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OH, hello I didn't see you come in, I would advise you watch your step around here as with any remodeling job things can get messy.If you find anything wrong like misspelled words, broken links, mixed up links, or anything else I should know about don't hesitate to contact me. Also before I offically welcome you in I ask if you find and appropriate place to leave your mark or invite others in please feel free to do so, now that we have gotten safely through that lets move on shall we

I bid you welcome, all, to my little world, please enjoy your stay. Around here you will find a lot of different things. I try to update as often as I can

I would like to say hello to Katie, KC, Ashley, Johnny, Rick, Andy, Erin A.,Erin M., Jamie S, Jamie E, Kelly, Charlie, Kyle, Bill(yes I'm taking pictures), Cody(we miss you), Laura, Liz, Jane, Nikki, Jaceley,Eric, Tina,Jess,Juli, Beth, Becca, Aunt Lynda and Uncle Howie, Jim&Chris, The 'Howells'(U know who you are:P)Penny, Emily, Randy, Brandy,Paul, Kevin, Joe, Chris,all the Dannys i know, all the Mikes i know & all the Josh's &all the Ben's I know.and also my cute little kitty . I luv ya's all!

.. Emeow Me!

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Had problems with the chat-room, nobody came in here enough to really have one, yet, though! I'll put it back later if I get enough traffic.

Meet my Neopets, click on any pic to sign up to get your own pet!

kittylady got their NeoPet at
kittylady got their NeoPet at
kittylady got their NeoPet at
kittylady got their NeoPet at
Or choose a NeoDoll Faerie and click to join!

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