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ABOUT THE CHARACTER: Aigule....a teenager, male, with long brown hair, and unuasually dark, green eyes. Aigule is at an unsure point in his life; he doesn't know who to trust. He's about 6'0 tall. Aigule doesn't know why or how he was put here. He remembers very few things, except for the fact that he was once somewhere else; a very different place (parallel dimension, perhaps). He knows nothing about this war, or these sides... and that it what he plans to find out.

The First Entry If I had ever learned anything it was that I didn't have all of the facts. No one does. I will not choose sides in this war until I find as much about both of these groups. But first I feel that it is more important that I find out about myself. I am all alone here, living day by day. I tried talking to the population, and they refused to understand. These people are very gullible; they're media is filled with absurd propoganda; and they will actually believe it. But, from what I've heard, "no-believers" are found and killed. This place is really different than where I came from... I came from a land of peace and prosperity; now it seems like those things were just a dream. I have to catch my own food here, as do most of the unsocial ones of the population (who are often outcasted and forced to live in the country. Some are even taken as slaves on the singing emu farm.). I had no technology out in this place... I had to make my own bow and some arrows to hunt with; and I had to build my own shelter. And it was days like today that I missed my Earth.. My little section of the universe. Today I got attacked by a human. An actual, unprovoked person. "It's because I'm different" I thought. "Some one wants me dead for that reason." But all he was armed with was a bow and a small knife. I snuck behind a rock ledge and hit him square in the shoulder with one of my arrows; being careful not to kill him. "I might choose sides soon." I thought "And if I kill my leader, I'll regret it deeply. I could not live knowing that I killed an innocent"... as I pulled his unconsious body to the edge of town; so that some one would notice him and help him. I watched carefully, though; to make sure that he wasn't taken by an enemy in his weakened form. I returned to my shelter; and lay down, thinking. Why am I here? Will I ever find my way back home? Is that a fish in that tree? I've been looking for answers, but all I've found is pain. I finally relaxed enough to close my eyes and sleep.

The Second Entry I awoke the next day rather suddenly. I was still, trying to find out what had awoken me. I soon found out that it was that that tree. "Free food." was the only thought passing through my mind. I quickly and silently pulled out the bow and aimed at the fish. I did not have to use my eyes to see that I had hit my target; the bow and I were one. I slowly moved over to the body and studied it....It was definately a fish, and it was obviously in a tree before I shot it down. But.. trees don't live in trees.. or on land. I was going to let it lie there, because I was afraid that something was wrong. But my crave for food won. I cooked it over the fire (that I built right after I shot the fish) and ate it. It was definately a fish taste.. The first fish I had sense.. then it struck me. My past.. it was fading. I barely remembered my roots, that I came from a completely different place. "My past...gone? No, as long as I remember to remember." I said to myself..but I had already forgotten my parents names. I decided that it wasn't important now. Then I saw it. The person. The same person; I noticed the scar on the shoulder. What could he want with me? He was armed this time; a gun, and a knife. He fired at me, but luckily, my shelter was strong enough to soften the blow to my chest. I decided that it was best that I lay there and act dead; or I would be dead. I spread some of the fish's blood over my chest to make it look more convincing. As he entered my shelter I held my breath. "I got him" he said. As soon as he left, I gave a sigh of relief and let the pain and darkness take over. When I woke up, I was in extreme pain, but not dead.. I guess that's a good thing. It hurt to breathe. "Broken ribs" I said to myself... I had read about it. I needed some rest, but there was no time for such a thing. I had to find out what was going on, who hated me. I crawled out of my shelter, groaning in pain, and I saw someone. No one familliar. He has a look of concern on his face. But looks can me decieving. "What do you want from me? You want to kill me as well I su---" but he cut me off. "No such thing. I am a friend. I only come to help." He replied. "You lie." I said, not believing. "No one wants to help me. It has never been this way. Just finish me now." "Look. I am a friend. You may not know me, but I know you. I have been watching. I know of your past... And I know how to help... I know how to get you back..." "You lie....I know it." I said. "Get over it, Aigule. Not everyone wants to kill you. I know you have it rough. I want to help; I know how to help. I guess you're just so used to being decieved that..." I cut him off. "Tell me. Fine. Tell me..."

3rd "I know that I can help." He said. "Ok..." I looked straight into his eyes. "You want something." "Well, of course! does anyone do anything for free!?" There was a long pause. "Fine. What do you want?" I asked. "I want your participation in this war. I want you to fi-" I cut him off there. "No. I will NOT take sides in the war. I refuse your offer." I siad, rather nervously. "So you just want to be die out here?" he asked. "If that is what it will take." "So be it" he said as he kicked me across the area into a solid rock wall. He kicked me in the chest, right where the bullet hole was. I hit, hard. He then proceeded to walk ovcer to me and snap my neck. I thought it was over, but something inside me kicked in. I lied there, not breathing for several minutes, then sprung to my feet after he had left. I was wondering what happened inside me. This was just not normal... I was tired...but not dead.I turned around, and found a wolf in my shelter. I walked up to him, and he remained calm. I started to stroke him, he started to growl. But he soon found that I wasn't going to hurt him. "Great. Just great." I thought. "I have a wolf. I'll become a crazy old man, with a wolf. The children will fear me because I AM CRAZY WOLF MAN!" I snickered at the thought. I assumed that he was looking for some food. I threw him some of the meat that I was saving (it was my last piece of food. I would have to hunt again before I ate). He ate it, and he seemed friendlier. He moved back over to me, and sat down beside me. He lovingly licked my face. "Ummm....wolves aren't supposed to be this friendly. I'm going to be mad if you change and I lose an arm tonight"..This was definately the best that I had felt since I had arrived. I had a friend. I might be insane but I have a friend. I later named my new friend reason. It was getting late. I was out of food, I had given the last of the food to Sem.. I had to hunt. I told Sem to follow me. We walked into the forest, and soon found a group of small birds. Before I could load an arrow into my bow, Sem had darted into the group of birds. Several of them fell immeadiately. I stared in awe. "You'll sure be good to have around." This was not the same Sem that I had seen. He was in wild-animal-mode. He stood there, holding the bird in his mouth. I was astonished. I had seen wolves, but he was so fast and accurate. I brought the birds back to the shelter, cooked and ate one. It was dark before I had finished eating. I knew that I would be able to sleep peacefully that night, that Sem would be there to protect me. Today had been pleasant, considering the circumstances. I lay down and closed my eyes. The last thing I was Sem, watching over me. Then I fell asleep..

4th-ish and 5th-ish Just like I had fallen asleep I had awoken, Sem watching over me; protecting me; even though we had just met. "Hello.. how are you to-day?" I affectionately asked him. Sem just licked my face. I cooked some of the meat that we hunted....Sem hunted for last night and ate it. The past few days had been uneventful, and I was grateful for that. Little did I know then that the next few days would be the most fightening and exciting of my life. But that was two days away, I'll get to that later. It wouldn't be any fun if I told you know, would it? Anyway, After I ate, I just sat there, thinking. Thinking about my past. Then it hit me. Thinking about this won't help now. Surviving will be the only thing that would help now. I got up. It had been what seemed to be forever since I had explored the area. I chose a random direction, and went that way, Sem going with me. We walked for an hour or so, and rested beside a tree. In retrospect, that was a bad idea. And enormous snake crawled into my hair. It bit me, but it wasn't poisonous. I pulled him out of my hair, and considered keeping him with me. But I am more of a loner. Soon I would be saying "Come! My animal friends!!" And that would be annoying. So I set him in a safe place and continued walking. Soon the woods turned into a path. That suprised me a little. I quickly jumped off of the trail. "No one wants to see CRAZY WOLF MAN. Nor do I want to see them." Sure enough, people that I didn't want to see went down the trail. The person who shot me walked right by me. I don't want to think about what would've happened if he had seen me. Although I'm sure that CRAZY WOLF MAN'S trusty wolf, Sem, would come to the rescue! While, on the other hand, leaping into the woods didn't come out too well. I was captured by savages... I suppose that they were SUPER PSYCHO OUTCASTS...but it didn't matter...all I knew was that I had been captured by savages. So was Sem (he's CRAZY WOLF MAN'S trusty wolf, ya know!). We were thrown into a pit of some sort, while the people were talking. One person demanded that I get out of the hole (not in English.. But you could tell what he meant.) And put a collar around my neck. Sem wouldn't stand for this. He leaped up and attacked the person...making a very gorey, disgusting mess. Several people jumped on him, but Sem is stronger than the average...let's say...stronger than the average...Tiger. And I helped him..although he didn't seem to need it. After awhile people were cowering before the might of CRAZY WOLF MAN (and his trust wolf, Sem!)!! We went off, back to the shelter, and went off in a different direction...That direction obviously wasn't very friendly. I went in the opposite direction, and I never found a beaten path, just a lot of trees and animals. But, deep in the forest, I found a fruit. I hadn't had fruit since I had arrived. It was a very sweet, juicy fruit. I picked several off of a tree, and carried them with me. Sem caught a duck while we were out there. Back at the shelter, I unloaded the fruits and Sem ate his duck. The fruit was so delicious, I wanted to eat tghem all..but that wouldn't do..I ate 2 and left the rest inside the shelter. I went over to Sem, and sat beside him. He had his normal, very friendly attitude. He was always so calm, until he changed, got angry. He seemed well diciplined. But I wondered how a wild animal could be so nice. Maybe it was the influence of CRAZY WOLF MAN..maybe he went out in search of a person to befriend. I slowly stroked him. He stared at me with his loving eyes. Then I realized that it was dark. It was getting very dark; almost pitch-black. I crawled into my shelter, as did Sem. He layed across my stomach (which made me rather sore in the morning), and I went to sleep. As with the night before, the last thing that I saw was Sem, lovingly watching over me. When I closed my eyes I deampt of home. My real home, a whole world away...

Nichts bleibt für mich. I woke up, memories of the past filling my thought. I shook them out. It wouldn't help now. I was in the present. I ate some meat, and gave some to Sem. "I'm going to go insane out here. I know it. But, I'm already CRAZY WOLF MAN..." I went back to the place where I had found the fruit and almost picked the tree bare. I kept walking. That was a fatal mistake. I was attacked. An arrow struck me in the back, and I passes out. When I came to, I was in a hut, and there were people chanting. "Same people." I thought. I was numb..but I could still manage to stand up. The second that I did so, two things happened. I saw Sem, outside the hut, sleeping, and I was suddenly surrounded by people with spears. I got poked several times in the shoulder, and I started to bleed...but it wasn't important..I was lead to a big man, I assumed that it was the leader. Sem was forced to come, too. The big man asked me some questions through sharades. He pointed at Sem, and then pointed at me. He then began to act like a domesticated dog. "You think that I tamed him?" I asked...of course he didn't reply. I then started acting like a wild animal and then pointed at him. The man was not happy with this. He went over to Sem and started to beat him with his fists. I ran over to him and tried to drag him off of Sem. He then started to attack me. He had a very powerful punch, and I was weak from the arrow. I fell to my knees. The only thing running through my mind was "This is it. I am just going to die here. Sem will die here because of me. I can't let that happen." I dodged his next punch and undercutted him. He fell to the ground.. I broke his back, but the wound would not kill him. I could not bring myself to kill the man. But then, the whole village was on top of me, screaming in anger and terror. Things like this make Sem go into kill mode. It wasn't a pretty sight, at all... all of the people who didn't run off were dead. "You are very good to have around." I said to Sem, "Just...don'" Sem licked my face. THE CRAZY WOLF MAN STRIKES AGAIN...I turned around and went back to my shelter. "I should've never left...AGH." I said. I sat down in my shelter. It hurt to breathe. I soon found myself in a deep sleep. An unexpected visitor arrived. It was the same person who had almost killed me last time. He walked over to Sem, and kicked him. Kicked him so far that he went flying across the forest into a tree. Then he proceeded to stick his fist all of the way through my stomach. I woke up just before that and gave a huge cry of pain. My stomach was in two peices, as were sever other organs. Is this the end of Aigule and Sem?

The End?