Dance of the Vampires - Fanfiction!

Notes: Before you start reading, we'd like to inform you that most of our stuff includes rather graphic describtions of interaction between two males. If you have a problem with this, don't read, or at least don't complain later, for we warned you.
Disclaimer: Most of these characters don't belong to us, they belong to Roman Polanski, 'Die Vereingten Bühnen Wien', and probably a lot of other people, too. So don't sue us, thank you.
Oh and by the way, this page is best viewed with the font 'Creepy', which you can find by clicking here.

And read the cast for our stories - it helps, especially if you don't know the characters that well!


It moves! See?

Sequel to Dance of the Vampires

What happens after the Professor, Alfred and Sarah leave the Count's castle? Where do they go? And what about Herbert and Von Krolock? Our version of how the story should continue.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five in the works!

It moves! See?


The life and loves of one Herbert von Krolock.... he can't really be his son, can he?

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four in the works!

It moves! See?

Please send us some feedback!
Blood! drip.. drip.. drip.....