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Why U2?

Why do I like U2? What got me into them? What's so great about them?

Well, if you are wondering those things, be gone!! Nah, just kidding. ;) Well, the story of U2 becoming my favorite group is actually the story of how both me and my older sister Shannon got into them. We both remember now liking a couple of their songs that we heard on the radio in the mid-90's, such as "Staring at the Sun" and "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me." We thought the songs we heard were really cool- but that was about the extent of it. (What was wrong with us, I do not know). SoooOoo, when the single version of "The Sweetest Thing" came out, we just loved it- such an adorable little song. My sister went out and bought The Best of 1980-1990 cd to have the song, and we both fell in love with the cd, which introduced us to a little bit of U2 history- giving us a taste of their first decade. Next, upon seeing that one of the Philadelphia Flyers' players that we thought was cool liked U2 and said his favorite one of their albums was "probably War," Shannon decided to purchase War. War simply amazed us- awesome, awesome album- and we were fans. My first actual U2 album was All That You Can't Leave Behind, which was a Christmas gift from my brother Kevin. I immediately just adored the album, as did Shannon. From there, I have bought/received the following U2 cds: Rattle and Hum, Pop, Achtung Baby, October, Boy, The Unforgettable Fire, The Joshua Tree, my own copies of War and The Best Of 1980-1990, Under A Blood Red Sky, Zooropa, and The Best of 1990-2000(and B-Sides). (Also, a cd of theirs called "7," which has seven songs- remixes and such-- really cool.) Additionally, I have the Rattle and Hum and Achtung Baby videos, and I recorded the Elevation Tour concert special off of TV. These guys are just so incredibly talented, and are so full of passion that I can't help but love and admire them and their music.

Something that has always been important to my sister and me is meaningful songs. Obviously, Bono, Edge, Larry, and Adam care a great deal about their music, and when it is performed by them, you know the songs mean a lot to them, which makes them just that much more powerful. Listening to the passionate way Bono sings lines like "And we love to wear a badge, a uniform. And we love to fly a flag. But I won't let others live in hell. As we divide against each other, And we fight amongst ourselves. Too set in our ways to try to rearrange. Too right to be wrong, in this rebel song..." really moves the listener. I know, for me personally, these guys have changed the way I see things. Listening to their music has made me want to (more than before) go out and do something positive for the world.

U2 rules!!
