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Welcome to The Underground. All members of The Underground attend Oswego High School, and choir members. Due to the dislike of the OHS Choir Leaders, The Underground was begun as a rebellious group. We do not pledge allegiance to the unholy alliance of Adrian Aguilar and Jenna Schoppe. This is the spot to be, if you have a problem against the OHS choir leaders.

About the site: Under the news section, you'll be able to get a list of the latest fundraisers and events going on in OHS Choir. Take a look at the sexy people of The Underground in the pictures section. Would you like to visit or be one of our affiliates? Contact the webmaster to become an affiliate. For those that want to be The Underground members, fill out the sign up form. Of course, we'd love to all be able to get along. Post about whatever you want, whenever you want, on the new TUG boards!  Need a ride? Just want to know whose in the group? Take a look at the Members List. 




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