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What is the Book of Shadows?

So what is a Book of Shadows?

The Book of Shadows or BOS is the Wiccans notebook or personal Spell Book. No two Books of Shadows should are same.

The idea of the modern spell book probably comes from Gerald Gardner. Many of the myths dates back to the time when Gardner first started his 'Wiccan' Coven back in the 1940's. Wiccans copy their first Book of Shadows by hand from that of their High Priest & High Priestess. The book should constantly be added to and should evolve as the knowledge and experience of the Witch evolves.

So what does it look like?

It could look like anything. It could be an old dusty book or it could be a note pad. They range from black leather covered, handwritten to computer printouts kept in files. Your Book of Shadows can look anyway you want it to, the more work you put into it, the more special it will be to you!




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