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Methina and Mistoffolees:

Together at last!

Quick note: Anything in italics is an inner thought.
Anything with *asterisks and in italics * is a thought
to another magic cat!

The Jellicle ball was over, and dawn was breaking. I had watched as Old Deuteronomy had chosen my sister Mecina to go to the Heavyside layer. It broke my heart to see her go, but just before she faded away from me for the rest of my life, I caught a glimpse of a faintly remembered cat: Masclimbo, her lover. I knew then that she would be happy in the Heavyside, until she would be reborn, and come back to a different jellicle life!

I knew she would be happy, up there, with her lover and Mother, who everyone knew as Grizzabella. My father, who cares nothing at all for me, is Macavity. That's where the magical powers of mine come from. Speaking of magic, you ought to know Magical Mr. Mistoffolees! Well, if not he's a long time friend, whom I've known since I was a kitten, but our true feelings were never revealed…until now.

We watched her: the other jellicles and myself, off to the Heavyside. I gazed up to where the golden staircase had lead her up, and wouldn't let my eyes wander until I noticed that the other cats where bidding each other good-bye.

At that moment, an overwhelming sensation came over me: I was alone. My sister was in Heavyside…my sister! My sister, who all my life had watched over me, was gone!

I lay down and rested my chin on my front paws. I could feel a lump of tears building in my throat. I sensed someone else was nearby.
" I know how you feel…can we talk?" A voice asked. I had heard it before that day, I had felt him before that day; it was Misto.
How does he know how I feel? I thought to myself.
*I know these things…can you respond? *
*Misto? * My mind thought to him.
* You can respond…you really are magic! *
" You didn't think so?" I questioned, my voice chocked with tears.
He began to say something, but he stopped, came over to me and held me close. I could feel my eyes filling up with salty tears.
* It's okay, you can come to me whenever you need someone…it's okay to cry. *
I immediately broke down and began to cry into the white fur on his chest.
" I'm here." I heard him whisper.
I didn't know why I was crying, but all I knew was there was a new feeling around us, more vibrant than the night before when we touched for the first time.

It wasn't long after the Jellicle Ball when Baumbalurina and Tugger announced that they were going to be new parents. We all knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of time for the two of them to reveal their love.

Other couples were also going to be parents: Cassandra and Alonzo, and there was a rumor going around that Demeter and Munkustrap were too!

I was still a bit timid around the others. I wasn't sure how they'd respond to me. Would they hate me like they did my mother, or maybe because of Macavity. I didn't find that he deserved to be called…dare I say it…father?

Why does family and relationships mean who we are? With most cases, others judge you for who raised you, or who you were born from.
Mistoffelees' a perfect example, his father was a great magician. He had more powers than any before. He was more powerful than Macavity, and a quick thinker. He could bring Scotland Yard to their knees! But it wasn't to be. According to Misto, Macavity killed the rest of his family, but somehow left him to die on his own.

This is why I'm scared he won't like me. I'm not in my heat cycle yet, but everyday, my feelings toward him grow stronger, but my mind knows that my fa…Macavity killed his father, the most powerful magician ever! And what of Munkustrap? Macavity once loved his mate, surely he wouldn't see that anyone who so much as spoke of any relationship with him with would certainly be exiled, like my mother. Indeed with all my family ties, this was no place for me, the daughter of the glamour cat, and an evil dark hearted sinner!

This is stupid! Why must I stay inside? I want to get out, but I fear hurt… Heat cycles are weird, you want to feel it, but fear it too. You want to be loved, but the lover my be not the right one. I have to get out! I wandered about the junkyard a little, a really bad idea to begin with but I couldn't stay cooped up for the next three days! Then I heard a low growl, not a treating one, but a seductive one.

Uh-oh I thought.
I turned to see Tumblebrutus standing on a platform above me. His eyes locked upon me, they weren't like Misto's. Misto's were comforting, gentle, and sweet. These were not the eyes of someone who cared about anything more but pleasures!
I turned to run in the other direction, he followed. He chased me into the center of the junkyard, where some other of his buddies were waiting. Nice going bonehead, now look what you've gotten yourself into! Plato stepped forward and started to sniff me delicately all over. I stiffened when he got near my tail. I didn't like this!
" So, you're ready aren't you?" he asked as he circled me. I took a deep breath.
" Maybe I am…what's it to you?" My voice was shaky. He moved in closer.
" You." He whispered, and jumped on me. We tumbled for a bit, and then another jumped on him, trying to get at me. Why me?
With every move and gesture he made, got closer to what made me a queen. I kicked and clawed at him, but he held me down. I was in deep trouble, and needed help.
*Misto where are you? * I called to him through thought.
I heard something ring in my mind, it was him, I knew it. I couldn't think straight; there was too much confusion.
" Get off of her!" Someone called. They stopped, but didn't make any signs of moving off of me. I lay there, under Plato, my eyes closed tight; trembling at what he might try to do next.
I felt him move away from me and another stood over me. His nose came delicately close to my fur, I shied back a little.
Don't hurt me! I pleaded.
* It's me don't be afraid. * I opened my eyes to see the whites of Misto's two front paws close to mine. He reached for me, and he held me in his paws for a moment.
" Leave her alone." He said again. His tone was like ice.
" Fine, we will." Plato's voice was sly. " But as long as she isn't claimed by you or anyone else…" He directed his attention to me; I looked away.
" I don't mean to scare you Methina, but as long as you're not claimed, you're fair game to anyone here." Misto growled at this. The other toms turned and left. We didn't move or say a word for a while. He started to move away.
" Please don't leave me." I said softly. He stopped and layed down next to me, one arm over me. I curled up next to him, and wept. I was so scared, I knew they were gone, and Misto was here, but Plato was right, I was fair game to any willing tom who wanted me, unless Misto… Then it struck me, I was falling in love with Mistoffelees. I was madly in love, but still so frightened. Why was I so scared? Misto was there with me...maybe it's because of who I was born from that he doesn't like...maybe because of that, he doesn't like me!

Everyone in the junkyard knew who my parents were, they knew them well unfortunetly.
Misto finnally spoke.
" Methina," he said softly, close to my ear. " I...I know you were hurt today, and..." his voice trailed off. He looked around. " Maybe we should finish this conversastiom at my place." I nodded still a bit shaky. He lead me to a small little "cave" at one end of the junkyard, still with one arm over me. I was being stupid earlier, why doesn't he like me? There is no reason, why else would he be so kind?
* Truth is I...* His thought broke off, he looked at me, fear in his eyes.
* What is it?* I thought to him. He motioned for me to go inside his nest.
It was dark inside, but part of that was due to the time of day: it was just before nightfall. He motioned for me to lay down. He snuggled next me and spoke,
" Methina...when you first came here...that night...I immediately saw you in a whole new light, a loving light." Our eyes locked passionately. His gaze went deep into my eyes, then he blinked and looked down. " Anyway, I knew that...I loved you...and I don't want to see you get hurt again. But the only way I can make sure of that is if..."
* Say no more, I know what you mean. * I thought to him as lovingly as I could.
Our eyes locked. He started brething heavy and turned away. What was wrong? I read his thoughts: Don't lose control, don't lose control, control yourself Misto... I smiled a little He really does love me! " I wouldn't mind Misto, if it's with you." I said softly in his ear. He looked at me, we started to kiss...and it was a simple one. I could tell he wanted to let go, he was practically trembling. I was in heat, so I wanted it. My smell is a dead give away to any tom wheather I liked it or not, so why doesn't he want to?
" What's wrong Misto?" I asked him.
"'s just..."
* Sometimes it's easier to think, than to speak.* I thought to him.
* Are you sure you want ME?* He asked, his thoughts trembling. I nodded. He smiled, I did too. Finnally, someone who loves me!
He kissed me, it was passionate. I licked his lips. He licked them. His eyes closed and I knew he liked it. He came to me, and for the rest of the night, we let go of our control, and no one else could hurt me, because Misto and I were mates, and no one could change that.


After that night, I began to become aware of a new feeling within me.
Did it really work? I thought to myself I looked to the wonderful tuxedo cat snuggled up against me. I nuzzled him. He groaned, but a sleepy smile came across his face and faded as a deep sleep returned.
I sighed and stepped outside. It was early morning but some of the other cats were awake.
I trotted up to Jelly's place, nervous of the outcome that she may have.
" Jelly?" I called out.
" I'm here, c'mon in!"
I trotted inside and greeted her with a little hug.
" So what's the matter dearie?" She asked.
" Well, lately I haven't been myself and I want to know what's wrong with me." I was hoping she got the hint that I was curious about if it worked or not. Thankfully she did, and started sniffing me delicately. She smiled.
" It seems to me that that new new and strange feeling is due to kittens!" I beamed with joy and pride.
Jelly smiled and laughed a little at my expression.
" I'm sure you'll be a great mother Methina!" She nuzzled me and I went back to tell Misto that he was to be a father!


" Are you sure?" Misto asked me when I told him the news.
I lauhged a bit, " Yes I'm positve, I know Jelly wouldn't lie!"
He smiled and kissed me, and he held me in his arms. I knew that he would be a great father, but would I be a great mother?
Certainly I'd be better than mine!

Not too long after that, I noticed something about one of my good friends that just didn't seem right. Rumpelteazer and I had become very good friends and lately she'd become a bit distant from me, even Mungojerrie!
Nobody could talk to her, she wouldn't say anything to anyone! I asked Etcetera if she could talk to her, but she said that she tried and Teazer wouldn't tell her anyhting!
I finnally went over to her place one day and asked her what was wrong.
" Teaze?" I called as I entered to the basement window which was always left ajar. " Teaze you in?" I called again.
" Methina?" called a small voice. It sounded like Teazer's, but it wasn't cheerful, or peepy like it usualy is.
" It's me Teaze, can we talk?"
" I suppose...c'mon down 'ere." Methina jumped down into the basement and walked over to Teazer who was curled up in a basket covered with a blanket. Her back was turned toward me.
" Teaze, what's wrong?"
She was silent.
" Teaze?"
" Nothin's wrong Methina."
" Teaze, you don't have to lie to me, I'm your friend, and friends tells friends stuff when soemthing's wrong. And Teaze, something now is very wrong. So please, won't you tell me what's wrong?"
Teazer lifted her head from her blanket and looked at me. Her checks were wet from tears is looked like, her eyes were still glossy from them too.
" Oh Teaze," I comforted her. " It's okay, please tell me." She grabbed me, and she cried into my shoulder. I nuzzled her, trying to calm her tears.
" Please Teazer." I whispered to her.
Her sobbing softened a bit and she pulled away. She wiped the tears from her eyes, she came close to my ear and whispered, " I'm with kittens Methina." I pulled away and looked at her in shock.
Teazer with kittens, but with who?
" Teazer, why's that so bad?"
She focused on the ground in front of her.
" It's not easy being a single expectin' queen Methina." said a voice. It sounded like Mungojerrie's. I turned to face him.
" Single?" I turned back to Teazer, and nuzzled her. " Oh Teaze."
She began to sob quietly. " I'm sure the others will help too you know."
Teazer pulled away and looked at me with horrified eyes.
" Oh no Methina, I can't let the others know about this!"
" Why not Teaze?"
" I dun know but...I just don't want anybody else to know that's all."
" But Teazer, you can't keep this a secret forever. Sure know you may not look it now, but what about in a few weeks? You just can't stay cooped up here!"
She looked like she was going to cry again.
" Besides, it's better to tell it now then later." She looked at me. She looked like she was thinking about it, then slowly nodded.
" I suppose you're right Methina. I'll tell Jelly 'bout this tommorrow."
" Do you want to go together? I have to go there anyway."
Teazer looked at me in shock. I guess I forgot to tell her about me.
" You 'ave to go to Jelly?"
" Yes, I didn't tell you?" She shook her head. I laughed a bit and said, looks like we're in the same boat." She smiled, got up and nuzzled me.

A little while after that everyone gathered around Bomby and Tugger's nest to welcome new kittens into the world.
Jelly came out with a smile and announced that there was one tom and one queen in the litter! We were so proud of them!
Tugger, who normally doesn't show affection toward practically anything, started jumping up and down and bounced off the walls like an overgrown kitten! It was rather amusing!

A few days later, Misto and I were just walking around and talking about nothing in particular when Tumblebrutus came running up to Misto.
" Misto, there's another tom here to see you...he claims to be your father."
Part 1 Return to Fan Fiction Return to Teazer and Vicki's Jellicle Junkyard