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The Collective


<bgsound src="Opus_One.wma" loop=infinite>

February 21th, 2006: I fixed the glitch for running the music automatically with the little buttons. I had a little flaw in the code, but I have made it all better now. You don't have to download it now, just listen to it.

I also changed the marquee at the top to bounce back and forth instead of just scolling off the page and coming back.

February 20th, 2006: I uploaded the clan theme today. It's very swing, just like the old time bands. It's so fly, it hit you in your eye... sorry. You have to download it though seeing as there is a glitch in the auto-play code that wont let it work.

I also fixed the glitch there was for all the pages. You should be able to see them all now.

February 18th, 2006: Seeing as nobody wants to make the clan a logo, I made a crappy one that took about 15 minutes, only because I had to make my own font to put as the "TC". Anyways, the contest is still on about the logo making. This one is just a sub for now.

February 17th, 2006: Today I changed the colours up. I also realised that the status bar isn't working properly, so I am trying to fix it.

I have added the Member Bios site to the list of links. I have also started the Squads site, but will be up-dating it regularly seeing as there isn't enough information to complete it. I also added a guestbook to the Main page. Hope you all enjoy!

February 16th, 2006: I added a page counter and a scrolling status bar today. The bar took about 1.5 hours to do, so YOU BETTER LIKE IT! Look down at the bottom of your browser to see the scroll. At the end of the web-page, you will see the counter. I hope it starts getting MAD hits, seeing as there is about 70 people in the clan. I will hopefully have to Bio's page up tommarow. I will start with mine, then I will take people's who want to have thier bio up on the site. I will also want a picture that is you, or signifies something you like very much.

February 15th, 2006: I just got the site up and running. I have the basic layout, but I need a clan logo. If anyone is interested in winning a prize for the best logo, please Comm. Link Wolfe~God, otherwise known as I.D. (52).

Also, I am in need of somebody who is willing to help me with the web-site design. This person will have to know HTML, and also must realise that they will be doing this for the clan. Please Comm. Link Wolfe~God.

| Main | Contests | Member Bios | Squads |