

So she's got all you're looking for
And I've got all you hate,
She's so fucking cute;
All I ever did for you was wait.
Does it really matter that I've got nothing to lose?
Does it matter that I'm lost and without a fucking clue?
I've given up dignity
I've given up pride
I've given up you
because she's won a free ride
On a person I've stuck by
Whether you know it or not
I could have loved you
Oh well, it's too late
Too bad she's everything I'm not
and I'm everything you hate.
Just walk away in her arms

and step on my heart,
But don't forget to pick up the pieces
No need to make a mess of the shards.
You know that those bits
Those tiny crumpled up parts
They'll always be there if your life gets too hard,
Just glue them together
and throw her aside
Until you realize that I could love you too
If you'd just let me try.

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