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Playainfo (4:56:06 PM): hello im am an info person from cphs and lhs i give people info about other people, and they give me something. someone has asked for info about you that i can not find anywhere, jared,if you give it to me i will giive you free info about people you wish to know more about that go to one of these 2 schools
Playainfo (4:56:15 PM): i can tell you where people are going or anytihng you need to know
Playainfo (4:56:34 PM): if you are not completely satisfied, i will find another way to pay you
TheDarkOne090 (4:57:04 PM): fuck off
Session concluded at 4:57:08 PM
Playainfo (4:57:33 PM): whats wrong?
TheDarkOne090 (4:57:41 PM): WHo are u?
Playainfo (4:57:49 PM): info person
Playainfo (4:58:04 PM): theres are at least one at most schools
Playainfo (4:58:12 PM): i have leader and cphs though
TheDarkOne090 (4:58:38 PM): and howd u get my sn?
Playainfo (4:58:48 PM): im an info person!!
Playainfo (4:59:02 PM): i can get practically allinfo really easy
Playainfo (4:59:31 PM): try me ask me a question about someone
Playainfo (4:59:46 PM): something you dont knnow
TheDarkOne090 (4:59:47 PM): I prefer not to
TheDarkOne090 (4:59:58 PM): first off, u cant get thsi sn i shouldnt be listed on it
TheDarkOne090 (5:00:13 PM): second off, why even bother, if i need info on someoe i can get it another way
Playainfo (5:00:16 PM): i dont get it from listings
Playainfo (5:00:43 PM): i get info from other people
Playainfo (5:00:47 PM): accurate info
Playainfo (5:00:57 PM): dont you wanna know anything
TheDarkOne090 (5:01:09 PM): Why would i?
TheDarkOne090 (5:01:14 PM): Info sucks
Playainfo (5:01:22 PM): a can tell where peaople are goining, when there on vacation, where they live, phone numbers, etc..
TheDarkOne090 (5:01:38 PM): ok, so what smy phone #?
Playainfo (5:02:07 PM): i already said i dont give info i people already know
Playainfo (5:02:35 PM): but if you really wanna know i can find out, and give it to ya later
TheDarkOne090 (5:02:46 PM): ya, try to find out lets see
Playainfo (5:02:51 PM): ok
Playainfo (5:02:54 PM): naything alse
Playainfo (5:02:58 PM): ...thats not about you
TheDarkOne090 (5:03:13 PM): not till i see u do this =/
Playainfo (5:03:22 PM): ook
Playainfo (5:03:31 PM): brb
TheDarkOne090 (5:04:48 PM): k.
Session concluded at 5:12:32 PM