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Monday, 10 November 2003
Updated Cast and Tour information for the UK Tour
According to a steward at the New Victoria Theatre in Woking, Kate Tydman is coming in to play Tantomile when the cast changes at the end of the month (ie: when the Woking segment of the Tour finishes.) Kate was formerly in London's productions of the musical. :)

Next up, we have new dates for the Tour at last on the official website! Only two of these are new to me though, I've added those into my site - Canterbury and Norwich. :) Take a look at for more details and booking.
There's another posted though, on Ticketmaster - given as playing in Wimbledon next November (2004), but the tickets aren't selling yet. Nevertheless I'm adding this one to the site as well.

Posted by musicals/wickerbasket at 6:03 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 10 November 2003 6:10 PM GMT
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Sunday, 28 September 2003
UK Tour Cast Change - Update!
You might see at the end of my Milton Keynes Trip Report I mentioned some information Ben Tribe gave out when I met him at Stage Door. Here goes: The UK Tour cast IS changing after Woking. (ie: November 22nd 2003).

The current cast contracts run out then, so that's around a 10 month contract. They were going to extend the contracts, but that fell through. In essence, he said that five performers are staying, but unfortunately he could only remember three, lol. Tugger (Stuart Ramsey) is staying, as is Gus/Bustopher (Patrick Clancy) and Rumpus/Alonzo (Matthew Cole). All the rest bar two are going.

Oh and could I step in with a observation that if the contracts are on for ten months, that could mean the Tour will run till at least September 2004. :D

Posted by musicals/wickerbasket at 12:46 AM BST
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Sunday, 17 August 2003
New UK Tour Dates
A couple more new dates for the UK Tour, seems they like Scotland. Check my UK Tours page for more information. :)

Also, the UK Tour in Milan was billed to be running in the looks of things this has definitely been scrapped. The Tour runs right through January in London and Scotland, with only two weeks gap - allowing for a break and a long journey, perhaps? We shall see... ;)

Posted by musicals/wickerbasket at 3:39 PM BST
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Friday, 8 August 2003
From the RUG site:

Clear Channel Entertainment Presents
CATS UK TOUR 2003/04
Auditions: from 3rd September 2003

Rehearsals: from 20th October 2003 (5 weeks)
1st performance: Tuesday 25th November 2003
Contract length up to 12 months

We are looking for the following principals:

Strong singer/actress with powerful high belt (to D Flat). Sings ?Memory?. A ?survivor? but vulnerable. She was once very glamorous but with age her beauty is fading

The beloved leader of the cats. He must be able to express age, authority, dignity, wisdom and humility. Also great warmth and fun.
High baritone/tenor (to G sharp). Small amount of movement required.

Rock star cat. He requires rough, street, rock voice and a wild, comedic sexuality. Age 25-35. Must move well but preferably dance.

Son of Old Deuteronomy and leader in his absence.
Must sing and act excellently and move very well. A performer with charm and dignity, maturity and power. Baritone. Age 25-35

The magician. Max height 5?8. Impish, expansive personality. Excellent dancer and strong singer. He must have strong ballet technique (triple pirouettes, double tours etc.) Strong tap. High baritone.

Both Female 25-40. Must have great comic instincts. Both must be able to dance at least a small amount.
Jennyanydots must tap well, have a strong voice and may be a little plump. She is a motherly type, and Edwardian do-gooder. Comedy required.
Jellylorum must have an excellent soprano voice. Practical and loving.

The railway cat. Mid 20?s High baritone/tenor. Must have excellent classical training with a strong authoritative voice.
A fastidious neat and ordered cat. He is obsessed with punctuality and cleanliness yet possesses a big heart and sense of exuberance.

Tall statuesque girl (min height 5?8?) excellent dancer / singer. Age 20?s ?35
Is one half of the duo who sings ?Macavity?
Lightly sexual female who is also a fierce protector of the Jellicle tribe.

Excellent dancer/singer. Age 25-30
Is one half of the duo who sings ?Macavity? A neurotic but highly intuitive girl.

A male and female duo. Cheeky, irreverent, young and full of energy. Excellent dancers with aerobatic skills, strong voices and loads of personality.

Looking for excellent dancers with strong training. Good vocals required. Note many of the named cats in the ensemble cover the principal roles.



Further information from my source who posted this on Musicals.Net says apparently the cast only have 1yr contracts. They hold open auditions for all cast positions to get a listing of possible replacements, union rules or something require yearly auditions.
However unsure as to what this advert means at present for the UK Tour. Could mean complete cast change, part cast change, or nothing at all. ;)

Posted by musicals/wickerbasket at 7:26 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 8 August 2003 7:27 PM BST
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Sunday, 3 August 2003
Another New UK Tour Date
According to Syra, the UK Tour will move to Leicester after Glasgow in February/March 2004.

More information on my UK Tours page. :)


Also not really directly linked to this site, but Stageholding, I believe, have confirmed plans for a Cats European Tour. However Milan has been left out of this too.

So if Cats Europe isn't going there, what does that say about the UK Tour's plans? Speculation would point in two opposite directions...

Posted by musicals/wickerbasket at 2:08 PM BST
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Thursday, 24 July 2003
Conflicting Milan Reports
Seems that ClearChannel are misinforming their CATS UK Tour people.

You may remember I posted more recently that Justin Webb had said in his bio that CATS UK would be moving to Milan for a few shows.
According to a representative at ClearChannel UK (who I snail mailed out of interest over brochures and then emailed about the whole Milan concept) the Tour is NOT going to Milan after all.

I await further news on this, if any, although he DID confirm the Glasgow date as correct.

Posted by musicals/wickerbasket at 12:10 AM BST
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Thursday, 10 July 2003
Heads Up..
Seems the UK CATS tour site is down for some reason. I didnt post it here for several days because I wasnt sure if it was the server or what's going on.

For some STRANGE reason I smell a update looming. I say, could be the server. Take a look:

EDIT: 18th July 2003 ~ Was the server. Sorry for the false alarm...

Posted by musicals/wickerbasket at 12:01 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2003 12:29 AM BST
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Sunday, 6 July 2003
Competition Time...
ClearChannel's UK site is putting on a competition to win a pair of tickets to see CATS at a venue of your choice. Visit the site for more details.

Posted by musicals/wickerbasket at 2:48 PM BST
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06/07/2003: New Location!
Thank you to Carbucketty for this idea of creating such a blog to host all the news stories that filter onto this site. I hope you like it.

Currently working on News updates. Meanwhile, feel free to browse the archives I have below.


Posted by musicals/wickerbasket at 1:11 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 6 July 2003 1:24 PM BST
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January 2003 - May 2003 archive

June 2002 - December 2002 archive

CATS Closing Down News Stories

Some Other Articles

Note & Disclaimer: All stories/articles posted on these pages are copied from their source. [I could post a link & the page may become extinct!] All articles are copyrighted to the authors and linked underneath.

Posted by musicals/wickerbasket at 1:08 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 26 September 2003 1:04 AM BST
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