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My friend brought this to my attention and said, "I thought you might want to post it on that CF LiveJournal." So, here I am!

She has been reading a lot of web comics lately, and came across this one where a note was left at the bottom of one of the pages. Link:

Under the cut for those who don't want to click:

Hi everyone, I hope all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving had a great day last Thursday!

Okay everyone. Today’s newspost is a plea. One of those annoying, whining, beggy diatribes that we all hate. But at least I warned you!

If you have been following Xylia for any time, I’ve made no secret of the fact that I am a struggling artist/mom and that Xylia is my pet project that I do because I love it so much. Earlier in the year, I tried to maintain an eight update a month schedule, but it just wasn’t feasible. I’ve now reached a point where working on this webcomic at all is becoming difficult. So I thought I would appeal to you, the readers. I know that I have a wonderful group of very loyal readers who support the ups and downs of my life and creating this story. You have all bee so supportive and understanding through all of my challenges in the past. Now I am asking that anyone out there who enjoys Xylia consider helping with a donation. I have several wallpapers and chapters of Nigel’s Opus to offer as incentives. If only a portion of you would donate, it would be more than enough that I could keep the story going.

What brought all this on is that I have had a sudden mess of financial challenges smack me in the last week (furnace problems, car problems, a dead washer, medical bills etc.) Coupled with this, I have seen a drastic decline in freelance projects and interest in XYlia which has decreased ad revenue. The reality is that I’m having to consider looking for outside work again. Realistically, unless Xylia makes some money, I just can’t keep doing it right now. I will need to take time off and get money coming in again.

I know- “webcomics are SUPPOSED to be free!!” The web is supposed to be free. I know. I wish I COULD do this for free. But this is my personal reality as a webcomic creator: I’m a single mom, a team of one, feeding and clothing two kids and myself. If there is no income, I will have to put Xylia on hiatus in search for work. I have to get money coming in to support my children and myself. End of story. It doesn’t matter how much fun I find Xylia, if I can’t afford the time to work on it, I just can’t.

It’s come down to the end of the year. The project did not meet my expectations, so I’m appealing to you all, the audience, to come to it’s rescue. If we can raise $800.00 or more this month in donations and income from merchandise profit, I can keep the boat in the water next month. If not, I have to shut it down. This will be a hiatus, hopefully only temporary until I get money coming in somehow and someway again.

So if you enjoy the story, please donate. Like I said, if everyone just contributed a small amount- it would be more than enough. Thank you so much for your help, and for helping me do what I love to do.

So, basically... Boo hoo, I'm a single mom, and I don't want to work, so give me money so I can stay home with my kids and draw!!

And before anyone gets uppity about how artists should be paid for their work, I am an artist as well (though I don't have a huge webcomic, like she does) so I understand in a way. I've taken commissions before and they pay diddly to what I can make working considering how much time I spend on them. But this is not commission work. This is something that she's doing and posting for free. If she wants to set up a store where people can buy merchandise, fine. But to beg for money to clothe her kids?

I guess it just bothers me when people don't want to work. I've been working my ass off for years, and I don't LIKE to work... but it's something adults do. Why should some people get a free ride while others have to bite the bullet and get a job?


[info]milleniumrex wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 07:00 pm (UTC)
While it's a bit whiny, a lot of webcomic artists ask for donations. The writer of Something Positive set up a system where he'll release these special comics (called "Super Stupor") based on the donations he gets. She should get creative and give people a reason to donate.
[info]duskblue wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 07:03 pm (UTC)
She did say she would give them wallpapers and story chapters.

I guess the reason I posted this one was because her reason for wanting money was to support her children.

I bet a lot of other webcomic artists have actual jobs, too.
[info]caliantrias wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:04 pm (UTC)
A few years back Milholland (Something Positive) basically said - "A lot of you want me to quit my job and do this full time. So here's your chance to put your money where your mouth is. I need to raise $Xk dollars to get launched. Prove to me this is economically viable and I will do it.

And we did, and he did.

That's a lot different, though, than I want to stay home with my kiiiiiids don't make me get a joooob!
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:42 pm (UTC)
I bet a lot of other webcomic artists have actual jobs, too.

That we do.

I work 9 hour days with 2 hours of commuting.
[info]duskblue wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 06:06 am (UTC)
Oh man. I sympathize with the commute thing. I did clinicals for my x-ray classes an hour away from where I love. Fun times.

Where's your webcomic? I'd like to see :)
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 06:11 am (UTC)
Luckily, I keep busy with the knitting and the DS on public transit.

I've not updated in a looong time (And promise my art's gotten better since!). Mainly because my 11X14 scanner is Windows only, and I upgraded to a Mac (Not that a new OS is an upgrade, but my old laptop had 4G of hard drive space!) And I just recently got a new windows computer, so I've started work on it again (Like, within the past two days!)

Anyway, it's at and seriously needs some work, it's been neglected since the OS thing!
[info]xvmorganalefayv wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 04:20 am (UTC)
S*P!!! :3 Hi S*P fan buddy. :D

That said, yes, a lot of them ask for donations, but they don't threaten to discontinue the comic for those.

Also, eight times a month update schedule? LAME. I've been to many "How to start your own webcomic" panels at several conventions, and the first thing they tell you is to make your comic interesting enough that people want to read and update frequently enough that people don't forget your comic.

Then again, I still read Megatokyo...every six months I go and read the three new comics he's posted. But I hate Fred Gallagher as a person sooo...
[info]vomitrocity wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 07:11 pm (UTC)
As mentioned, a lot of artists have a "donations" button, and plug it every now and then. A lot of them also sell prints or wallpapers for money.

But most of them have jobs and write the comic in their spare time.

A webcomic is not a job, it is a hobby.
You don't get paid for hobbies.
[info]kittenhead wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 08:11 pm (UTC)
It depends entirely on how successful that webcomic is. The guys at Penny Arcade seem to be doing just fine making it a job.
[info]vomitrocity wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 08:13 pm (UTC)
I'm sure they didn't at first.
It takes a lot to be able to quit your job to write a comic full time, let alone a webcomic.
[info]kittenhead wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:51 pm (UTC)
Oh, that's for sure. Any non-insane person should consider it a hobby and then view it like winning the lottery if they should someday be able to make a profession out of it. ;-)
[info]vomitrocity wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 01:03 am (UTC)
Exactly! Thank you.
[info]ihasstopwatch wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 03:02 am (UTC)
That's exactly what the writer for Questionable Content used to do. He never really said what his job was before the comic took off, but once it did, it became his full-time job. It's quite amusing to see his newsposts turn into LoopyFests because his sleep schedule has gotten all whacked out. :)
[info]lupinelullaby wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 07:28 pm (UTC)
I usually avoid commenting to these kinds of posts because I am one of those people who absolutely do not want to work, at least not a traditional job. I hate work, when I was working I was constantly looking for a way out of it whether it be non-traditional work or making money off my hobbies, and now I've found myself lucky enough to be in a position where I don't have to work. I just don't like the idea of spending the majority of my time doing something I don't enjoy.

I see absolutely no problem with her asking for donations, especially if she offers special perks for those donations. Webcomic artists often ask for donations. But, it would have been better if she left it at a simple 'If you enjoy my comic and would like to keep it going, donate!' instead of going into lengthy personal details.
[info]ellimayhem wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 08:08 pm (UTC)
My ex-husband shared your attitude towards working. He eventually ran out of people willing to foot the bill for his lazy ass with their hard earned money. Mooching ain't exactly a virtue.

No one ever said "I don't want to go to fun today." That's why it's called work. It's what people do to survive without leeching off others. Anyone with good good fortune not to have to either work or be a leech on someone who does would do well to remember that is a privilege, not an entitlement.

And those of us who support ourselves rather than living off others don't part with it for a webcomic unless we're buying merchandise with that webcomic on it. Nothing wrong with a small donate button but she better not count on it as her primary source of income.

[info]lupinelullaby wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 08:24 pm (UTC)
Anyone with good good fortune not to have to either work or be a leech on someone who does would do well to remember that is a privilege, not an entitlement.

I don't think it's a privilege or an entitlement. It's a choice and a perfectly valid one. I've had to make sacrifices and difficult choices in order to live the way I want to. I've also had to be very creative in finding ways to make a little money here and there. It works well for me and is they way I choose to live. I admire people who work their asses off day after day, but for those who can find ways not to work traditional jobs I say more power to them, especially those who manage to turn their passion into their lively-hood.
[info]bunnicula38 wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:07 pm (UTC)
More power to you! I hate to work traditional jobs too but, since we don't have kids, it would create a lot of resentment on my husband's part if I were to not work but, heck, if I could stay home and still have a good marriage, I'd do it. Life is too short to stay at dull jobs if you can find another way of living your life.
[info]cfchica wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 12:32 am (UTC)
Seconded. I've worked in offices long enough to know that I will do anything to avoid that fate. I'm presently in school, single, no kids and hoping to get that degree so I wont' have to waste any more time making someone else rich while I get paid shit. I've never really bought into the "Work until you die" American work ethic. If someone can make a living from doing something they love, or by avoiding tradtional work, more power to 'em. I wanna know how they do it! =)
[info]bunnicula38 wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 03:25 am (UTC)
Exactly! Working hard to make someone else rich is exactly what most office workers, at least in the private sector, are doing. And promotions and raises are more based on networking and personality than hard work.

It is unfortunate that I work but at least I work for the state where the only people benefiting are the taxpayers. I don't mind working hard for them. (No - I don't swill coffee and eat doughnuts all day. LOL).
[info]cfchica wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 04:37 am (UTC)
Yep. I've lost the Personality Sweepstakes every time when working in a private sector setting. I'm too blunt, and they live to kiss ass.
A girlfriend of mine works for the state of CA, and really likes it. It's not my thing, but it's been cool to see her really succeed in a workplace that's a good "fit" for her.
[info]rearrangedfaith wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:35 pm (UTC)
i seem to be the only person here who shares your viewpoint.

the last job i had literally made me want to kill myself each and every day as i made the trip there. luckily i got fired. my mental health has been much better. if i could find a job that didn't negatively affect my mental well being, i'm sure i'd change my mind. i'm currently going to school to try to find a field where that might happen, although i am not having much luck.

fortunately, my boyfriend is perfectly fine with supporting me, with his income from his tutoring job, scholarships/grants, and other. just as i supported him while i worked. that's called being in a relationship, not being a leech, you know, supporting eachother. he's also said that i can just not do anything and he'd still support me, but i don't think i'd want to do absolutely nothing productive all day. i also get paid by the va (gi bill, chapter 35) to go to school, so it's not really a big deal. my finances aren't much of a burden, since the only bill either of us has is the cable/internet/phone bill. oh and food, but since both of us use both of these things, it makes sense that we should both want to put money into them at times.

i think it would be mooching if i were to have joined this relationship solely for the purpose of him supporting me financially.

and lastly, i've always wanted to set up a donation site to get something that would change my life but i don't think it'd work. i don't have online followers. and i wouldn't be offering anything in return.
[info]kgerr wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 07:50 pm (UTC)
I've been working my ass off in various jobs since I was 16 so I could have my own flat, stay away from my crazy mother, and buy expensive DJ equipment and guitars.

Thus, I must admit it bugs me when people who sit at home all day long, fiddling with their various useless hobbies, are like "Please donate so I don't have to get a real job!" I mean, come on. Lazy and antisocial much?
[info]thaily wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:07 pm (UTC)
Because drawing is OMG so easy, it's not like having a real job at all!
[info]vomitrocity wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:20 pm (UTC)
It's not a matter of easy vs. difficult. She isn't a professional artist, she's a hobbyist. Begging for donations isn't quite the best way to break into the field, and doesn't qualify as "professional", therefore not a job.
[info]thaily wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:28 pm (UTC)
The difference between a professional artist and a hobbyist is whether or not their work generates an income. She's asking people to help make it her job, she wants to work. Not an unreasonable request from fans as other people in her situation have found, like Milholland from Something Positive. I hope she manages, the world doesn't need another Walmart greeter.
[info]bunnicula38 wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:09 pm (UTC)
Being busy and social is very much over-rated. The web donation thing is a bit much though.
[info]commanderd wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 08:07 pm (UTC)
If there is no income, I will have to put Xylia on hiatus in search for work

Actually that seems quite fair to me. She's pretty much saying that she will get a job, but that you won't get any comics then.
[info]kittenhead wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 08:12 pm (UTC)
[info]sanguineroses wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:30 pm (UTC)
Pretty much.

If the "market" (re: readers) really want the comics, they can donate to help pay for it. Otherwise...

I wonder why she didn't have a donate button up all along? (Or maybe I missed it...)
[info]ellimayhem wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 08:17 pm (UTC)
Some people luck into not working, but usually at the expense of riding on the backs of others who work to put food in their mouths and a roof over their heads. This is something only children are entitled to - adults are not.

She doesn't seem unwilling to get a job like an adult, but there is something that kind of reeks of extortion in the manner in which she informs her readers that it would interfere with the comic. There's a big difference in saying "out of necessity I am scaling back production as I have to spend more time on income-generating work" and saying "gimme money or no comic for yoooooou!" - she seems somewhere in the middle but falls closer to the latter than the former.
[info]keeperofdreams wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:10 pm (UTC)
Some people luck into not working, but usually at the expense of riding on the backs of others who work to put food in their mouths and a roof over their heads. This is something only children are entitled to - adults are not.

I'm not trying to be rude, just curious, but what about people who can't work? As someone who has lost jobs due to severe panic attacks I just said fuck it and gave up trying to keep one. I don't see myself as a moocher or a leech, just a person who can't fit into normal society enough to function like everyone else.
[info]annaham wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:00 pm (UTC)
I'm wondering what [info]ellimayhem thinks about individuals with disabilities who cannot work, as well.
[info]ellimayhem wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:14 pm (UTC)
People who are not able to provide for themselves would therefore qualify for assistance then. DUH. It's not rocket science. Didn't think the obvious needed that much pioneering there.

And let's not forget "don't like to" and "not ABLE to" are two entirely distinct things. I'm talking about the former, since it apparently needs spelling out.

It's shameful that our own system reserves assistance for people who have bred instead of providing it to anyone who genuinely cannot work, regardless of their reproductive status.

Edited at 2008-12-21 10:16 pm (UTC)
[info]leiamoody wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:36 pm (UTC)
"It's shameful that our own system reserves assistance for people who have bred instead of providing it to anyone who genuinely cannot work, regardless of their reproductive status."

I happen to be one of those people. I can't get SSDI because I'm apparently still able to just go out and get a job with no problem. Never mind the anxiety disorder, depression, and agoraphobia. If I can't get a job, then I should have no problem getting married. At least, that's what the clown at Social Security told me last year. :|

I'm stuck living with my parents because of these disabilities. Do I like it? Absolutely not. It sucks having to be so old and most likely living with them until they die. I can't guarantee that I would find a job under the best of circumstances, let alone in this economy. Many disabled people (not all)have an unstable work history, or none at all. So finding the means to support yourself is difficult, if not outright impossible.
[info]keeperofdreams wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:49 pm (UTC)
Duh? Way to be unnecessarily rude there. I'd only asked a question.

And no, not everyone can get assistance. I know lots of folks, myself included, who don't qualify for anything.
[info]bunnicula38 wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:14 pm (UTC)
You know what? It doesn't matter what people think unless they are the ones paying your bills. Sometimes I wonder if all the mental diagnosis being thrown out by psychiatrists are more due to an unwillingness of the patients to conform to society's standards or due to real mental conditions (not you specifically). People need to follow their bliss, whether it's through earning money through their hobbies or maybe just staying at home while the other partner is willing to accommodate this arrangement, whatever works.

Working is over-rated. I don't understand why people crab at those who stay at home. If it works for them and their marriage then it's nobody else's business.
[info]keeperofdreams wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:29 pm (UTC)
Truth. So much truth.
[info]cfchica wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 12:36 am (UTC)
Word. So much. Working is over-rated. Most jobs these days are these highly automated, underpaid McJobs that bring no personal satisfaction.
[info]genchaos wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 06:24 am (UTC)
[info]annaham wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 08:44 pm (UTC)
I would LOVE to have the guts to beg for donations on my cartoon website. At the same time, I draw stupid cartoons because I love to do so, and don't expect to get paid for it. Add to this the fact that I can't work a full-time job (whee, chronic pain)--whither my entitlement complex?
[info]duskblue wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 06:12 am (UTC)
Same here, regarding drawing. I'm an artist, too and I LOVE to draw. If people want to buy a commission from me fine. But I'm not going to withhold my art just because people aren't willing to pay to see it. I do it because I love it, and that's it.
[info]slithead wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 08:55 pm (UTC)
Eh, it's not like she's begging on Craigslist or something, it is her own site.

I know I'm not the only person here that's childfree in part because taking care of kids on top of working for money would leave very little time for hobbies. So it doesn't surprise me that this woman can't do it without help.
[info]thaily wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:05 pm (UTC)
Doing a web comic is a lot of work, I don't mind people asking for donations for it. It's her comic to do with as she pleases.
The whole "I'm a single mom, BAAAAAW!" does irk me, but I can't fault her. I don't think it's a matter of not wanting to work, because if she gets the money she'd continue the comic (presumably) and if enough people who can miss a few dollars a month enjoy her comic and think it's worth it, more power to her.
[info]vomitrocity wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:26 pm (UTC)
I agree, and would love to make money from my own joys and talents.

But I'd never quit my real job to bank on it.
I'd also never quit my job for a child though, so I don't want to compare myself to this woman.

I have little respect for that type.
(no subject) - [info]thaily - Dec. 21st, 2008 09:29 pm (UTC) Expand
(no subject) - [info]vomitrocity - Dec. 21st, 2008 09:40 pm (UTC) Expand
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:33 pm (UTC)
I draw a webcomic (In fact, before I decided to get online I was working on it) and I have a real job, at a real place, and do SG in my spare time, while taking care of a million other things.

Get a real fuckin' job, or find a way to make the webcomic work for you.

Or, even better, find some dumbass douchebag to take care of you. Especially when that dumbass douchebag has someone who's really dedicated to them and loyal and works REALLY hard with a two hour daily commute, and gets to come home to the lazy cumguzzling gutterslut talking way too fucking loud, and is ignored by the person they are totally dedicated to, and watches as the skeezy bitch makes the dumbass douchebag pay for fucking everything, food, board, fronts money for her dog's bills...

Gods I LOATHE when dumb bitches who can TOTALLY work with no problem decide not to and take advantage of others.

Edited at 2008-12-21 09:35 pm (UTC)
[info]vomitrocity wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:41 pm (UTC)
Seek therapy.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:43 pm (UTC)
No point.
[info]annaham wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:47 pm (UTC)
Holy crazy sexism, Batman.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:49 pm (UTC)
Huh? How's that?
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 09:51 pm (UTC)
Ah ha.

No, dumb bitches can be male too. But in this case they just happen to be female.

Ah, the English language an it's gender spesific insults.
[info]creamy_martian wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:29 pm (UTC)
Oh, yeah I call men cumguzzling guttersluts on a regular basis. I have no idea why they think I'm talkin' about women.

[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:33 pm (UTC)
Funny, Cause I do. Men can be cumguzzling guttersluts just as much as women. It's an equal opportunity insult.

What part of the world are you in, and the real important question, is it "soda" "pop" or "Coke"?
[info]creamy_martian wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:35 pm (UTC)
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:36 pm (UTC)


[info]creamy_martian wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:44 pm (UTC)
Dumbfuck- a perfectly genderneutral yet evocative word. It makes a clear point, with the added insinuation that you're a bad fuck.

Cumguzzling gutterslut- Slut shaming, female oriented. It is a disgusting image with the maturity of a 15 year old boy. It shows a disregard and disrespect for expressions of sexuality. If used against a male, it is insulting due to an assault on his masculinity.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:53 pm (UTC)
So, you're saying you can use "Cumguzzling Gutterslut" against a male?

What's the gender of Douchebag?
[info]creamy_martian wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:55 pm (UTC)
I'm saying it's a misogynistic term. That's why you are a misogynist.

Douchebag is actually a good insult. Douches are bad for the awesomeness of vag.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:32 pm (UTC)
Trying to figure out how I'm a misogynist...

Explain a little better? douchebag an appropriate insult? Why is Cumguzzling Gutterslut not when it applies just as well to men? Not like "Bitch" as that's a female dog, or Cunt, which is in reference to the female genitals. Men can be whores just as well as women can be, and they can be all about sucking as much cock as they can get?

Kind of like using 'breeder' for a BNP, when it's a part of the gay lexicon, isnt it? Words evolve, especially in a locality sense.
[info]creamy_martian wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:40 pm (UTC)
How often is it that men "guzzle come"? "Slut", by the way, is a primarily female term. If used against a man, it's hardly derogatory and often amused. You seem to also focus a lot on the gay community, where using words like that as derogatory is attacking their masculinity, which then paints "female" as a negative, which- gasp, shock, and horror, is misogynistic.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:43 pm (UTC)
Quite often...actually. I guess that comes from being where I am, and being involved in the groups I am.

Slut, at least here, has evolved past being 'female' only.
[info]creamy_martian wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 12:19 am (UTC)
I'm glad you live in happy-sunshine world, but here in the real world with the rest of us? Slut is a sexist word and you're as dumb as a box of rocks.
[info]vomitrocity wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 01:07 am (UTC)
Stop trying to pretend to not be a misogynist just because you've been called out on it.

(It's generally an insult toward males, by the way. Like prick and asshole.)
[info]got_spearmint wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:18 pm (UTC)
find a way to make the webcomic work for you.

That is what she's trying to do.

find some dumbass douchebag to take care of you.

Because women taking care of themselves and their children is a horrible, horrible curse on humanity?

lazy cumguzzling gutterslut/dumb bitches

How is it English's fault that there are no other non-sexist terms for these? Jerk and asshole just don't do it for you?

Gods I LOATHE when dumb bitches who can TOTALLY work with no problem decide not to and take advantage of others.

Seriously, shut the fuck up, and sit the fuck down. It's not that fucking easy to get a job in this economy, especially when you have children to take care of. There's the fact of who is going to look after your kids while you're job hunting, along with who will look after them if you actually get a job.

If you don't have free family members who can do this, that usually only leaves daycare. Which costs money, which is something she obviously doesn't have much of if she's asking for donations. Something that is not 'taking advantage'. Taking advantage is when you tell someone that they owe you more money than they actually do if they forget the cost or something, not asking for donations on a website that costs money and time to run.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:21 pm (UTC)
Or...maybe I was talking about a personal situation that toally flew over your head?
[info]got_spearmint wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:44 pm (UTC)
Or... Maybe you're a sexist jackoff?
[info]creamy_martian wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:45 pm (UTC)
Maybe you should leave your personal issues at home, hon. We're not talking about you.
[info]got_spearmint wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:48 pm (UTC)
Also, this.
[info]got_spearmint wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 10:47 pm (UTC)
And if this situation is so 'personal' that it 'flew over my head', then please, explain more.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:23 pm (UTC)
Person A (M) is my SO.
Person B (F) is his adopted child lover.
Person C (F) is me.

Person A and C both have jobs, and are barely keeping our heads afloat in one of the most expensive areas in the US.

B wails about how hard she has it at home, and A decides that she should come live with us, but she'll be 'working' from home.

B does not work, B stays at home all day, online, and does absolutely nothing.

Therefore, B is taking advantage of C via A.

So, apparent 'sexist' remarks were directed towards B, who is, in fact, female, and doing the aforementioned things.

Do I think this about all people? No. Pretty much just her.

Sorry for hyjacking and confusing people. It's been a bad day.
[info]got_spearmint wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:27 pm (UTC)
...Okaaaay, but what the hell does any of that have to do with the original post? I mean, other than you projecting your own situation on another person's situation, where you only know the details she has shared, thus making your comment absolutely pointless?
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:33 pm (UTC)
Might be.

That would make this resulting conversation as equally pointless.
[info]got_spearmint wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:35 pm (UTC)
Doesn't change the fact that your projecting rant was extremely misogynistic, though, does it?
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:37 pm (UTC)
Still trying to figure out the misogynistic angle...

Because I don't like ONE woman, I don't like all women?
[info]got_spearmint wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:44 pm (UTC)
Calling a woman a 'cumguzzling slutbucket' and a 'dumb bitch' is misogyny. You don't have to hate all women to be a misogynist.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:46 pm (UTC)
By definition, yeah I do:

hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women.
[info]androgybunny wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 01:49 am (UTC)
You are using insults that have their origins in misogyny, and are still primarily used in misgynistic contexts. Terms such as "cumguzzling slutbucket" would be meaningless, if misogynistic beliefs about women's sex lives did not exist.

In other words, if people didn't believe it was insulting to say a woman enjoys swallowing semen, or that it was insulting to say a woman has had many sexual partners, these terms wouldn't exist. If it was widely considered acceptable and dignified for women to enjoy fellatio, and for a woman to have sex with whomever she wants to, neither "cumguzzling" nor "slutbucket" would be considered sensible insults.

You don't live or speak in a vacuum. So, you may believe you have magically divorced terminology from the context it has in the majority of people's minds, but you would be wrong. To properly commnunicate, you have to create meaning that makes sense for your recipients, and not just for yourself. If you fail to do that, it's not the fault of your listeners if they don't catch your drift.
[info]foofish wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:40 pm (UTC)
Logic: I brings it.
If she guzzled cum, rather than injesting it vaginally, she would have no children, negating a big part of your argument.
[info]halflight007 wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 02:39 am (UTC)
Just because I'm curious....
Sounds a bit like that person that wanted Sarah Palin to get gangraped to "learn empathy." Might not be the same person, but it sure sounds like it.

Sit down and shut up like an adult. I was harassed and bullied by males all while growing up and got pinched and touched on the butt several times by said douches, but instead of whining about it I went to an all-girls school.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 02:42 am (UTC)
Re: Just because I'm curious....
No way in hell would I want anyone to be gangraped. I'd never wish that even on the people I dislike the most.

Um. Good for you?
[info]hallucidreams wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 03:10 am (UTC)
Wow, hateful AND misogynistic. Nice job. Now get your head out of your ass and stop playing around.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 03:31 am (UTC)
Righto, because I hate ONE woman I'm a misogynist.

By definition, I would have to hate ALL women.

Which I don't.

Going by that logic doesn't that make all of us mycologists in one way or another, as I've heard a lot of hate roll through here for one woman or another.
[info]hallucidreams wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 03:43 am (UTC)
Except she wasn't "begging"; she was asking for donations if people could spare them, and if she gave them things in return it wouldn't even be that.

She has children, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to raise them herself instead of dumping them in subpar care centers / leaving them to a sitter for nine or so hours a day. Maybe unrealistic [since nobody in the household has a job], but if she wants to raise her own children, fine, let her raise them.

Your hate is completely unjustified.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 03:45 am (UTC)
Not her.

I could care less about her, to be honest, there's another woman who's doing that bullshit to me and my SO in my life. I projected, and just started to rant because the wounds were fresh.

I didn't do a very good job of explaining myself.

Best to the lady webcomicker, especially if she's selling merch to keep up with it, she's not doing any wrong.
[info]hallucidreams wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 03:59 am (UTC)
Ah. Sorry about the misunderstanding, then. :< Have a happy cephalopod.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 04:00 am (UTC)
Hey, thanks for being the only person who's actually listened.

And that is a super adorable cephalopod.

I'm actually working on knitting a I've already knitted a Squid. Out of awesome pink mereno yarn.
[info]hallucidreams wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 04:08 am (UTC)
Pictures please? :D That sounds amazing beyond all reason.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 04:13 am (UTC)
I dont have pictures of mine before it was given away...and the nudibranch is currently in the 'shopping for yarn' stage, but lemme give you pictures of how they look when finished:
Imagine him in a soft pink (With kind of wonky tentacles!)
Not sure what colors I'm going to do mine in...but those are lovely

And OMG look at this guy!

I totally recommend this person's patterns. They're cheap (The nudibranch was $4.00) and are super easy to read.
[info]hallucidreams wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 04:58 am (UTC)
I'll have to tell my friend! :D She'll probably go crazy over these...

Ahaha, you know, you're pretty cool.
[info]westly_roanoke wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 05:08 am (UTC)
Awesome! Going crazy over equally awesome things is full of ... um. Awesome? ::laughs::

And thanks. ::laughs:: Really, I'm not the misognistic hatemonger I kinda came off as. Not really an excuse, it's just been a hard day and I was kind of RAWR! Yanno?

Wanna see what I'm workin' on now? handwarmers! I'm going to give them to a friend of mine because she hates having things between her fingers, and she's off to ALASKA!
[info]cielamara wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 07:17 am (UTC)
Mycology is the study of fungi.
[info]breezilla wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:15 pm (UTC)
I spy a corgi in that comic! :D

I have mixed feelings on this. I have no problem with telling your audience that your project is going to have to take a break while you go out and find a job. However, the not-so-subtle "donate money so I can feed my kids!" thing really rubs me the wrong way.

I definitely agree that artists should be paid for their work (being one myself), but begging people to do so is in bad taste.
[info]vomitrocity wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 01:08 am (UTC)
I meant to comment on the corgi too!
I don't have mine in an icon though, so I can't show you. :(
[info]breezilla wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 01:15 am (UTC)
That's not mine in the icon, either, it's just a random corgi photo. ^_^; But she does do the "emo dog" thing quite well.
[info]sanguineroses wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:43 pm (UTC)

I don't have much of an issue. (Just wonder why she didn't have a donations link/button up for a while. If you're providing something that people like, I think it's peachy to have a little "Donations Appreciated" notice to let the audience know that while you are doing this for free, it ain't that easy.)

She freelances and she has (re: "looking for outside work again") probably worked a day job. This is simply a note asking people who enjoy her work to donate to make it a little easier for her to continue the Web coming otherwise she's going to have to go back to the job market (a hellish pit in itself right now) and put the thing on hold.

As to the whole working and free ride conversation in this thread:

I tend to go by a simple axiom:

If you are able bodied, then be able to support yourself.

That's not to say you shouldn't or can't work a non-trad job, or that you shouldn't/can't be a stay at home wife (or husband, or mother, father), etc; if it works in your life and relationships then bully for you. I simply think it's wise to be sure you've got some kind of back up plan if something happens to your source of support/income.

I don't like the daily grind. But, I enjoy my job for the most part. (I'm lucky in that respect.) If I could work from home in my pajamas? (Nearly) Everyday? I'd be all flippin' for it.
[info]got_spearmint wrote:
Dec. 21st, 2008 11:46 pm (UTC)
She mentioned getting wallpapers and extra chapters and whatnot as a perk of donations ins a news post in June. Donations have been available to be made, but perhaps not enough is being donated?
[info]kezhound wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 03:07 am (UTC)
So...the basis of your completely spectacular argument is that the artist in question doesn't deserve money for her work? But, no, wait, you even go ahead and say that art is a lot of work, and that commissions pay squat. Therefore, somehow you believe that asking for money in return for entertainment is wrong? No, because you seem to have no qualm about paying to see or rent movies, or buy books, or listen to music. Perhaps the artist in question should charge people for viewing, like a dollar per page? Well, that's a fuck-awful idea! WHO THE HELL WOULD PAY TO READ WEBCOMICS?

No one. THEY'RE FREE. Which is why in lieu of merchandise, some webcomic creators ask for donations to at least offset the amount of time invested.

Grow up, and stop being angry because an artist is seeking to follow her dreams and make it work, not as a cubicle zombie, BUT AS A PROFESSIONAL ARTIST. On the web. Deal.

And FURTHERMORE, she IS selling merchandise! Side-stories and art and wallpapers! She has ALWAYS asked for donations in return for these extras! Ugh, at least research something before you come and complain about it.

[info]hallucidreams wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 03:44 am (UTC)
[info]cielamara wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 07:26 am (UTC)
[info]wander_free wrote:
Dec. 22nd, 2008 03:09 am (UTC)
I'm not really seeing the fail in this. It's not like she's demanding the money without promising something in return and she is up front about the hows and whys of her situation. If nothing else, I respect the tone and obvious maturity of her request. If I just came across this randomly, I would probably put her in the PNB category.

As for the discussion about 'real jobs', well, I'll be honest, I'm lucky. I work part time as a substitute teacher along with a sideline of freelance writing and crafting. (This means I have a great deal of control over my schedule, but not a lot of security. It works for me, though. Like I said, I'm lucky.) Immature is the least of the things I have been called, but I've done the traditional job, 9-5 thing and it blows great hairy balls. If someone has the skills, talent and ingenuity to find a non-trad job situation, I say more power to them.

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