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Peaches and Cream

*5-20-03 umm yea an update im just gettin this stuff up..um so check back later maby. *5-14-03* ok so this job gets harder and harder (atleast for me) well im going to post the site up for now, its not done yet but its pretty good for right now. so uhh yea tell me what u think about the colors im still working on some otehr stuff. *5-13-03* Damnit im screwed i cant think of a song and a dance....crap if i cant think of them im screwed....ehh whatever time for some p- wait nvm time for uh....forget it. Ohh and also this site may be going under big changes. VERY BIG. *5-12-03* The first entry of this site, you can e-mail me with some suggestions. So check back later for more updates. Im not so sure on the colors so give me some help.

Email: paintballguy25@hotmail.com
umm k thanks for viewing this site come back later!