
I looked into your eyes
and saw a world
I wished I was in,
Because everything you are
makes my past
but a regret of wasted moments.

Time is suicide on
the mind
that never let's go of
memories once etched in
Memories that
were never supposed to betray--
The memories that I once held
I now laugh at mockingly--
The absurdity of my ignorance
never ceases to amuse me now.

My experiences burn black
with remorse,
but are stitched up
when I see that world
you hold in your gaze...

Please don't take it away,
it would cause the wounds
to open and run,
just like my mind would do
if you were to
bury something real
for dreams that don't
even exist anymore.

I want to give you
dreams that
would never smother
your conscience
or tear at your heart--
All those dead bodies
and broken foundations
of a past left in lie
are everything I
never want to make you feel...

You give me a reason to be beautiful,
and everything true
now attaches itself
to your lips.
And although I'll never be
able to see all that lives
in your mind
I realize that I'm
okay with it--
I just want to be the comfort at
the side of your bed...
Because I looked into your eyes
and saw a world I wished
I was in--
There is no one as touched
as you...

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