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Rumblepurr's Edinburgh 'CATS' Trip Report

Dates and Times: May 20th, 7:30pm; May 21st, 2:30pm and May 22nd, 7:30pm .
Place: Edinburgh Playhouse in Scotland.

Quote for the trip - “So much to see - too few shows…”


For me, the trip was a hard one… I had a 17 hour sojourn from Southern California to Phoenix to London/Heathrow to Edinburgh… Surviving that, I was met by Rio at the airport, and taken to our “Bed & Breakfast.” Two hours later, Ahdeya and Michaela came in via Glasgow. Yes, the four of us in one place… Rio, Ahdeya, Michaela and Rumblepurr… the world trembled on May 19, 2003.
May 20 was an evening show for us, so we toured Edinburgh during the day. Getting our stuff for the evening, we met Norman Bowman and Rebecca Vere at the Stage Door prior to opening night. Norman is from Glasgow, and does have the accent to go with it. While Rebecca went in, the ladies gave Norman the first of many Munkustrap pictures. (Rebecca did not look pleased to have three lovely ladies give him gifts.) He was very modest about the whole thing, and explained to us that he only tried out for Munkustrap because Rebecca was Jellylorum and they wanted to be together… (Everybody please go “Awwwww!”). Both Stori James and Adrian Edmeades came by, and received some artwork as well. Chrissie Hammond was very pleasant. Ahdeya went crazy when Barbara King dropped by and received some Demeter pics. All in all, we enjoyed catching a few of the cast in good spirits. The rest probably wondered about this mad little group camped outside the door...
We did a matinee on May 21, and this was followed by the mother of all backstage tours. I will follow up with that after this report. I learned a little bit of Stage Door etiquette while with the ladies. To some of you “Stage Door Veterans,” this advice is second nature to you, but this event was the first time for me. If the person does not “look” the slightest bit interested, do not approach them. In reality, I did not have to worry about this factor. I worked my 35mm Pentax camera while the ladies handed out pictures and collected the autographs. Although we did not collect many autographs, the ones we did were quality… Again, wait for the report itself to explain what happened because of it… We had found out yesterday that Norman Bowman was a Celtics fan (Soccer for us Americans). Well, they lost, so Ahdeya drew up a Munkustrap in a Celtics shirt and flag looking glum, and we gave that to him. To make sure Rebecca did not feel left out, we got her a stuffed-toy white kitty for her portrayal of Griddlebone. That small gift pleased her as well. When we finished the backstage tour, we found out that Gui-Paul had been waiting for us. (We even met him walking to the playhouse before the show.) So, we went back to the stage door, and asked for Gui-Paul. We stood just inside the door, and caught Norman in sweat pants, makeup and body mike… Rio became a Munkus fan on the spot… Tom Dwyer (Mungojerrie) came in later in about the same appearance and we believe that Michaela got in between these two half-naked guys… Gui-Paul was asked to sign Ahdeya’s “Autograph Sketch” and he was agonizing because he did not know what to write. Someone suggested “Happy Birthday.” (Yeah, thanks a lot…)
May 22 was the final evening show for us, and this one topped it all - We got Tom Dwyer, Katy-Jo (MJ & RT), Tommi (Coricopat) coming in. We also found out that Tommi Slidon (Video Coricopat) was playing Bill Bailey! Chrissie Hammond signed our programs while in the rain - bless her for that. She and I played “hold the umbrella” while allowing to sign our programs and get another present… I got a beautiful picture of Summer Stratton, and became a Cassandra fan. Later, Gui-Paul became our host for the rest of the evening. Through him, we learned that Gillian really enjoyed this cast, and that our Italian Kitty, Swan, will be happy later on!

Now, the show itself was amazing - there is so much going on that even three shows were not enough to nab everything. When the cast spreads out, they look like a lot of cats. They shrink in number when they pull back into a group… Again, the cast is missing Electra and Etcetera, but has Bill Bailey, Carbuckety, Admetus.
Prior to the start of the overture, we were told that Sally Whitehead was now playing Jennyanydots.


Green Eyes seemed a bit brief, but the cats were all over the theatre - even the first balcony. On the stage, we saw the “saucer” drawn up to the arch with its light show… During Jellicle Songs, Tugger is the one giving Bill Bailey the push on the trapeze, and he finishes the second swing by hanging upside down… This stunt is the first of many that this mischievous little kitty will get into. You could spend an entire show just watching him!
When the cast spreads out to examine the audience, I had to sympathize with anyone in the first three rows center… Skimbleshanks crawled out here, and really gave the people there a going over… On Tuesday and Thursday, we managed the same seats (C 34-37), which were right in front of Mistoffelees! Having given a lot of attention to Gui-Paul, he repaid us by being right there - Ahdeya got back at him Thursday with a stuffed toy mouse - the big one - Jellicle-sized. I really thought he was going to reach out and grab it. (After Thursday, Ahdeya gave him the spare mouse.) By Thursday, we also had Alonzo in our area. I will admit that being with the ladies brought a lot of the cast into my area…

Norman Bowman enjoys the role of Munkustrap - probably more than he should. He is an energetic playful Munkus, more of a “swinger” than a dancer, and not like the ones who supposedly have something to do with broomsticks. Although he is still the defender, and he keeps kittens in line, he is not above some cat-play of his own. During Gumbie, he and Tugger form a “band” in the background. He plays a mean “air-drum” and “Air Guitar” as well as using his tail for a karaoke microphone. Quaxo (Misto) is assigned the duty of opening the car boot for Jenny, but he has trouble at the start because Munkustrap is still on it. Once Munkus gets off the boot, the door opens, and Misto falls off the back…

Stuart Ramsey is a Tugger one really has to watch… He plays off everyone - even mocking Munkus and strolling off… When the number comes up, he is a riot to keep track of. Gui-Paul told us about the “kiss” in Tugger’s number - The line “Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore…” during rehearsal, the kiss was on the cheek as a joke. But, the joke escalated and actually landed on the mouth. Now, depending upon Gui-Paul’s mood, the reaction is varied. Thursday had Gui-Paul going “hmmm!” And later it was hairball time…

The “Cettie” squeal is done by Rumpleteazer here, and Tugger stops it with his tail - dink! (Bleh!) Now seeing Victoria and Jemima out there squealing around Tugger was okay, along with Teazer, but seeing Tantomile there too? Whoo… The Dark Lady got a little more interesting…
Speaking of Cassandra… Summer Stratton is one of the best Cassandra’s you would want to see. This lady has grace and a rubber body… Now I like chocolate, and this Cassie is a rich blend that puts the name brands to shame. Summer plays Cassandra mysterious, strong-willed, and proud - with just a hint of mischievousness. Cassandra never “hurries” anywhere. She gets there at her own pace. But her movements are always graceful, and with a bit of contortionist ability added for flavor. Guys? This lady is something to watch…

There is one feature on the UK Tour Set that caught our collective eyes, especially during Bustopher Jones. At least, this was one of the first times we noticed the performers using it… During BJ, Bombalurina “pole dances” on this huge brass headboard. Later, Misto will do his own work on it. But no one compared to Bill Bailey. He went up the headboard headfirst, and came back down “headfirst!”

On Wednesday, the show was interrupted by a power lost. At first, we thought the power problem was in the theatre. Later, we found out that the entire Scotland power grid had spiked. According to the Chief Electrician, they had to finish the show from Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer on with only 70% of the lights working… I thought I detected shadows in the wrong areas. We also learned something about the lighting. From my seat in D row, I noticed that one of the “intelligent” Lights (see Backstage Tour) had a blinking red light on its controller box. According to the LX, that light was sending back error messages…

During MJ & RT, the entire song is used and not cut as it was in the video. Also, the two performers did not sing in the Cockney dialect.
During Old Deuteronomy’s entrance, everyone greets the Elder - except Tugger is pointedly faces the other way… and then turns to salute him…

During Pekes & Pollicles, Cassandra finds the whole thing somewhat distasteful. Munkustrap uses his Glasgow accent to bring on the “Scottish cousins.” Problem is - afterwards, the accent never fully disappears. A “Scottish” Munkus…

The Jellicle Ball. I felt that this number was actually faster than any of the other shows I have seen and the video. Somehow, the choreography seemed to mesh the dancers to be constantly moving in line after line of movement. Very few lapses. The Courtship Dance and subsequent “Sleep pile” were tame (for the most part) in comparison to the US Tour…
Chrissie Hammond gave us a taste of her vocal power in the First Act’s rendition of Memory.

During the intermission, Old Deuteronomy stayed out on the tire, but he signed autographs and got some water. Again, during Thursday’s performance, the dreaded “mouse” came out again, and this time Old D noticed… (bad Ahdeya!!!) Also, Skimbleshanks came out in the front center aisles to create some havoc. On the Wednesday Matinee, he got in behind two young ladies without them noticing (Like a mime?). When they did, they screamed and ran for their seats - and he screamed and ran the other way. Audience members had to watch him during this time. He finally went up on stage when Coricopat and Tantomile came on - Note on the Dark Twins. Both of these two performers have great voices, but we only could get Cori’s autograph. Wish we could have gotten Tanto’s, but it did not happen. It was too bad because I really wanted to compliment her on her soprano voice, which I could hear when she was downstage. Ahdeya commented that the Coricopat was gorgeous… His movements were very smooth and graceful. There synchronization was “spot on.”

One bit that was a riot to watch was Summer's "kitten" aspect at play. An usher (Stuart?) was placed at the aisle that Cassandra came in. Since he was there, she rubbed all over him before going up onto the stage. Then, she looked our way, smiled and when back to look at him. The poor guy could not intereact with her, and she could get away with murder. All he could do is go, "please?" Summer merely shook her head, "no." (Bad kitty!)


I noticed in Moments of Happiness that the dialogue used at New London was not done here… Old Deuteronomy did not send to Jemima to do her part. One interesting note during this number - Grizabella was in the background - up near the car boot.

For Gus, Rebecca Vere’s Jellylorum is played young - I would say the style was like a “Betty Boop” voice - and played shy and nervous to start out. As she went, the nervousness fell away, and she started enjoying being the one to tell about Gus. Now here, the Thursday pre-show gift of the Kitty may have affected Rebecca. I felt she played with the part a lot more on this day than before… Maybe it was just me, but that is what I sensed. The play between Gus and Jellylorum was good to start off… Gus plays the applause - “Oh is that for me?” and then… “Wait, wait, wait! I have more…”

Thankfully, Growltiger is in, with the ship raised in the back (Ladies’ blouse for the sail), and a bicycle wheel for the ships’s wheel. Here, the ship’s crew was a riot. Munkus having trouble with the parrot, Skimbleshanks having trouble with his hand hook… but Misto had double duty… At the start, Misto is cleaning Growlie’s sword. Growlie comes back and pulls it right out of Misto’s hands… owchie… Poor Munkus suffers Growlie by being kneed in the crotch… here, Norman used either one hand or both hands to hold himself… Poor Munkus… During Griddlbone’s entry, Rebecca has several good parts here. Her long tail is first caught by Misto, who tries to keep it until intercepted by Munkus, who removes it from Misto’s grasp. Munkus drops it, and it gets by Skimble…

Instead of the Aria, “The Ballad of Billy McCaw” is placed in its original “London” spot. At first, Griddlebone does not understand what is going on. Growlie plays her like a piano, which does not go over well, and then he starts in Billy McCaw. He even interrupts her trying to join in on the song. As the Siamese enter, they, too are mystified by having Billy McCaw in the number. However, at the closer to Billy, the Siamese join with the pirate crew as an impromptu orchestra. Misto, depending upon the placement of Griddle’s tail, sometimes uses her tail as a feather boa. The Siamese “Band” uses their swords and forks as band instruments. Coricopat as Genghis is thoroughly pissed… he finally gets the band organized and the number is finished.

During Skimbleshanks, get set for this picture. Old D is on the tire, Munkustrap is in front of him, and Tugger is behind Old D. When Skimble goes into “It was very pleasant…” you need to watch these three with the “Whoo-whoo…” Old D, Tugger and Munkus do the whistle pull in sync… odd group… On the building of the train, Gui-Paul (Misto) was put in charge of the train’s headlamp. Normally the light goes upward a tad. Not on Tuesday and Thursday nights… Because of Ahdeya and her Misto gifts, and since he knew where we were, we got the lamp in our faces… The look on Skimbleshanks’ face at the train’s breakdown is priceless. Old Deuteronomy is stern in his portrayal of a customer “waiting to get off” and points at his “wristwatch.” And, it is Tugger who helps Old Deuteronomy at the last.

Macavity… my favorite number because of the ladies of the cast… Before now, I was often told of the love/hate feeling that Demeter has for Macavity. A big thank you goes to Barbara King’s portrayal of Demeter. During the interludes of Demeter’s part of this number, Barbara shows a bit a sensual pleasure that is cut off with a repulsive hiss… Being close to the stage helped me see this little detail that I had not caught before. Because of this, we can learn that Demeter had been given a goodly amount of pleasures by Macavity, and then she is reminded of what happened afterward… the event that causes her to scream out his name at every chaotic noise… Beautiful rendition here…

The fight scene was very well done. Munkus actually goes down twice during this before he is out of it. With this production, Munkus and Macavity duke it out a bit with a few more blows. And when Macavity is chased off? Bill Bailey gets a good lick in before the QUEENS chase Mac off! Now the explosion? On the first night, we were surprised that Macavity first sparks the jumper against a car grill, and then a battery before he short-circuits the jumper unit with a bang. During the backstage tour, we found out how that was done! Again, thanks to Ahdeya and Gui-Paul, we got the train lamp shown in our faces… “Macavity is not there!”

Mistoffelees was a delight to watch. Gui-Paul’s descent from the fly on a rope seems like nothing unless you realize he is afraid of heights. The arch to floor is about 40-50 feet (13-15m) and he descends through a trapdoor and is winched down. The rope has a hand and foot loop, so Gui-Paul usually comes down in a modified split, and always looking UP! This man is 38, and teaches classic ballet, and is still in superb condition. To give more praise to him, he also manages to present Misto in a range of comical expressions and body movements. He loves to play to audience members that he knows are out there… I did not count his “conjuring turns” but I noted the first 12 or so were done in a 1… 2… 3-4 spin where the 3 & 4 is quick. His finish is very similar to a pirouette. For the Victoria/Misto fans - yes - he does play to the White Cat a lot.

The final Memory is still a tear factory, if you enjoy the piece. If you are tired of it, Chrissie Hammond’s Grizabella still might get to you. This lady is powerful, which got her a black mark from one reviewer in Edinburgh. When she recovers and sings “Touch me…” she lets loose, and it is goosebump time…
When the tire bit is done, I was surprised the first night to see the staircase come down. And, I was also surprised with the “fog.” Dry ice fog is cold! This was not… We found out why during the backstage tour.

On the Ad-dressing of Cats, Bill Bailey can be seen with both paws under his chin, looking from side to side… again, he did things like this all through the show…
The finale and bows had a couple of interesting notes… First off, Cassie chases Tugger off. Trying to be demure, Cassandra ignores Tugger until he grabs a little chocolate “tail” - Cassie’s reaction is surprise, then “hmmm…” and then off to the races…
Some of the cats do come into the audience during the finale, and Barbara King came over to us on both Tuesday and Thursday to say hi to Ahdeya and Rio. On Thursday, Gus popped up in front of Michaela and me… Slightly hard to miss a big cat like him, but his reaction was “I was trying to surprise you!”

I am certain I missed a lot more, or forgot a few things along the line…
I was very disappointed that I missed New London, but I was not disappointed with the Tour show. This cast was fantabulous! It was well worth the time and money to get over to Scotland for this show. Of course, I give a lot of credit to Ahedya, Rio and Michaela for adding to the experience because of their artistic talents. Through them, I met more of the cast, especially Gui-Paul and Barbara King. The cast members really were an absolutely marvelous group of people and exceptional performers. Small wonder Gillian enjoyed them… And fie on the reviewers… They must not know a good show if it came up and stepped on them… Come to think of it, Norman must have got the reviewer from the “Scotsman” since Munkustrap was credited for “treading on my foot on purpose…”

My recommendation? If you can - see it at least three or four times. If you can, try and let the cast know that you appreciate them… Even though it might have been wishful thinking, I felt that the cast members who allowed us to present drawings and pictures to them, as well as just saying that “we like what you do,” really gives them a boost. If they know they have people out in that audience who appreciate them, they will go beyond the 100% promised… just for you.

Respectfully submitted,
Rumblepurr (AKA Dennis)
TJC Editor-In-Chief and Roving Photographer.
