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Ben's Asylum

Yo Mere mortals!!!! Welome to the Asylum I'm the curator, janitor, doctor and patient all in one. Although I should warn you, if this site offends you, go and look at My Little Pony or something
This site is...
A mishmash of all my ideas and jokes, be warned they are surreal. Dive in and thanks for visiting!

Ben Lashmar

PS. All My own material Polyester,Denim,Cotton,Etc... Anyway ENJOY!!!
PPS: you may wonder what the (Bzzzt's) are....
PPPS: Feel free to complain on my guestbook

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Go Further down the Rabbit hole

Rastafarian Orcs
Roleplay Rambo and others
Rainbow Star Wars (and others)
The Hundred Acre Barracks
The Swallow Sketch (whoopsie,whoopsie)
The Credits
What I look like ((don't laugh))
Roleplaying Page
The Wrestling Persona (Under Construction)
