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"...and call him by his name!"
" Hey Jerrie, so you smell that?" Rumpleteazer asked her brother. Mungojerrie lifted his nose to find a delicious smell! " Mmmm, whot is that Teaza?" he asked. They both had cockney accents (Just keep that in mind, I will not write out how they say every word!) " I dunno, let's go see!" The two cats followed the scent to house not too far from the junkyard. The house was mostly black, with circle windows and a flat roof! I was very weird indeed, but whoever lived there, sure knew how to get a cats's mouth watering! Rumpleteazer noticed that the house had a porch, and on that porch was plate with Straussburg pie! " Jerrie look!" Teazer said as she pointed to the pie! " Straussburg, my favorite!" he exclaimed as teh two raced up to the porch! But they weren't the only ones who smelled the pie. Mungojerrie could see two little black ears sticking up from the other side of the dish! They stopped short and looked at each other. " Uh, hello?" Jerrie asked. Hearing there was someone else there, Mistoffolees jerked up to see his friends. " Misto?!" Teazer asked, rather surprised. " Yup, it's me!" he said cheerfully, licking his lips. " Mistoffolees, where'd you get the pie?" Jerrie asked. " Oh, the nice lady inside gave it to me!" Misto replied. Just then a short lady, a bit rolly-polly, stepped out to the little black cat. " Oh, did your friends come to have some pie?" The lady asked the little cat. Mistoffolees started meowing, Teazer and Jerrie started rubbing up her legs. " All right, all right, c'mon in y'all, there's plenty where that came from!" The lady lead the three cats inside, the smell of wonderful food rose from the kitchen! " Smells good!" Mungojerrie announced. The lady emmerged from the kitchen and placed three plates in front of them. Each one was different, and each was the cat's favorite dish! How'd she know that? Misto asked himself. When the cats were done, the lady took the plates away. " We can't stay here much longer, we have to get ready for the Jellicle ball!" Mungojerrie reminded his friends. " Awe, c'mon Jer, we 'ave a week!" Teazer replied licking her lips. Mistoffolees noticed that on the refridgerator, there was a calendar, and a date was circled in red. It was the same day as the Jellicle ball! That's funny, maybe it's just a coinsidence. But of course, if it was, that entire paragraph, and the whole purpose of this story would be useless! Not to mention boring and confusing! The lady started to stroke the cats one by one. " Now, I wonder if you guys have names..." " Three of them atcually!" Mungojerrie said. Misto and Teazer laughed! She started to pet Teazer. The lady had long hair, and teazer started batting at it! The lady laughed. " Youre such a teaze! Maybe that's what I should call you: Teaze!" " I would much easia to keep track of my names that way!" she said as she batted her hair again! She put her down and pet Mungojerrie. He rolled on his back and let her rub his tummy. " You remind me of my very first pet, a policle...I mean a dog...heh heh! His name was Jerrie, after my son! Maybe I should call you Jerrie!" Misto was following a weird and uncomfortable pattern delveloping here! How does she know all these things? He asked himself. She started to pet the little adorable black cat! Suddenly Misto heard the words of Old Deutoronomy's Ad- dressing of cats: " a little token of esteem, is needed like a dish of cream..." He looked around, but Old D wasn't there! Who's singing that? he wondered. The song continuned: "...and call him by his name.....Mistoffolees!" It was the lady! Somehow the lady knew the Ad-dressing of cats, she knew their Jellicle names! But how? Misto jumped down from the arms of the lady, he turned to her, and suddenly he knew how, she had somehow inheritad the Jellicle terpsichorean powers! The circled date, she was going too, but why? Misto turned to his friends, they knew too. Mistoffolees conjured up a little spell that would allow him to speak to the lady. " Excuse me ma'am? Don't think me rude, but you know the terpsichorean powers, but how, and why?" The lady didn't seem at all stunned at the fact there was a strange black cat talking to her! " Why, because I've known about the Jellicle cats for a long time! Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but for once I'm going to prove them worng, by being the first human to go to the Jellicle ball! And you three are going to help me!" Mistofolees gasped. " No, we can't!" " C'mon guys let's get out of here!" Teazer pleaded. " We have to stop her from finding out anymore Jellicle secrets!" Misto replied. He saw into the terpsichorean powers, and reveresed it, then took them away. " No stop that, give them back!" The lady pleaded! " No, it's over!" Mistoffolees meowed. She never knew what he said. Return to Fan Fiction Return to Teazer and Vicki's Jellicle Junkyard