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My Diary of Flash

The First Day of Learning Flash..... was during the time i broke up from a relationship.....

Since i was young.... going though primary and secondary school....

i was told that i cannot draw...:P

not even can write with a pretty hand writing...

Maybe all the heart breaking moment can't use any words to describe....

it's full of sorrow

That was the only time i have touched Flash...

A single moment that i want to draw sth to represent my thought

I remember i could only use Mouse to draw ..... without a drawing pad

I remember how hard i tried to stop my shaking hand

i remember you crossing my mind, and i  tried to concentrate as much as to forget u

Everything is a memory....

Including our sorrow ending.....


   First Day Of Flash  ( Click this ! ) 

If it doesn't work , Pls try to click this one


p.s  I can't say when i will continue learning flash....... the purpose for posting this....

is just creating a memory for myself

if u just drop by, and see this by accident....wish u don't mind the bad quality of this drawing....

i could only draw by mouse....and my understanding of flash is not enough to make a creative and qualified page

p.p.s. Sth for sure .....if u want to teach me.... sure it's more than welcome to give me advice though email ^_^