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How to take part:

If you feel you have what it takes to be a part of, then you must read the following very carefully.

Firstly, you must be avalible to work for the WHOLE of the coming half term at any time, as well as after school for the next two weeks before and after.

You then need to choose a job from the list which you think you will enjoy doing. Do not necessarily think of acting, as there will be a maximum of 16 parts. Think about other talents and intrests you may have; do you have a flair for writing? Would you like to direct? What about costume design?

All the roles are as important as each other - they are all needed to makework. Costume design, props, crew, putting the soundtrack together, even making cups of tea and running errands, there will be a job to do.

If you would like to take part, you must fill in an aplication form, avalible from Mr Thundercliffe and state in no more than 50 words why you should take part. Closing date for applications is Thursday 12th October. The company list will be displayed on Monday 16th October.

Job Descriptions coming soon

The Theatre 484 site is maintained by Gregory Marler of Gregweb -