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All pictures are of the final London cast:

Mark:  Joseph McFadden
Roger:  Peter Eldridge
Mimi:  Loraine Velez
Collins:  Mark Vincent
Angel:  Andy Senor
Maureen:  Jocelyn Hughes
Joanne:  Jacqui Dubois
Benny:  Desune Coleman
Mark's mum:  Angela Bradley
Mr Jefferson, SOLoist 1, Pastor:  Mykal Rand
Mrs Jefferson, SOLoist 2, Bag lady:  Rachel McFarlane
Gordon, The Man, Mr Grey:  Josh Cohen
Steve, Squeegieman, Waiter:  Andy Mace
Paul:  Wayne Perrey
Alexi Darling, Roger's mum:  Claire Coates

Final London Performance
Entire cast singing "No day but today" right at the end
From left to right:  Mark, Angela, Mykal, Loraine, Peter, Jaqui, Jocelyn
From left to right:  Jacqui, Jocelyn, Wayne, Josh, Andy Mace
From left to right:  Andy Senor, Claire (thanks to Paula for identifying her), Joe, Wayne, Peter, Loraine, Andy Mace
From left to right:  Loraine, Andy Mace, Josh, Jocelyn
From left to right:  Rachel, Mark, Angela, Mykal, Loraine, Peter making victory sign, Jacqui
Most of cast watching Rachel doing SOL solo at the end of the performance

Posters Outside The Shaftesbury Theatre
Andy Senor jumping off the table in "Today 4 U" (Thanks again, Paula)
Loraine in "Out Tonight"
(Above) Jacqui and Jocelyn in "Take Me Or Leave Me" and (below) Joe.  (It looks like Joe is wearing a halo, but this is just the light bouncing off the perspex in front of the poster).

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