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Ra: From One


Ra, the Egyptian sun god. That is a ballsy name to pick, I mean you have to live up to the most powerful of the gods. By choosing this name your basically proclamining that you are a god, and this band is, or soon will be. Once they get the radio play they deserve! "From One"'s unique sound stems from a mixture of Middle Eastern sitar sounding guitar riffs and deep emotional vocals by Sahaj. This disk is the kind you pop in and just let go. From the begining of "Do you call my name" you know this disk is something different, and special. At least 5 of the songs on this disk are single worthy. My personal favorite being "Only" a hard hitting track that hints of lost love and suicidal feelings. This disk also has something most rock bands are now overlooking, a ballad. "Walking and Thinking" is a beautifully put together song, with string harmonys sounding like they were taken straight out of a symphony. Its good to see some rockers show there softer side, no matter how melancholy the message. All in all, a VERY strong record. Hard in the right places, soft in others, thought provoking none the less begging for you to turn up the CD player and just absorb the wonder that is "Ra". The Rock Chameleon has spoken!
