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  Refusal to give in to “Artistic Prostitution”

     Talks with three major labels took place. One finally led us to beleave that something was going      
     to happen. They recognized that the product was dynamite.

     After the CD was finished and a lot of talk and promises, the deal broke off. Such high quality      material was abandoned for the sake of marketing and artistic compromises that we just couldn’t      give in to. We were left with 500 high quality Smooth jazz CD’s and a feeling of great      discouragement. No international recognition after so much work and talent is so frustrating!

     But there is just certain things (that we won’t go into here) that an artist of this quality cannot give      in to. Certain principals that have to be maintained.

     We believe in the product and will make do without all the “big shots”.
     They will regret long term. And as far as Dvox is concerned, well, “the sky is the limit”…


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