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(or the day before or so if I did not update this)








May 24th, 2005 at 11:13pm

Its Summer, Right?

General Thought For This Day/Night


        So, it has been a really long time since I wrote in this blog thing of mine and I really am not sure why.  I put up this website in hopes of keeping it up-to-date and all that, but that does not seem to be happening....oh, well.  I also realized that people actually read this...which I got a kick out of...cause I just really thought that I was writing to for all of you out there reading on the side tab that says "Guest Book" and sign it!  Thanks!...Anyways, back to my blog...

        This week has been so far good.  I have been on duty a lot, but its all been good...I am not complaining.  One of the things that I have been almost forced to realize it seems is that I am so lucky.  Lucky, maybe isn't the best word for it...blessed I guess is the best choice.  I have been blessed by God with so many things: true friends, a home, a loving family, and the opportunity to do whatever I want.  The funny thing is, is that I have always believed that you can do whatever you want to, if you set your mind to it and work hard.  And I learned a long time ago, everyone goes through stages in their lives...stages that dictate how they feel about the world around them and all that jazz.  I think this is like existentialism or something like that...yeah English from back in the day.

Okay, according to existentialism is

A philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts.

So I am totally wrong, but its all good!  Now its going to bother me forever what the actual philosophy is, but I will remember eventually...that or someone will just tell me, but its all good.

         Well, moving on,  what I am getting to is sometimes we so quickly throw away childhood and think that "being a child" or "child-like" is some bad thing.  I think childhood is an amazing thing...when you are a child anything can happen, you can do anything, and as a child you can believe.  Now that last comment was kind of loaded, because as a child you can believe in so many things, and what I am writing can mean many things as well.  I keep coming back to the idea that you can do anything you want to (when you grow up...LOL! Just had to add that!).  Well, what is so important about growing up?  As a child grows up, the child is forced to "grow-up" and realize that supposedly all their dreams cannot come true and that they have to make dreams that are actually achievable.  This is the concept that was in a sense pounded into me in my English class back in the day, and I still stood up and said that I believe you can do anything you want to, and I really still do believe, I really do believe.

        My thoughts keep changing and so this may be a little hard to comprehend, but I hope you get it.  And I bet you are wondering where this all came from....well, a couple of weeks ago I had the great pleasure of going to see Peter Pan with one of my dear friends.  The show was good, very good, and I had never seen it done live before.  I had seen the movie a long time ago and I really did not remember how it all went down.  Anyways, it was good, and I enjoyed it.  What I am getting at is that when it comes to the point when Peter Pan breaks the fourth wall and talks to the audience, it is a magical moment.  A moment that is moving and rather intriguing.  The audience is asked that if they believe in fairies, and if they really believe to clap their hands.  Well, the question really comes down to what do you believe?...that anything can happen or that fairies and flying and such is an out of this world, not going to happen option.  What I found the most impacting part is that Peter Pan did not even get the initial chance to say clap your hands if you believe in fairies.  The children in the audience were so riveted to what was going on that they were already screaming I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE IN FAIRIES! way before Peter Pan could say if you believe in fairies clap your hands.  Let me reiterate, way before.  The truth is that the kids did believe, and that the amazing things.  They can believe in something they cannot understand, something they may not always know is there, but they believe.  It is interesting isn't it?  That children have this hope and belief and do not even have to question it?

          Now at the same time the kids in the audience are screaming I DO BELIEVE! the adults in the audience get struck by a different thought, well, at least I did.  It was the thought of what do I believe in?  And so I am going to leave you with that...what do you  believe?








May 4th, 2005 at 3:11pm

Finally Done

General Thought For This Day/Night

Kelly Clarkson

          Many, many check-outs to do today.  Lots and many I am going to be here all day.  Oh, well, could be worse.  So, I figure I should explain myself from yesterday, and finish that thought kind of.

          To start off, it was a bad day.  Things were not going well at all.  Yeah, I know, I tend to be very vague, but I really do not sit and tell everyone or anyone every little detail ever.  Its just me.  Moving on, to start my day off, I  missed one of my finals, which was so not cool, and to wrap it up I did really bad on another final and got the worst final grade I have ever gotten in my college career.  And I know that this is so temporary, and I should not let it bother me too much, but I was just really mad.  Not to mention that there was middle to that day that was not filled with much better stuff.  Going off of the my last statement in my previous blog, I have to explain a little what I mean.  I wrote...

"I used to think that God would never give you more than you can handle, and when you are faced with a challenge that there is something to learn from it.  I guess that at this point I still very much believe this, but there is something that makes me question it.  Going along with this idea, I also believed that a person gets what they deserve, and your personal effort will reflect in the final grade (however you view this concept)."

          Now this can be taken many different ways, and I understand that.  I have to state that in some ways I still do believe this, and with all my heart, but it was days like yesterday that seem so much like a trial of your strength and integrity.  How do you stand true when others falter, how do you move on when your heart is still hurting?  That is a really hard question to least it seems like that to me.  I think the answer to this question is to God, putting your faith in the Lord, and asking for his help during times of trouble.  I know its one thing to say that, and another to actually believe it and follow through, and that part is hard.  Enough of this for today...

          So anyways, now that classes are over with for the semester, I feel a little freer, and able to do anything.  Okay, not really everything, but almost everything.  I am no longer strapped down and I am FREE!  I have been so ready for this year to end, and I am excited for the summer, and the new year to come.  YEAH!  And I am going to be gone for a week!  Yeah, a little vacation!  I need it.







May 4th, 2005 at 3:33am

General Thought For This Day/Night

General Thought For This Day/Night


          So today was an interesting day.  The last day of finals for me...YES!  I cannot describe how grateful I am to be done with school for the year.  Granted I will be here all summer and taking summer classes, I am glad that I am done for now.  This summer could not have come fast enough.

         Moving on past that, I did have a pretty bad day.  I mean it was down right awful...things could not have gone any worse, and if they had, well, I do not know what I would have done.  I used to think that God would never give you more than you can handle, and when you are faced with a challenge that there is something to learn from it.  I guess that at this point I still very much believe this, but there is something that makes me question it.  Going along with this idea, I also believed that a person gets what they deserve, and your personal effort will reflect in the final grade (however you view this concept).

         Well, this is a long story and its already 3:45 in the AM and I am going to go to sleep...I will let you know tomorrow what this all meant, if anything....













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