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Odd Thoughts
Thursday, 13 November 2003


>>1. What is your full name? u cant say it.
>>2. What color are your eyes? brownish black
>>3. How tall are you? 5'5
>>4. Do you wear contacts? no i cant get em on my freakin eyeballs.
>>5.Which of your features is your favorite? my chubb...oddly enuf its my comedic half
>>6. What would you change about your appearance if you could?
dude id be halle berry if i cou.d>
>>7. Is your skin dark or light? ill have to get back to u on that one
>>8. Do you have a big nose? no
>>9. Are your ear lobes attached? no
>>10. Do you have freckles? i have a giant one on my forehead
>>Do You Believe In:
>>13. Heaven? yes
>>14. Hell? yes
>>15. Angels/demons? yes
>>16. Aliens? no
>>17. Reincarnation? no
>>18. Purgatory? no
>>19. Mother Earth? she's tha reason why i have allergies dadburnit
>>20. Love? only as cruel and unusual punishment
>>What's Your Favorite:
>>21. Song?: hey yea and tha happy song and i wish and staceys mom.
>>22. Movie? drumline
>>23. Day of the year? feb 14...
>>24. Sport? basketball
>>25. Food? anything that will fit in my mouth
>>26. Hobby? eating
>>27. Season? hunting? lol jk.
>>28. Biggest Turnoff: gah...i'm not sure...
>>29. Magazine/Catalog? twist...and journeys...and alloy...and victoria's
>>30. Color? im sorta partial to the color black.
>>Have You Ever:
>>31. Been lost in the supermarket? sadly dollar tree lol jk.
>>32. Had a crush? no never
>>33. Fallen more than 5 ft.? i fell down and im above.... 5 ft.
>>34. Gone Skiing? thats a white thing.white ppl always go and break their legs and their like duh...that was fun,....
>>35. Been away from home for more than a month? yup.
>>36. Squirted milk out of your nose? no..
>>37. Eaten a bug? was at a football game and i was sitten there with my mouth wide open and a bug flew in and dont ask why mouth was open.
>>38. Danced around in public? I dance to the music in Suzanne's head.
>>39. Gotten Drunk? no
>>40. Been in the newspaper? yeah
>>Do You:
>>41. Bite your nails? yes
>>42. Keep a diary? yes.
>>43. Sing in the shower? yes.
>>44. Get seasick? no
>>45. Make friends easily? yes
>>46. Have diabetes? oddly enuf yes.
>>47. Play sports? too fat for that im uncoordinated.
>>48. Enjoy animals? party animals?
>>49. Eat meat? black people love meat.
>>50. Live in the city or the country? suburbs
>>Are You Scared of:
>>51. Flying in an airplane? no
>>52. Sailing in the ocean? no
>>53. Losing someone you love? yea.
>>54. A broken heart? ive sorta bcome immune thanx 2 js.
>>55. What happens after death? ...
>>56. Failure? also immune.
>>57. Needles? daily i see needles.
>>58. Getting Cancer? no
>>59. Hurting people's feelings? i hate doin that...i always fel bad in the end.
>>60. Being poor: no
>>What is your:
>>61. Best characteristic? makin other ppl laugh constantly
>>62. Worst characteristic? inability to shut up
>>63. Bedroom like? havent seen my wall and carpet in weeks...thanx to clothes.
>>64. First thought when you get up in the morning? aw men...i have to wake up again
>>65. Secret ambition? hooters waitress or crossdresser odly enuf
>>66. Life goal? not talkin for a day,
>>67. Best advice to people? always pick c if u dunno
>>68. First memory? stealing deolas cracker
>>69. Biggest annoyance? ppl that pretend to have northern acccents that nobody likes and tell my best friend to shut up
>>70. Biggest time-stealer? mi computadora
>>How Many Times Do You:
>>71. Comb/brush your hair? too many times
>>72. Feed your pets (if you have any)? i hardly feed myself
>>73. Change clothing? 4 in tha morning...6 by lunch and 10 for dinner
>>74. Check your e-mail? irregularly
>>75. Turn on your radio? constantly...i must caw to something
>>76. Yell at someone? lessee webb jonathan walker...lil smelly kids on my bus...oh yea i yell alot
>>77. Leave your house? a hermit
>>78. Talk on the phone? sometimes?
>>79. Read? i try?
>>80. Think about your friends? yup they're always makin my life a livin hates
>>Would You Ever:
>>81. Walk up to a perfect stranger and give them a hug? well at tha lz....
>>82. Go sky diving?another stupid white ppl thing.
>>83. Send a secret admirer letter? every valentines...just for tha fun of it...
>>84. Play a humiliating practical joke on someone you detest? sure.
>>85. Sleep on the cold cement in your underwear to meet your
>>favorite celebrity? b2k or bow wow or sam howell and ill go!
>>86. Lie about someone to make them look bad? no most ppl look bad by themselves
>>87. Steal? i admit i stole a peace of gum from deola a while back..
>>88. Walk a half mile in the rain just to help someone out?

duh...ill catch a cold?

>>89. Jump off your roof just for the heck of it? fun stuff thur.
>>90. Be nice to someone just to get something you want? mehbe...
>>When Was the Last Time You:
>>91. Watched a movie? umm i watched chicago (again) on sundway
>>92. E-mailed a friend just to say "Hi"? i don' remember
>>93. Took out the garbage? i try toavoid manual labor which explains why im fat
>>94. Stopped to count your blessings? yea i guess
>>95. Had an awful day? for tha past 15 years
>>96. Stayed in the hospital? in 5th grade
>>97. Got together with friends? i try to avoid them
>>98. Said "Thank you"? last time i sneezed,
>>99. Dressed up for yourself?

Posted by musicals/ridiculouslydolls at 7:32 PM EST
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