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Ninety Six Wildcat Marching Band

*This will soon become the *NEW* Ninety Six Wildcat Marching Band webpage. (It is still currently under construction).

The Wildcat Marching Band would like to congratulate Mr.Vickery on winning the Golden Apple Award in 2004. His outstanding drive for excellence and perfection has driven the marching band from just a pep band a couple of years back to a quickly growing marching band that has raised the bar every year.

--The 2004 Marching Band season came to a close on October 23,2004. The Wildcat Marching Band gave it everything they had in Boiling Springs, and received a very successful 9th place with a 83.1. This was the marching bands first year back competiting in Class 2A after being absent from it for 2 years. The marching band was very dominating from the first competition in Pendleton, South Carolina.

Welcome to Kat's Corner....This is where I post, and put up things about the past band season, and the current band comps.

The 2004-2005 band season ended admist a bit of controversy involving alleged plots that Broome High School band memebers were caught going through the bags of fellow Ninety Six Marching Band memembers. This comes as a bit of a suprise as for Broome's show at the Mauldin competition was quite clearly known not to be enough to defeat the Wildcat Marching band when the time come at the Marching Band Prelims for State in Boiling Springs. So what better plan then to steal the very idea or try to steal the very idea that they thought would beat them. Yes, people we speak of the very cannons that rocked the show at Pendleton, and shock the crowd at Mauldin, and puzzled the crowds at Chesnee, and Boiling Springs. Could Broome honestly live with themselves knowing they tried to steal our idea, and failed horrible. For those of you that where at the 4A-2A Marching Band Prelims in Boiling Springs you would of noticed that Ninety Six's cannons were actually coming from inside the ship. On the other hand if you looked at the cannon's for Broome's show you will see that their ship only spewed forth the smoke from the cannons all the while there was someone in the right hand corner beating a drum to make it sound like a cannon was being shot off. ** Evidently Broome had the judges fooled in which they placed 3rd. Ninety Six's 8th place finish wasn't a disappointing one, but nonetheless Ninety Six was wanting revenge for the theft that had taken place. (( On the other hand )) I would like to mention that Broome's show was very good, and that they included a lot more in there show because they have a much bigger band with a much bigger budget. The much detailed extra's added to the Ninety Six show should of proven to be enough to move us forth to State, but I suppose the judges saw otherwise.

*Please Stay Tuned to See What Other Events Unfold In The Coming Marching Band Season.*

This picture here was taken at the 2004 Upperstate/State Prelims in Boiling Springs, South Carolina. As you can see the theme was "Pirates of the Caribbean."

Click Here to see the awards won for 2004

Here is a link to our high school

Click Here To Visit Our School
