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This is my webpage. Literally, as there is only one page. I might make more later. Basic information on me, my thoughts, my life, my RPG characters, my LJ/blog, my music collections, and other stuf can be found here. Rah for me. Scroll down and let the wistful music of a clicking mouse lead you into my technological masterpiece.

Me, and my internet aliases
My first name is Antonette. My last name is for me to know and you to..well..not. In real life I've been describes as cold, unfeeling, distant, and mean. but, my true personality is expressed online. Really. I feel more open online, because most of you don't know me. My LJ is the center of my expression. Formerly, in a past online-life, I was once one of the most famous posters on the bboard. Or, at least I'd like to think I was. It's a Tolkien board (more about my obsession with that to come later) and that's when I invented the name by which I am most commonly called online: Leothenite. site still under construction. More to come later, I promise