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A Lil MORE 'Bout Me...:-P...0:-)

Jenn Rabbitt
E-NP High School
(641) 939-**** ask me if u wanna no!

~~~~What Should I Do??~~~~ Confused, Whether to love or hate, Whether to laugh or cry, If you and I have found our fate. You & I were special, Unlike anyone we knew. We cared for each other, And we showed it too. But then something happened, We slowly grew apart. We got into more fights, That tore apart my heart. Finally we stopped talking, Acted like the other wasn’t there. Everyone could see through it. I’m sorry if it seemed like I didn’t care. I try to deny my feelings, The feelings I have for you. But I can’t hide them anymore. I care for you, more than I showed too. I’m sorry, For everything I’ve done, All the pain I’ve caused, And for the love that never won. But you drove a dagger in my heart, And laughed as I staggered back in pain. Now you turn that dagger, And laugh as my tears fall like rain. I don’t know what I did, To deserve your evil wrath. To deserve all this pain. Why, I’ll let you do the math. If you want me in pain, I’m already there. I think it can’t hurt anymore, But it does, more than I care to share. This is all my fault, I did it on my own. I caused our fights & arguments, With the pain and anger I’ve never shown. I love you and I miss you, And if you don’t come back, I’ll understand, But a part of me I shall always lack. You made me whole, And changed me in little ways. No one could ever do that, I need you is what I’m trying to say. Please believe me, Cuz what I say is true, And if you don’t, I guess our love is over, through. ~~~~We Knew~~~~ We said good-bye again, And said it with many tears. Neither of us wanted to, But it was a wise decision made beyond our years. We knew what we had to do, And did it with our heads held high. Even though it felt like, We were going to die. I’ll always love him, Even if he makes me mad. There’s something between us, That no one else had. We knew what we had to do, And did it with our heads held high. Even though it felt like, We were going to die. We spent so much time together, We fought, cried, and cared. But it’s time to move on, And cherish the times we shared. We knew what we had to do, And did it with our heads held high. Even though it felt like, We were going to die. We both carry away memories, That will stay with us through the years. Good and bad they changed us, And made us learn from our fears. We did what we had to do, And now hold our heads strong and high. We both say, “Until later.” And never say good-bye. ~~~~Tear Stained Cheeks~~~~ I’m slipping away, Away from where I am right now. Slipping into my little dream, Yet I don’t know how. It’s like I’m hypnotized, Under life’s evil spell. On life’s little roller coaster, Where it stops no one can tell. Tear stained cheeks, From all the hurt and pain. Half the time, I don’t know why. My tears are falling down like rain. My hopes and my dreams, Are lying on the floor and shattered. People tell me I’m fine, Like I’ve never mattered. Friends leave me behind, To clean up the mess. I brought this on myself, This I will confess. Tear stained cheeks, From all the hurt and pain, Half the time, I don’t know why, My tears are falling down like rain. I put everyone else before me. I’m the last one that I give care. Everybody thinks I have no problems, But to ask no they wouldn’t dare. You this and you that, These words are often on my lips. It’s never I or me, Soon I’m going to rip. Tear stained cheeks, From all the hurt and pain. Half the time, I don’t know why. My tears are falling down like rain. Writing is my freedom, The way I let go. The way I yell, laugh, and cry. That’s how my feelings I do show. Tear stained cheeks From all the hurt and pain. Half the time, I don’t know why, My tears are falling down like rain. ~~~~Show the World~~~~ Wow!! Four years Have quickly flown by. Life-long friends were made, Along with memories that we will take away. Our freshman year, Things were all new. The little ones, We weren’t always sure of what to do. Sophomore year, What is there to say. Getting older, now we’re driving, Stay out of our way! Junior year flew by, Now we’re almost done, One more year, And the high school battle is won. Senior year is finally here, And some of us are scared. Some us are ready to leave, While some of us never cared. Throughout our years In these halls We’ve grown, laughed, cried, And strived to reach our goals. Now it’s time to leave this place, And take our memories too. Now it’s our turn to show the world What the Class of 2004 can do. ~~~~I Just Wish~~~~ I just wish that was me, You’re holding in your arms. I guess it’s safe to say, I’m not over you and your sweet charms. I look at you, Six months after us, And am green with envy, When I see you two making a fuss. For all these months, I thought I was over you. But evidently not, ‘Cuz standing by is all I can do. I can’t think of you as an asshole (even if I wanted to) ‘Cuz I care for you so much. Even though I know I can’t have you, And your caressing touch. I just wish I had one more day. To wrap my arms around you, Tell you how much I care, Hoping you’d say that too. You’ve done so much for me lately, Whether you know it or not. I just wish I could pay you back, But my love for you is all I’ve got. I just wish I could tell you this, But you’re taken, And your woman wouldn’t like that, Your relationship would be shaken. I’d prove it if I had to, But I think you believe me. If not I’m sorry, But I would try to make you see. And after all that, If you still didn’t believe me, A part of me would be gone, Forever lost in see.