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My Characters
Names Descriptions

He a white furred Siberian Tiger. He has emerald green eyes. Of course he has a large jaw filled with many sharp teeth and massive paws, all of which he uses to protect himself, his mate Ree-chan, and his best friend Sera. He was born a tiger, lives as a tiger, and will probibly die as a tiger. Eventhough he lives as a tiger, he was tought how to change his form from tiger to anthro to human, in any order, by his life mate. She also tought him to talk mentally when he is in his natural form, though he might not talk to you if he likes you not. He is my main character, along with being my first(I made him over 4 years ago).


He is a simple musician who followed a girl who he thought would help solve his life problems. Little did he know that it would create a lot more and complicate his life. As if his life wasn't difficult enough as it was.


Max is a strange one. Max is strangly an anthropomorphic feline, but has more human traits then those traits of felines. His white furred feline ears along with his long, flexable feline tail are the only noticable cat traits; the rest of his body looks human. His crystal blue eyes seem to match the color of the water of the pacific ocean. This playful kitten does not have a mate. He is a youthful kitten.


Fritti is a cute anthro tiger. This feline has icy blue eyes that he likes to use to stare at you. His body is fully white furred, except for his tail. His tail has one black stripe on it. This playful kitten has gone through a rough love life; most of the time being dumped for another guy. If you want to learn more of his life, ask him yourself.

Lord Raven Alexander DeWoulfe

The world was a horrid waste land, then, out of the ashes of death, arose two silver wings. The light of the sun reflected off those silk wings. Black eyes gazed around, searching... always search. He was once thrown down from his homeland. He creator looked directly into his eyes - scarring them black forever - and spoke to him, "Find the true meaning of life, and then and only then may you return." He has been on that mission ever since.
Keepers of the Rose (Healers/Religious Cast); Bishop (2d30); Reg#U2007HM; NC

Important rules when rping with me.
§§ Nothing without my consent. If you attack without IMing me first to get my consent and set terms of fight, then I click ignore. Oh, no Ma, AA, DM, or whathaveyou that kills my characters unless you follow the above note.
§§ Don't try to skin Dorian the tiger.
§§ I eat moders and newbies.
§§ I am straight and so are my characters.
§§ Char pic available on few, just IM me
§§ I LOVE IM RP, though it is not required
§§ Any other info you want to know about me, check out my AOL proffy.
§§ Remember: Mature Roleplay does not mean sex.
§§ Never mix IC and OOC.

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