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Reasons to do the play.

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The Cast
Practices and Meetings
Relient K-“Chap Stick, Chapped Lips and Things Like Chemistry” video

Hey guys, So by now you've probably heard that there's going to be a play. What play are we performing? Grease is the word. The characters are cast and you can check out who is who by clicking on the link that says "The Cast". Everyone is there, so look real hard for your name. I'm getting together with all the main people-the choreographers, talent etc etc. I want to make sure we have an awesome play. Why? Well, let's just say that some of the youth group and even the adults have a pessimistic attitude about this. They don't believe that we can do this play. But I do, I believe that we can do whatever we put our minds to. If you let everyone who told you that you can't do something get to you, what would you have accomplished in your life? So we're doing Grease. The thing is we have to buy the rights to the play. The rights cost 100 dollars. I know that's a lot, but it pays for music, scripts and the right to perform the play and make money off of it. Therefore, I will be collecting five dollars from everyone.Then,we have the rights all payed for. Yay. Rehearsal will start soon as well. The first meeting is going to be during vacation. We're going to watch the movie, so everyone gets reaquainted with the movie. Yay. Well I'll be keeping you posted. Remember: if you don't think you can dance, you're dissalusional. Everyone can dance. Everyone has rythmn, find that and then you'll find your groove and you can dance. If you don't think you can sing, we'll teach you. After doing over 15 plays I think I can handle helping people sing. And if you don't want a speaking role thats okay. We've put all those crazy in your face people as the leads. You know the overly ethused people, like myself, so don't worry. Just check out "The Cast". If you don't like your part let me know. My number is in the calling or you can im me: TrulyDitzy. (that's my aim screenname) Thanks guys, Stephanie Grease is the's got's got feeling.