean


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(The Retro Iron Chef Guy) Dang He's Fine!