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Mountain Top
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12 September, 2006
No updates for a while, lol, but I'll heal the wound...
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A 1700s-ish doll and a pirate! Yay, I've ackled the 'never dolled 'em before' problem. And, cause I've never tried pirates or historicalish dolls before, I'm very, very pleased with the results! Also, the revamped version of my mermaid and a back to school doll are both in the works, so there's something to look forward to! =^^=

10th June, 2006
Finally I've managed to get together some palettes-all made by me, if that means anything when it's palettes...
Anyhoo, they're on the tutorials page. The 'Tears' tutorial, which is supposedly up-according to the tut page-is not as of yet. But it will be soon, so please, no ore e-mails about broken links XD! So, the palettes are for anone to use, no link back is needed, blah blah. In case you hadn't noticed, that's all I have to say, which is why I'm rambling about palettes. So i'll stop now.
Wait-afterthought! I did add a new dolls page, but only really becasue I'm planning on creating bazillions of new dolls to fill up the blankness. Like that'll ever happen. But you never know. Until next time...;)

6th June, 2006
I've decided to ignore the date and update anyway-hey, who says anything bad'll happen? Except now angelfire will probly close or something...I have to get a new host thingy!
Anyhoo, on the subject of newness, I decided to rename the site *shock horror*. The old one was too...cliche if ya know what I mean. Now it's original (sort of). In case you haven't already noticed, I've also edited the layout. It's now pink, and the font's diffrent *gasp*..not such a big deal, but I've got nothing else to put here. Well, I do. But I can't be bothered. I'll put the new dolls on the dolls page after i've checked the colour thing on all the pages..I'm too lazy to put em up here first XD. And, shock horror again, I've written a tutorial. On patterns and such. which someone's already complained about. so, apology added to bottom of recolouring tut page! =**=

30th April, 2006
New contest for all you lovely people out there. I would give you a taste of it here, but then you might not bother to look at the page...
More contest news is that the other two contests are on hold. All entries so far are still up, but no more will be added for a little while. At least until this contest's done. =**=
And, finally, I made a new doll but I'm too lazy to put it up. So there's something to look forward to.
