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Lara's Apt..

Apt look: You walk into the hallway and there are pictures on the walls. One of Lara and Madonna under the big golden "MUSIC" sign and the other is of Lara under a waterfall half naked. The living room has a big screen television with sattalite and it is attached to the radio so that she can pump in any kind of music that she wants. There is purple beanbag furniture piled together in clusters making whole couches and such. Where a dining room table would there is a little statue of her playing the flute. One the walls here are pictures of music notes and people who play them. There is a cluster on the wall of all the stars that she either loves to listen to or has met. Artists like: Jim Croce, Willy Nelson, Ememien with Dr. Dre, Jimmy Hendrix, Tool, Rancid, and the Ramones. The kitchen:Done in a forest scene and on the walls and ever the utensils and fully stocked bar are all in forest green with wild animals. Bedroom one:OFFICE:desk, phone, fax machine, computer, comfy chair and another desk on the other side for her proofreader. (Sign on the door:Lara's Business) Bedroom Two: (Big sign on the door that says keep out)(Lara's studio) Bedroom Three:The largest of the three bedrooms. The room is a big waterfall decoration done by Alexandria Maze and you can see her name in the water. Large canopy bed with bars and scarves attached to it. Windows are covered in dark blue drapes. Side tables are done in red oak and a dresser with a vanity mirror that is usually off. Big closet that if you opened you could tell that she has expensive taste and she can afford it. One a table all by itself is a large cage with a ball python in it. Bathrooms: Both done in moon and stars. One with a laydown tub. Lara's car: Fly..Fly..Fly..Fly... Those are the words for this Cherry Red Pimped Out Dodge Stealth. It has special night light rims, AC/heat, Speakers that were put in just to hear the perfect pieces. (Bose radio system). The word "Music" etched into the glass in the back window.

