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Welcome To Snow Petpet!

If you want to use one of these fonts just copy and paste.

[font c=#FF3399 s=5 f=papyrus][glow c=#FF99FF s=7][shadow c=#990099 s=7] NeoHTML [/shadow][/glow][/font]

[glow c=#FF1493 s=5][shadow c=#8B0A50 s=6][font c=#FFB5C5 s=3]Light pink font color with dark egding[/shadow][/glow][/font]

[glow c=DeepPink s=5][shadow c=HotPink s=6][font c=white f=VioletRed s=3]lneoHTML[/shadow][/glow][/font]

[glow c=BlueViolet s=5][shadow c=MediumOrchid s=6][font c=white f=Purple s=3]zafara font [/shadow][/glow][/font]

[glow c=DA70D6  s=5][font f=tomboy c=DDA0DD  s=3]Pinkish purple*lol*[/font][/glow]

[glow c=DarkViolet s=5][shadow c=FF7F00 s=6][font c=white s=3]neoHTML[/shadow][/glow][/font]

[glow c=DDA0DD s=5][font f=tomboy c=800080 s=3]PURPLE!!!*lol*[/font][/glow]

[glow c=#B452CD s=5][shadow c= #8B008B s=6][font c= #FF00FF s=3]neoHTML[/shadow][/glow][/font]

[glow c=DEBDDEs=5][font f=tomboy c=A50063 s=3] Purple w/ out a shadow *lol*[/font][/glow]

[glow c=CE007B s=5][font f=tomboy c=218429 s=3]pink and green*lol*[/font][/glow]

[glow c=A50063 s=5][font f=tomboy c=E78CC6 s=3]Rasberry *lol*[/font][/glow]
[glow c=FF0099 s=5][font f=tomboy c=ff0444s=3]neoHTML[/font][/glow]

[glow c=FF4040 s=6][shadow c=CD7054 s=6][font c=FF8C69 s=9] Salmon/ Redish*clap*[/glow][/shadow][/font]

[glow c=FF9900 s=5][font f=tomboy c=ff0000 s=3]Fire*lol*[/font][/glow]

[fontc=FFFFCCf=tomboy][glowc=FF9966s]red and white[/font][/glow]

[glow c=FF7F24 s=6][shadow c=CD853F s=6][font c=FFA54F s=9] Sand *clap*[/glow][/shadow][/font]

[glowc=00658FFs=7f=tomboy][shadowc=cyans=2][/glow][fonts=4c=014578CF][glowc=00052Fs=7] neoHTML [/glow][/font][/shadow]

[glow c=6495ED  s=5][font f=tomboy c=1E90FF  s=3]Blue*lol*[/font][/glow]



Questions and Answers

Q: Can you make me a custom made font?

A: Yes! Neomail me telling me what kind of colors you want and the font will be coming in a few days (give it a week... I might be busy!)


Q: I made a font... Can I add it to your website?

A: For the time being no. I wont be able to update the site everyday! Plus I want to keep the site with mainly my work :)


Q: Can I neomail you?

A: Sure! I love getting neomails. My latest Inbox organization is to put all the 200 neomails in folders that make sense. Don't tell TNT I have that many neomails... they might get mad :O


Q: Why do you have mainly Pink and Purple fonts? Do you like those colors?

A: Now that you mention it I really do Have a lot of those colors! It is just because the color charts always have more purples and pinks... Ill make some more blues!


So... you want to learn a little about me. My neopets username is rdj56. I love my pet... it will never be up for adoption! Right now my goal is to get the gold book award