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Theatre Games

Once again, I was trying to do a search to find out some cool new(or even old) theatre games. Why? Well, I know that in youth theatre, we always do the same games time after time and I know I get sick of them, so why wouldn't everyone else? Here are some theatre games that are currently used, and not necissarilly everywhere. Some are unique games that kids just like to play, while others make you do things to help you to become a better actor or actress. Enjoy and try 'em out!

Do You Want To Buy A Duck?

A group of people sit in a circle formation. A beginer, usually a staff member, starts off the game by saying to the person on his or her right "Do you want to buy a duck?" The person on the right replies "A what?" Beginer: "A duck." Right person: "Does it quack?" Beginer: "Of course it quacks." Then the person on the right goes to the person on his or her right and everything is the same... except after the "Of course it quacks" the person adds another question like for example "Does it eat blue berries?" and the questions alway go back to the leader. The last person, or the person to the left of the beginer, must ask all of the questions. May be confusing, suggested for ages 10 and up

The Name Game

A group of people sit in a circle formation. One person, person "A", begins by saying their name, the person "B"(sitting next to person "A") say his or her name followed by person "A"'s name. The game continues, person "C" says "Person C, Person B, Person A" and so on. Recommended for ALL AGES

Red Light Green Light

This game is well known, and many theatre groups use it. One person plays the role of a stop light, and says "Green Light" symbolizing go, and "Red Light" symbolizing stop. Whoever reaches the "Stop Light" first gets to be the stop light for the next game. The stop light can call on anyone still moving during the "Red Light" period. Recommended for Ages 4 - 13


Everyone puts their heads down, a staff member goes around if you get one tap you are a killer, if you get two taps you are a detective. When the staff member is done choosing one or two of each heads go up, and the killer winks at people, if you get winked at you die, and you have to die dramatically(but dont' act too dramatic, you might pull a brain cell.). The detectives cannto be killed, and if they know who the killer is they can state an arrest. Recommended for ages 7-13

Twin Tag

In twin tag everyone has a partner, except the person who is "It" and the person they are chasing. Each set of twins stands together with linked arms. The person being chased by the person who is "It" runs around being chased, and linked arms with anyone making the third person(the person whom you linked with's earlier partner. If the person being chased gets caught, theat person becomes it. Recommended for ALL AGES!

Copy Cats(also known as Miror)

You and a partner work together to become one. Yes, this sounds confusing! Let one person start off as the leader, the follower miroring every movement made. Then switch jobs, Follower<-->Leader. Try it again this way. After you feel familiar with each other, without any verbal communication, know a symbolizm that stands for letting the other person begin. If you are that good, anyone watching won't be able to tell who the leader nor the follower apart from each other, because, you will be one. Recommended for ages 7-18.

Simon Says

This one is overused, but still remains popular. One person is Simon and and gives orders for the players to do, whether it be "Simon says put your right hand on you left shoulder." or "Sit down." Wwhich onw do you listen to? You do whatever starts off with "Simon Says" otherwise you will be disqualified from the game. Recommended for ages 7-13.


Two actors make up a scene and when someone wants to take one of the actor's place, and they say "FREEZE" and the actors freeze in the position they were last acting in. Then the person that yelled "FREEZE" will take one of the actor's places and start a whole new scene. There are different kinds of Freezes to use, like Academy Award Winning, when they overact when someone says their names and they pretend to win. Or, if it is a sad scene, they would have to be extra sad and stage cry. Recommended for ages 7-17

It's As Easy As A-B-C

Two actors are instructed to create a scene by begining their line with the letters of the alphabet-- in order(ex. (A)nother day in my boring life. (B)orring? You have a great life!! (C)areful who you say that around? (D)ave's here? ect.....) Recommended for ages 10-18

Tag Line

Two performers are given a situation and relationship from the audience. They must act this out on stage. Also on the stage are two chairs were two audience members sit. Throughout the action, one of the performers will start a line of dialogue then pause, and tap one of the audience members on the shoulder. That audience member must then say the first word or line that comes to mind and the performer must work that into his/her next line (as well as finding a way to justify it).

Chain of Fools

Three performers are sent out of the room. A fourth asks the audience for an object, an activity, and a location. One of the three performers then enters and the first must relay all the information to the second without the use of words (and, only has two minutes to do so). When the second knows all the information (or the two minutes is up) he/she kills the first actor with the object. The next performer enters and the cycle starts again (using the same object, action, and location). At the end of the game each actor is asked (in reverse order of entrance) what was done, with what object, are where - the actor who originally started gives the real answer last.

That's about it for now, if you have any additional suggestions, E-Mail Me.