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Wicked Fans

Jay-I first heard about Wicked through a friend because they were reading the book, and they told me about the show and that Idina Menzel was in it, who I'm a big fan of! So the time came when tickets went on sale and I had bought them for opening night of previews. We all know what happened there, so my ticket date wound up getting changed to the following Tuesday which was October 14th. So the time came to see the show and I was really excited and had not one clue of what to expect. I sat in my seat with my eyes glued to the stage looking at the sets and map of Oz, then the show finally started and Kristin came out in a bubble singing in opera and not being a fan of opera, I was like "oh god what is this..." Once the show started moving on i got really into it, I dont even think I blinked once throughout the entire show, thats how breathtaking it was. I remember sitting there at the end of Act 1, with my heart racing and the hairs on my arms standing up. The show went on and just when I thought it couldnt get any better, it did! Unfortuantely the show ended and my friends and I went to the stage door in the pouring rain and waited for Idina and Kristin to come out along with the rest of the cast. They did, and not only did they sign things they also posed for pictures in the pouring rain and they did not leave until everyone got a picture and/or autograph! I was really suprised on how kind they were. Since it was pouring I was drenched (as you can see in the picture) and I asked Idina if she'd take a picture with me and she said "of course crazy wet person!", I Thanked her and once again told her she was amazing. Then I went to the show a couple more times, sometimes with flowers and gifts on November 4 & 11th, and December 9th. The cast started recognizing Me and when I went to the CD signing, they all remembered Me and thanked me for coming "again" and when I came to Idina(sittin next to Norbert) she was like "hey it's you! how are you hunny?"...I said "goood! I can't wait to see Taye in the show!" at this time Norbert looked up at me with a little dissapointed look on his face and I said "NO OFFENSE!!" and they both laughed, and I remember leaving there telling my friend "I just made Idina Menzel laugh! I'm too goood..." hahaha....I love WICKED so much, i think it's the best show that will ever be on broadway, I can't wait to see it again January 6th, 8th, and 13th(my bday!)......So thats my of now! :) Enjoy the pictures! ( wind and rain does nothing for hair! yikes!) - Jay -

Check out his pictures:

Jay with Idina Menzel on October 14th.

Jay with Idina Menzel on November 4th. In the bottom right corner you can see the green rose he brought her. Note: Very cool idea!

Jay with Kathy Deitch. Kathy is in the ensemble. Note: She looks almost exactly like our (Sarah and Ben's) friend.

Several Wicked fans gather outside the theatre after a performance. Picture thanks to Toe-Knee.

Toe-Knee with the Fiyero understudy Kristoffer Cusick.

Toe-Knee with Idina Menzel.

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