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Chapter 9: Conversations

Hey, hope you liked Chapter 8!  In my humble opinion chapter 9 basically rocks!!!!  ENJOY!

Soon after Mungojerrie and Jemima embraced Munkustrap roughly ripped them apart.  A low, menacing growl rose from deep within Mungo’s throat.

“Mungo, I’ll be fine.  Just let me talk to them.” Jemima whispered.

“Are you sure?” Mungo asked his eyes showed fear.  Fear that Munkustrap would hurt her or their kittens.  Jemima nodded slowly.

“Ok.” Mungojerrie said after a few moments of tense silence.

Munkustrap and Demeter took the opportunity and led Jemima away, towards their home.  Jemima walked between her parents, occasionally glancing over her shoulder to throw Mungo reassuring looks.  The three cats walked on, a palpable silence enveloping them.  To her right, Munkustrap’s eyes were icy and unforgiving, his paws clamped tightly into fists.  To her left, Demeter refused to meet her daughter’s gaze, her mouth set in a tight line.  Jemima looked down at the swell of her belly, smiling inwardly.  A sense of relief washed over her as she realised that no one could hurt her or her kittens as long as Mungo had a breath left in his body.

When they arrived at the Old Ford, Munkustrap opened the door, gesturing for Jemima to get in.  Jemima leaped in deftly, followed by her mother and Munkustrap.  Jemima sat at one end of the backseat her paws twisting uncomfortably in her lap.  At the other end her parents stared at her quite intently.

“How could you let this happen?  What were you thinking?” Munkustrap demanded, finally breaking the stony silence.  Demeter quickly quieted Munkustrap.

“Jemima, your father and I just wanted to understand what has been going on.” Demeter said gently.

Jemima wasn’t sure how she was supposed to answer this question.  Should she say that she had fallen in love with Mungo the moment she had first seen him.  That she had snuck out of their home every night just to be with him.  That the two of them made the most passionate love everyone of those nights, and she was now carrying his kittens. That she had never been happier.  Jemima settled with,

“I love him and I am going to have his kittens.”

Both of her parents looked shocked by her answer.  Munkustrap’s look of shock quickly turned to rage.  “He forced himself onto you.”

It was more of a statement than a question.

“NO!” screamed Jemima.  She was so shocked by the ridiculousness of Munkustrap’s statement that it was almost laughable, almost.

“He would never hurt me!  He loved me!” Jemima yelled.

Demeter took this turn of events as a chance to talk, “He only said that he loved you, so you would give yourself to him.  He was using you.”

“Mungojerrie is not Macavity.” Jemima said through gritted teeth.  So this was the problem.  Her parents didn’t like Mungo because he used to work for Macavity.  Jemima had never felt so much anger in her entire life.

Jemima saw her mother’s paw swipe down at her before she had a chance to react.  Demeter’s paw made contact with Jemima’s cheek with a loud smack.  Jemima’s cheek stung and burned and tears of pain, anger, and frustration came to her eyes.  Without thinking she jumped out of the car and ran through the darkening Junkyard in search of Mungojerrie.


Mungojerrie stood, watching Jemima walk off with her parents.  He didn’t think that they would hurt her, but he knew that they would tell her to leave him.  Those of depression and sorrow overcame the feelings over anger.  If Jemima left him he would have nothing to live for.  He had never loved a queen as fiercely as he did Jemima.  Besides Rumpleteazer, she was the only queen he did love.

As if she knew that she was in his thoughts, Rumpleteazer appeared at Mungo’s side.  Rumple was her usual cheerful self, but her cheerfulness faded as she saw her brother’s expression.  For the last few weeks Rumple hadn’t seen very much of Mungo, it seemed as though he was never around.  But when she did see him, his face was bright and he always had a merry grin plastered on his face.  The change in his demeanor startled her.  She gently nuzzled her head against his shoulder.

“What’s wrong ‘Jerrie?” Rumple asked softly.

“Nothin’.” Mungo said.  Rumple could tell that something was indeed bothering him so she tried again.

“Mungo, I know very well that something is wrong.  I am your sister, you are supposed to tell me when things bother you.” Rumpleteazer said, hoping it would do the trick.

“It’s about Jemima.” Mungo began.

“Jemima???” Rumple said in a confused tone.

“Yes.  Remember that day a few weeks ago, when she was sitting on my lap, and then we left?” Mungo asked.

“Yes, I remember.” Rumpleteazer said

“Well, one thing led to another, and we ended up mating.  And I’m in love with her, and she is carrying my kittens now.” Mungo said

The look on Rumple’s face, after she heard this, was priceless.  If Mungo hadn’t been so totally bummed he would have laughed.

“So you are telling me that you are the father of Jemima’s kittens?” Rumple asked astonished.

“Yep.” Said Mungo proudly

“Well why are you so sad then, you big lummox?” Rumple asked

“Munkustrap and Demeter found out about it, the wrong way.  And now I am pretty sure Munku is going to kill me.  And I will never be able to see Jemima again or our kittens.” Mungo said miserably.

“Oh!” Rumple said, as if everything had become clear.  “Don’t worry.”

“DON’T WORRY!!!!” Mungo yelled.  “How can you tell me not to worry?  The only queen I have ever loved could be taken from me in the blink of an eye.”

“You know that Munku is a big sweetie underneath everything.  If you and Jemima really love each other than he won’t stand in the way.” Rumpleteazer said

“Do you really think so?” Mungo asked

“I’m sure of it.” Rumple replied

Mungo felt somewhat relieved that Rumple thought everything would work out for the best.  Suddenly Jemima came into view, running blindly due to the tears streaming down her face.  Mungojerrie ran to meet her and grabbed her in a fierce hug as Jemima told him all that had happened.

Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6.
Part 7.
Part 8.
Part 10.
Part 11.

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